Do atheists really outgrow it?
Is he one of us?
Atheism is really a phase, yes. I had a devout atheist phase in middle school and early high school. Not gonna answer the other question.
Isn't he a Jew?
Shot I'm too embarrassed to tell my parents my atheism was just a phase.
>one of us
Religions is for sandniggers.
Real aryans are atheist. Always.
No. Atheists are just degenerate nihilists with weak morals. Even Muslims have more honour than atheists.
>Is jew zuckercuck one of us?
nope, next question.
Atheism is a Marxist plot, period.
just because he's religious? he came back to the dark arts of jewry and that's something you call based?
>yahoo news
>Bases morals on books thousands of years old, translated several times, with people adding and removing shit for various reasons
>Has to be threatened with neverending pain to keep himself in line
>Atheist morality is so weak
Atheist morality is kind of like religious morality, except we don't base all our morals off one book and claim it was divinely inspired.
He's muslim now
Zuck is literally trying to become Big Brother. Ministry of Truth-ing the news, thoughtcrime policing, surveillance... The only thing left is the face cages with the rats.
I feel like Zuck, though being a kike, probably is an OK dude and is just a major autist.
He wanted money and his own company so he can build some cool shit, but the kikes told him that if he wanted that, he needed to play ball with them.
They get their yellow page skynet on everyone, zuck gets to build shit for africans and fuck his MILF chink wife.
Idk I feel bad for the guy, but whatever.
Redpill me on Zuck.
I have a huge 30's-middle aged asian woman fetish btw.
It's probably as you say, he works for Jews and is the face of it all. He isn't redpilled to fight the Jews but realising the truth about religion is quite the red pill.
I haven't. But I have never been of the opinion that religion isn't important.
I don't buy a single bit of it, but there is no arguing that religion has helped make Western Civilization what it was, and how bad things have gotten since most of society has rejected it.
So, even though I do not believe, I DO believe that it is a system that keeps people on the straight and narrow. Whether what is said inside of a church happens to be true or not is completely irrelevant, so long as it provides a net good to society.
Noone is "one of us" noone wants to be "one of us", we're just an image board that is filled with alt right ideals and agenda.
Also, I'm going to post something from a book:
>What then is the role of belief for a leader in these times and those to come?
Understanding the hold that belief lays upon the undiscerning is the first step. There are beings who discern and those who do not. Those who discern are, in the normal course of events, of the leaders, although we must admit that not all leaders are as discerning as they should be, and some discern not at all. Likewise, not all people of the lands are undiscerning, and, as will be discussed later, those of the lands who are discerning are most dangerous and must be handled with the greatest of care.
>Whether leaders or peoples of the lands, those who do not discern are but the highest of the animals. Because they are like unto the cattle of the fields and the sheep in the meadows, a discerning leader’s role is to care for them. They must be fed, and they must be kept happy and healthy. They must also come to understand that not all their desires can be satisfied, and therein lies the role of justice and discipline, for, as in the case of animals, one cannot appeal to the reason of an undiscerning individual, for one such has no true ability to reason. Rather, such an individual wants and feels, then uses a crude form of logic to rationalize those desires. The most dangerous are those who are skilled with the tools of logic and reason and yet have no true understanding of the universe that surrounds them, for they will use such logic to make themselves the center of their limited world, regardless of the cost to others—or to themselves.
>Most important, because not all desires can be satisfied, a leader must also offer comfort to the undiscerning. One of those comforts is that of faith, the comfort of the irrational, the comfort of believing that a supreme being cares for each and every being who prays to this deity. A leader may claim, “But I care for those for whom I am responsible.” That should indeed be true, but the truth as such does not offer comfort to the undiscerning, for a leader is not seen as a supreme being. It matters not that a leader ensures that murderers are caught and punished, or that food is shared equitably so that none starve. It matters not that a leader provides justice and a land where the industrious prosper. The undiscerning will not praise the leader for such; they will claim that all the benefits provided by the leaders are the “will of the deity.”
>For these reasons, a truly wise leader will always align himself with the perceptions of the undiscerning. He will not claim credit for what he has done, but will remain modest, and assert that he was but carrying out the will of the deity, “Yahweh,” “Allah,” or “The Almighty,” or whatever divine appellation the undiscerning of that time and place have adopted. By so positioning himself he will reduce unrest among those over whom he is placed to care, and thus minimize the use of force and applied justice.
> Atheism never existed before Marxism
Shut the hell up faggot
Maybe he was feeling guilty over laying the groundwork for an AI-overlord mass slave state so in order to forget about it all and avoid a potential moral crisis which would actualy involve self-exanimation he re-adopted the religion which tells him that it's his job to lord over all of the dumb goyim with the rest of his rich elite tribesmen
Atheism has a taste in shoving bananas up your ass
Organized religion is a lie but God is very real.
Not an argument
Atheism is an IQ check
If you don't get past the Atheist phase, you're stuck at or below 100 IQ
All of these. The Anglo Trifecta