So pol, im too fat for the american military (what a surprise amirite) so i was thinking of taking advantage of some cucked country thats tossing out citizenship like candy and enlisting in their military. It seems only the US has extensive weight requirements. What country would be the best for me? Taking into account time it takes to gain citizenship, and which will take fat boys. Im leanimg towards Australia, since they dont have weight reqs, and i already speak their language so thats two, another thing to put into perspective is i dont want to die in some foreign military, id ultimately come back to the US and serve the worlds greatest military once in shape, but the hard part is getting there. So what countries military is best for me goys?
So pol...
> any sane, normal, and modern army's response to your fat ass
How do you intend to sign-up for the aussie military without already being a citizen?
They are not the FFL, and you cannot join
Have fun being in the Malian army.
Just lose the fat and join US military.
Been trying for 6 years now, cant do it
Just looked up the details, its very possible
If you're a fat ass you don't belong in any military, plain and simple. Get a personal trainer, watch your diet and exercise.
This was meant for
Had a trainer in the past, too lenient, the only type of motivation i respond to is something similar to a football coach, when someone was hounding my ass like that always kept me motivated.
Your weight is a choice just don't be fat
You're right, im not fat im beautiful the way i am. Thank you.
How many pounds are you over the requirement?
How are fat people even real. Just don't eat for a while nigger! Ride a bicycle! Ffs
The Australian military has standards for BMI as well, however they are more relaxed than the US on paper.
That said our military is far more selective given its smaller size and limited budget. You need to considerably outperform the standards on paper to be a realistic probability for selection.
For instance to apply for entry into a standard army reserve officer role I was advised to aim for the Commando (tier 2 SF) fitness standards to have a good chance of selection.
Ive read that article at least 3 times throughout the years
Hit the gym you lazy faggot.
I have 2 years worth of college hours and im pretty much a genius so whatever version of the asvab they have should help me
I can almost guarantee i have more hours in the gym than you
Well shit user 40 is definitely doable. I knew a short and chubby Polynesian girl in high school who lost around that to meet AF physical requirements. Talk to a recruiter and they might get you into a delayed entry program for like a year in which you can lose weight with the recruiter. Not sure if they do that for everyone but it doesn't hurt to try.
If you're still fat that's a negative thing, dingus.
Not necessarily.
You will be asked to nominate a preferred role prior to doing the aptitude test. Then it is a matter of pass/fail depending on the role you desired. If you do not meet the cutoff for the position you nominated a careers counselor may suggest other possible roles. A high score on the aptitude test won't really help you because if they feel you are shopping around for roles then you are not really prepared for enlistment.
Ok then whats the easiest position to get into? Like i said im not there to stay, just to get prepared for US military
If you're too fat for the US military, you're probably too fat for any other military.
A) Aus military likely has higher standards than the US for the entry level roles.
B) It is a red flag for recruiters here if someone has served with a foreign military (likely even allied countries) that could be the case in the States as well
C)The US National Guard might be a better fit for you
Multiple roles in the ADF do have weight requirements.
You might want to get fit if you're going army but with navy and air force you should be all g
Australian military takes any fat fuck they can get their hands on, actually have have a clue what you're talking about before you speak for it
>any fat fuck they can get their hands on
>actually have have a clue what you're talking about before you speak for it
What clue do you have shit wit? The Australian army is mostly light infantry. Fat people don't survive light infantry.
Are you fucking retarded?
Stop replying to the underage fatass and let this embarassing thread die.
Just looked it up, said no where about physical reqs, just gotta pass their shit tier PT test and youre golden. Prove me wrong
I can see how someone trying to better themselves could appear intimidating to those who lack self improvement
>people actually taking this shit bait
Kill yourself, OP
Nice trips
And >mfw im just testing if (yous) work or not. And they do.
>says someone else lacks self improvement
>won't join US army cause too lazy to lose weight
Link doesn't say anything about physical reqs... understanding your flaws and actively seeking to improve yourself is self improvement
>BMI above 33.
>You will be classified unfit for entry to the ADF
Do you not know what BMI is?
>i can either get in shape, or I can take foreign citizenship and fight for a foreign country
I pity the military that has you in its ranks