How can we Even compete?
Why are there so many Indians in IT?
DDoS Stack Overflow
because they are 1 billion
How many in Canada?
Just curious
Because they're stupid enough to consider any tech they develop fair game. Intel patent jews the fuck out of everyone with their x86 patent.
>"hey we developed multi core processing, here everyone use it!"
>"why are we so broke?!"
Fuck AMD
it's a meme
What does any of that have to do with Indians?
Those two companies have cross licensing agreement. They can freely use each others patents.
it's the easiest STEM field to get in to and IT is very overvalued at the moment
IT is a profession that could be completely eliminated with a well made laminated flow-chart
They're trying to invent toilets
Too many Indians. Not enough convenience stores.
>IT - Stands for Information Technology
>Information is mostly transferred by digital signals
>Digital signals consists of 01
>India invented 0
>India invented number system
>IT is basically Indian Technology.
You're probably some SPIC pretending to be white
Indians have done nothing after finding 0. The only skill you people have is copying. You guys don't even think for yourselves.
Why so angry?
It's kind of hard to make progress when you are under constant attack from batshit insane muslims for 1000 years.
Unlike traditional STEM fields computer hobbyism is easy to achieve. You can pursue it with limited funds and India has created a social phenomena centered around it.
There isn't that much to it, they did it because they can.
that gif is rude
I'm from Iraq and am Christian. Eat shit.
T. Assyrian
They are cheap and Americans are dump enough to hire them, even though they suck in everything they do.
Germans and Austria had this phase, too, but they went way past it. Now their IT is white again.
They copy and paste from stack exchange. Indians are like a mentally deficient version of the Jew.
Honest to God I feel bad for you guys. Your parents must have done something to you guys to fuck you up for good.
All of the Indians in my program are deeply sad with life. They stay ib big packs copying each others everymove. Like a school of fish.
>I'm from Iraq
Well. Iraq isn't doing better than India, they are doing worse.
So you're only making my point.
Because they so poor that they stoop to being code monkeys whose entire line of work involves googling stack exchange solutions
>work in IT for a managed services company
>some customers outsource their IT to India
>absolute fucking nightmare when trying to talk to them since none of them know anything
>Indian guy rang up the other day saying he wants a Priority 1 incident raising because some servers were powered off
>checked the logs
>they fucking asked us to power them off
>have to deal with vendors such as CISCO
>they outsource their technicians to India
>again, they know nothing
>always ask for the incident to be re queued again and again until it's assigned to somebody from Europe
People like Raja Koduri obviously know their shit but in my experience your average Indian IT guy is fucking useless.
They're not exactly mentally deficient, they just have no self-respect. But plagiarism makes money not self-respect.
Being a good programmer, or being intelligent, having original thought, etc. does not make money. You make money by being a minority and by plagiarizing. Who cares if you suck at programming, they just copy paste other peoples codes and know enough about manipulating it to keep themselves on the payroll.
They're intelligent enough to exploit an easily exploitable system. Maybe if they put all that effort into actually learning to program they'd go somewhere in life but if they're happy they're happy.
Even now Iraq is still wealthier than most of Eastern Europe. It's kind of funny though because Christians, my own people fucked it up for us. Christians went from 2 mill to 200k in 10 yeara over there.
Bush did 9/11.
>T. Assyrian
At least we aren't forced to worship a cuck pedophile and dreams of return of the gay caliphate by musdlime leaflet.
Why do you guys hate indians so much? They are pretty based. They are not violent as niggers and hispanics, they are mostly doctors, engineers or IT, and the make us laugh with their funny accents.
>Hate niggers for being unemployed
>Hate polaks for being plumbers
>Hate for being "doctors and engineers"
>Hate indians for being doctors and engineers
Gee, you guys are angry as fuck
>They are not violent as niggers and hispanics,
They're been under 1000 years of influence and cultural enrichment from islam.
A lot of muslim bigotry has been passed on to the Indian system.
Assyrians are Christian. The only nice part of India is where St. Thomas Christians and Assyrian missionaries went.
You can do it with any shitty PC and you have value as west companies can outsource to you.
They found their niche.
If unit tests pass succesfully, outsourcer does not give a shit. He's probably an accountant or something and doesn't have a clue about code quality. Customer also don't give a shit since he can't see source code
>IT is a profession that could be completely eliminated with a well made laminated flow-chart
Tech support could be eliminated or severely reduced if users weren't a bunch of idiots, bless their empty heads.
wat india has been largely anti-islam for their entire history.
Their caste system is based off polytheism and they definitely don't treat monoethestic religions well except for christianity which is their largest minority.
Islam is not well treated in India.
You are an Iraqi, you can fool your canadian cuck mates but not us you pedophile
Not memeing, some Indians work hard as fuck. They live for it.
Nobody hates indians for being doctors and engineers or being in any other field with a high demand and worker shortage your moron. People hate the ones working in competitive fields that undercut actual nationals by large margins driving down both wages and job availability.
Continuous fighting with mudslimes doesn't leave much time for innovation.
>wat india has been largely anti-islam for their entire history.
They have also been infested by millions of muslims over that period of time.
Twhen you violently mix two culture, some of that shit will eventually be rubbed on to each other.
Bullshit like honour killings and stuff like that.
Because they are cheap, and corporate middle men only care about lowering immediate, visible expenses to make themselves look better.
The is a direct correlation between how many poos a company hires and how worthless their code/programs are.
Tech support only exists because of older generations. Millenials grew up with computer and they don't need tech support. Maybe some of them do, but it will go away as technology gets simpler and easier to use.
India has some of the largest pharmaceutical research companies in the world actually.
They're behind in research, but not by much. They leach off 1st world country patents due to their lack of patent protection. I love India's pharmaceutical patent laws though, it promotes research in the right context. Cipla is basically on-par to Gilead which is the current top pharma company in NA and EU.
Gilead only survives because they can charge $80,000 for a hep C med that costs $15 in India.
Perhaps in a true free market I wouldn't be saying names like Cipla or Gilead, because there would be about a thousand companies producing medicines, which is how a free market should be.
>Continuous fighting doesn't leave much time for innovation.
It depends, the tanks were innovated and invented for ww1, because they needed a war machine that could crawl down to trenches and shoot people from the side of the tank, and then the tank can pull itself out of the trench.
WW2 made a lot of innovations in airplanes.
We also invented nuclear bomb during that time.
The problem is India was relatively low tech, and the muslim faggotry kept you guys down during that phase.
Indian pharma has the unfair advantage of being able to research on street kids nobody is going to miss.
How can the West even compete?
Western out sourcing, ninety-nine percent of them just copy paste code though.
Whites will always be needed purely because of our honest work ethic.
>They're behind in research, but not by much.
Indians Pharma don't want to focus on research much. We don't have intellectual property rights here, we copy the way over-priced drugs in US markets and sell them in cheap here and in your market as generic drugs.
So that's why my processor is so shitty... the more you know.
Ants have NEETs, too.
>falling for the AMD meme
Intel is and always was master race as of the Pentium.
>Millenials grew up with computer and they don't need tech support
the amount of computer illiterate 20something year olds that i have to work with is frightening
just because they can use their latest iphone doesn't mean they can solve the simplest shit
Doesn't India bloody worship a cow and hold them sacred?
To any of you Poos lurking in this thread, how the hell do you explain to your customers in your taxis and tuk-tuks that you'll have to run up the fare if some beef gets in the way of their destination?
Maybe because all your women look like cows and don't shave their arms in the first place, it probably explains why your traffic is so shit.
India puts cows on a pedestal as well as women judging by all the shit you see posted by curries on social media.
Truly, poetry in motion.
We invented weapons, Mysorean Rocket invented in India was the predecessor of the Congreve rocket which helped a lot for Brits winning the Napoleonic war.
You do realize literally every single drug released by big pharma in the US and EU has been tested in Africa right? lol
Yes but the market isn't free right now. Big pharma knows that due to regulations there's no way any small company will release a med. They'll be trapped in FDA hell forever and they can buy all the small biotech firms at will.
India's laws are the best option for scientific advancement. They pay NA and EU pharma companies money to teach them how to synthesize drugs. So if you got rid of the whole regulated market in EU and NA no longer would it be a $1bil journey to get FDA approval, it might be say $1mil because a thousand companies would have a thousand variations on a drug that they are trying to approve.
It's hard for me to explain in short form but India's laws regarding pharmaceutical patents, regulation, and similarly South America's laws regarding pharmaceuticals are also significantly more beneficial to scientific advancement and economics than NA and EU laws. I could probably write like a novel on the subject if I really got into it lol
Yeah, had limited funds when i built the pc. Next time I'll be getting proper intel gpu/cpu.
AMD was good back in 2001-2006 though.
>Indian pharma has the unfair advantage of being able to research on street kids nobody is going to miss.
Actually they don't need to test it since most of them are just plain copy of high priced foreign drugs marked as generic.
When you have a billion people it's easy to find a few hundred thousand high quality workers
Some students just can't learn to program, no matter how tech literate they are otherwise.
Of course women get away with it by calling job interviews patriarchic oppression.
India has a glut of engineering graduates, which push prices for them down locally. So much so, that other countries see the low price of 'engineers' from India, and assume that they can be swapped in for local professionals. Executives consider it the equivalent of getting gas down the street where it's $1.50 a gallon, instead of paying $2.50 at the station near home.
Thing is, without a great deal of oversight, Indian IT / Engineering professionals tend to be very low quality. Back to the gas analogy, it's like buying gas that has water in it. Cheaper, and much worse. Due to the demand, 'engineering colleges' are everywhere, putting out students of variable quality.
At the high end, Indian technologists are on par with any of their US counterparts, but at the low end you end up with the horror stories so prevalent when someone mentions outsourcing.
because they actually study instead of buying guns and shoot kids at school
Because they're cheaper than white IT guys.
We don't care about cows mate, we just don't eat beef that's all. Cow is god is just an excuse of killing muslims and untouchables.
Also, remember the guy American cunt that made a cheap cancer drug overpriced in US a few years ago?
Well that guy went against an Indian company selling a copy of his drugs for pennies in Indian court.
Guy tried to outsmart a judge and bam, he lost. We went his anger out by saying 'IDC my drug is for rich westerners and not for poor Indians they can do what they want'
im not talking about programming, im talking about simple end-user shit like "this is the error screen i get what do i do"
when you wonder why adobe or ms software is buggy as shit and the ui is brain damaged, its because software is done in india
>Also, remember the guy American cunt that made a cheap cancer drug overpriced in US a few years ago?
That asshole and his ilk deserve murder.
Well, that's just experience and has nothing to do with actually creating something.
by buying intel chips.
Seems like the valley goyim found out. Back to the mountains for me it is *rubs hands and shuffles away*
>can't play cricket
Thank you for this gif.
The socket thing is not true, though. LGA1150 has been around for quite a while now.
it = indian technology
indians are pretty cool though, they can go to any country and win spelling bees in that country in under 2 months
in technology, they seem to really like communication, networks and mobile phones
Cheap labor, repeatable tasks, Cheap labor, has no original thoughts therefore no conflicts, Cheap labor.
He would have sentenced to a few weeks in Indian jail (which is no less than a death sentence to rich white boi) if he continued with his sarcasm in Indian court.
Tbqh taking refuge in a European country isn't that original either, my fellow Ahmed.
Disagree with the cricket part.
You mean shkreli? It was a toxic zooplasma drug that was also rarely used for HIV antiretroviral therapy. I know Sup Forums praised him for eliminating the gays but in reality there's over 700 treatments for hiv nowadays and he raised the cost on one drug that is not used in modern hiv treatment except in rare cases.
Also because of weird loopholes although he raised the cost he was obligated to also give away the drug for free if you emailed the company. At least in the US. Outside the US the price remained the same.
Inside the US he only raised the cost for insurance companies. If you live in the US and need HIV antiretrovirals you can actually email Gilead Sciences and receive free antiretrovirals. What a fucking bizarre ass system where you beg big pharma for drugs lol
When I did my internship at Gilead sciences I was at board meetings for HIV medicines and yeah they don't give a shit about people lol
They had slides showing how great HAART was for the pharmaceutical industry in that as soon as it was approved in the mid-90s sure AIDs declined but Gilead's stock skyrocketed and HIV rates also skyrocketed. People weren't dying from AIDs anymore so Gilead selling antiretrovirals benefited from it. HIV is Gilead's cash cow. They cured Hep C because there's no reliable daily treatment. Curing HIV? lmao no way that's reliable income.
>le every German poster is a muslim may may
Go find a loo to worship. IT companies absuing Indian workers is a bad thing, not a good thing. I've seen many Indian co-workers in the US simply treated like shit since they were trapped in that company due to their H1B requirement.
I can't do any software updates on my work computer without asking IT to do it for me.
Obviously I can easily update Java, but IT locks us out of admin privileges. Job security, I suppose.
Talking about this guy, he lost the lawsuit and went batshit crazy
>IT companies absuing Indian workers is a bad thing, not a good thing. I've seen many Indian co-workers in the US simply treated like shit since they were trapped in that company due to their H1B requirement.
We don't care, they had two choice - Either to use the education they got in the country to make it better or run after dollars.
They chose the latter they deserve suffering.
Glad we agree. Best of luck making India Great Again! Germany, however, has a long road ahead of itself. People here have no idea whats coming.
You do realize you're an Indian yourself right? The people that leave India and are abused are victims of a system setup to specifically abuse humans. Surely you cannot support this.
This system could have easily manipulated you, you were just lucky not to fall prey to it.
>unironically believing young generations could trouble shoot their way out of a paper bag
Growing up browsing goybook and jewtube doesn't make you remotely tech literate. Sure their are more youbg people into tech but the overwhelming majority of normalfags are complete fucking idiots
They are half as competent and cost only a third.
>Boss decides to get website updated
>Sure I can do that, let me have a few days to whip something up in wordpress.
>No user, Have hired Indian company for £1000 to do everything.
>3 months later shiny new website is ready
>Straight out of 2004 with shitty web shop.
>He thinks its good because he spent money and cannot be wrong.
>Why are we using watermarked images and other companies content?
>Why is there ton's of english commenting in the html with reference to free templates?
>No user Indians do goot work.
>Sudden surge in websites popularity [but not sales]
>Pajeet has uploaded fake db to shop and is using us to spam people.
Still won't change his mind.
>Pajeet ha
Change Merkel and bring back nationalism and for the love of your country stop teaching your kids that they don't deserve national pride because they gassed Jews once.
>Get enrolled in India college (which basically a 100,000 people contesting for a single seat in college)
>Get admission in it and studies
>Boards the first plane to west for more dollars after completing the course
>Talking about how shitty and third world India actually is and how you don't want to go back ever
>Start whining and start missing the homeland when they are treated like cheap labors
I do realize they are Indians, just are just Jew tier ones.
What's your skin colour just out of curiosity? I'd like to know what caste you think you are in.
Your first mistake was suggesting wordpress
Your second mistake was not sending an offer from yourself to your boss undercutting them by £100
>They are half as competent and cost only a third.
This is the reason why we can't have nice things.
I don't look like him but my color matches like in the pic.
>How can we Even compete?
how not
I havent heard they are exceptional. And even if they were there are many good people over here no reason to hide