Bridget dead
Kamin Mahtidielilassy
Omar Inddareer
Pauline Isorags
Richard Butterfiled
Naomi Fardos
Bridget dead
Kamin Mahtidielilassy
Omar Inddareer
Pauline Isorags
Richard Butterfiled
Naomi Fardos
what invitations?
to his pizza sex party
>bridged dead
>kamin mah tidy lil assy
>cum in my tidy lil ass
can someone shot the FBI a tip?
i mean, real chat for a sec, do you guys actually belie this stuff?
i'm worried that you do
>Omar In da reer
disinfoing today?
No, it seemed believable at first, but now, it seems a bit silly, sort of '9/11 was an inside job' level of crazy
>Richard Butterfiled
>Dick Butt-er-filed
except i have seen this invitation shit throughout the last few days. it points to something actually happening.
Why do girls think degenerate jailhouse style tattoos are cool? It literally makes them look like dirty trash hoe's.
Ha, hardly, its a shitty troll
do you have any proof of that?
the burden of proof lies not with me friend: you are the one claiming extraordinary things, all i am claiming is that people like to troll on Sup Forums
Then what the fuck are you so concerned about faggot? You said it, Sup Forums always has some crusade. 9/11, Jews, niggers, Area 51. What's the problem now?
Seems to me you could just fuck off right now and there'd be no skin off your back.
I dunno, maybe you are right, just feels like everyone is drinking the kool aid ya know
no, you are trying to claim that its NOT extraordinary.
im choosing to take it a little bit serious because sometimes these kind of things are legit.
...yes? i am saying its not true, you are saying it is, ergo, you have to provide actual proof.
its the demon worshiping shit that seems unlikely to me.After The Jimmy, us brits are all too aware of how deep pedo rings can go
Maybe so, and its not bad to hear dissenting opinions, but there is some substance to these claims, it hurts nobody that they're perpetuated on a Mongolian basket weaving forum, and you and people like you who disagree with their validity can always be constructive or just walk away.
Ur all idiots. These are password to the live show on the onion site. If you don't already know what that is, don't ask.
wat dis?
I know you said not too, but my curiosity has the better of me; what is the Onion site and what kind of "live show" are we talking about?
The kind you don't talk about on the clear net
is "the onion site" a reference to the Onion Router?
>Captcha is select all images with pizza
told you there was some legit shit about it. but i want to know what kind of show it is too.
lets try to find out where that show is located at and watch it, Sup Forums. PS: why would they even post it here?
i wanna watch it Sup Forums. just to ease my curiosity.
can we get our detectives and find out where that show is?
probably the kind of live show that gets you v&, like Club Penguin, real torture show, etc
Also, thread is kill
i just wanna make sure its nothing that relates to me.
shouldnt we have an olbigation to find it if its even being posted on Sup Forums? or is this for the illuminati agents? if so, we have actual proof of illuminati activity here. (and i am refering to the world elite)
trips of truth. I'm too apathetic/lazy to do anything about it, but I mean sure, do some snooping
No its not illuminati. Like the other user said, its stuff like club penguin, trust me you don't want to see it. Very bad stuff
well until i have confirmation its just rogue anons i want to see it myself to make sure its not some elite conspiracy.
nvm, ur the other user. ok i believe you.
im sorry for asking this kind of questions but i had personal reasons to snoop around that.
Holy Christ Adolf, you have the weirdest hard on for this
>personal reasons
its ok Gustaff, we won't tell anyone you're into cheese pizza
no, im a little paranoid and i allways assume its someone important to me. i know, its crazy.
ah, like a livestream of your 6 year old niece Erika being tortured or something?
sort of like that. yes.
except its a certain person im worried about. but anyways,
>sage the thread goes
Relax, user. Your friend is safe. Kek wills it.