5 Afghani "teens" rape Swedish boy


Y E S !

At least it wasn't a swedish girl. This will teach the boy a valuable lesson in diversity.

This is how homosexuals reproduce.

Swedish boy was culturally enriched.

I thought they just raped another Afghani. It is pretty normal in Afghanistan.

>Swedish boy
He was also a afghan.

The boy who was raped was also Afghani, who cares

You mean a Swede.

The victim was afghan as well, I think instead of jailtime they all got like a month each at a home for 'messy' kids. That's clever, put them around other kids so they can rape even more.

Through all the memes and the power of kek, does anyone stop and reflect at how awful it is that some kid just got gang-banged and is now mentally-scarred for life? Not trying to guilt anyone, but it's a little sobering and sad.

oh sven


>The victim was afghan as well


sven redeemed.


15 months in juvenile detention.

Will not be deported because 'too dangerous'.

More like ''oh Abdul''. They're so common in Sweden now that the crimes are inflicted upon themselves, not the original, dying Swedish population who are soon a minority.

Can you imagine how the fucking family feels. Especially the poor fucking sod who has to live with the fact that these animals will be out and free in a couple of years. If fucking that. Scum like that needs taking out back and shooting no matter where you are from.

Daily reminder that the boy getting raped was also afghani, not that you'd care

Isn't pedophilia rampant in Afghanistan? Those kids were probably raped themselves. I don't really put the blame on those afghans, I put the blame on the people who let them in.

"rape" swedish boy.

Knowing Svens he probably offered his boypussy willingly.

So a true Swede then.

Afghani boys for afghani boys, swede boys for babah girls.

Its pretty rampant. We'd see signs or fucking hear it going on when we were out on patrol. Afghani police would turn a blind eye or get in on it themselves when they weren't busy getting high or selling their gear.

I didn't see it but I heard some squad from another unit (101st if I remember correctly) killed a couple guys caught in the act. Dunno if they were ANA or police.

Tfw no babah girls