>"white women shouldn't breed with black men because their IQs are low"
So does that mean whites should breed with asians instead of other whites or blacks?
>"white women shouldn't breed with black men because their IQs are low"
So does that mean whites should breed with asians instead of other whites or blacks?
Other urls found in this thread:
>white women shouldn't breed with black men
You shouldn't racemix at all.
>you will never be rich chigga
feels bad man
Japanese or Koreans? Yeah, why not.
Chinese? No, literally nigger tier. Rape of Nanking didn't happen but also the best day of my life.
>friend says he listens to rap
>brings up rich chigga
lmaod at his life
Because your personal fetishes of having metis halfbreed little shits are of less importance than the preservation of the Western culture, people, and ideals.
can't you instill the same PASSED-DOWN cultural values into your nigger-colored children? Genetics is part of it, but so is how you raise them.
Because why should you?
>white person finds colored person of the opposite sex who is intelligent and has a great personality
>decides to make babies
Even just raising children proper proved to be a trouble for West.
Putting additional things in the equation is just making the job harder.
Plus, a nigger in a suit is still a nigger. The differences between races are too high to allow interbreeding.
Sex? Sure, if you got jungle fever.
Children? No.
No you kike. Culture is shared amongst those who look alike phenotypically (read: racially) innately. No matter how much you believe culture can be shared by different looking, different speaking, and different acting people, it's all a fucking lie.
Whites are more comfortable with whites.
Asians are more comfortable with Asians.
Blacks are more comfortable with blacks.
Hispanics are more comfortable with Hispanics.
This is the natural order.
t. Hapa
rip in sweat factory chingy!
Actually forgot to include Arabs in there.
They're not comfortable with anyone. As Middle-East's peaceful history shows.
Pre-Islam Arabs were fine. It's only after they adopted that murderous death cult religion that they became complete shit-tier.
So hapas are more comfortable with hapas?
>Blacks are more comfortable with anything as long as its warm.
No, stay with your own.
>its another burger naked a mongrel thread episode
Not necessarily. Half-breeds are more comfortable with those of the dominant culture they were raised in. I was raised culturally white, though not racially, and therefore speak and act white, though I don't look completely white (my skin is pretty white though, but the eyes give it away).
But basically yes, if there were enough Hapa's like me in a relatively congregated area, I'd feel more comfortable with them too. As the old adage goes, "birds of a feather flock together". Bitches flock to bitches.
what variety of hapa?
One quarter brit and one quarter kraut on my father's side, and one half gook on my mother's side.
Interesting combo, sort of a niche demographic. What drove you to Sup Forums? It doesn't seem like the kind of group to feel welcome here.
go to finland, it's a whole nation of hapas
>if there were enough Hapa's like me in a relatively congregated area, I'd feel more comfortable with them
We should make more, then.
No, it means they should stop racemixing like whores just to rebel against their comfortable safe upbringing.
I've noticed that Western Euro - East Asian hapa mixes are becoming rather (more) common these days. I found Sup Forums pretty early on, after /n/ and /new/ though. Found Sup Forums in roughly 2010 and eventually evolved from there, you know, typical natural progression as many would likely attest to from lurking here.
I found Sup Forums when it was mostly and primarily focused on exposing the kikes and their money schemes and such rather than focusing on racial identity. I've just stuck around since, much to my mental detriment.
What about friends of other races huh?
I have a white friend I'm perfectly comfortable around, more so then some embers of my family
Does this mean I can't be?
Sup Forums does destroys one's happiness and free time, I imagine it would be so much harder for you. I think you are right, here in Washington there are plenty more than when I was a kid. I see actual minorities hapa and the rest. when I go to the store now, wasn't like that a decade ago. In Seattle they seem to be all over the place. I assume plenty of the UW foreign students want to stay.
AS you wanted to found out kike evils, did your white parent have staunch anti Semitic tenancies. i have heard that's common.
Does Sup Forums actually cause you misery?
You're describing different kind of relational models. Yes, you can have individual friendships, but that does not negate the whole of the general pattern of like flocking to like, especially when it comes to breeding, which is another matter entirely.
No. I've always been above average intelligence, but I'm not so haughty to say that I'm genius level or even approaching it. I just have enough self awareness that I'm fairly smart, just not as smart as people liked to accredit me towards being, and smart enough also to recognize when I'm being fed kool-aid. I started out on Sup Forums, you know, niggers this faggots that, we all have a good time, but then I just find Sup Forums somehow (don't even remember how, tbqh) and started reading and just stuck around basically, absorbing the knowledge. Sadly it didn't spare me from the typical rebellious teenage angst and edgy mindset in HS.
My father is smart, intelligent in many things, but is somehow the most staunch liberal you will ever meet. Mother is Christian, tried to give me a Christian upbringing. No antisemitism from either.
Also Sup Forums doesn't cause me misery for any reason you might assume. I have my own mental demons that I battle with regardless of Sup Forums, but Sup Forums does keep me updated on what's happening in the world, and that alone can be a certain factor in cause of stress. But otherwise, no. I accept what I am now and try to focus as much as I can on learning and gaining knowledge, self-improvement to the best of my current abilities essentially.
No please, white women are utterly degenerate pieces of shit. You Cumskins can keep your dick obsessed whites women, I'll keep my modest Asian girls thanks. Whites have gone the way of hedonism these day, why would anyone with a brain jump on a sinking ship?
My best friend is the chick i dated in high school and shes asian. Shes done nothing but benefit me and I think you guys would be happier if youd let yourself fall in love. I know that means opening up and potentially getting hurt, but even when things went south relationship wise for me and the waifu friendship afterwards was and is easy.
> colored
> intelligent
Picko el uno
But according to our mystical hapa of infinite wisdom that just isn't possible
Yes. Already doing.
I am sorry to hear of those demons, hope you beat them. So you figured out the JQ on your own? That's rare. So finding out the situation and realizing nothing can be done stressing you out? Gook as in Korean or Viet?
>Moves to white country
>"w-white people stay away please"
Blacks = High strength, low intelligence
Asians = Low strength, low intelligence
Whites = Optimal strength, optimal intelligence
Do the math.
Korean. And it's just typical stress build up from current events. We're living in a vortex of possibilities right now and basically anything can happen. Meme magick bitch.
Anyways, thanks. I'm going to bed here in just a bit. Don't even know why I stayed up this long in the first place.
If my only competition is rice farmers I've got nothing to worry about
Fuck you gaijin.
Yeah, it's probably going to be the worst possibility in the end though. I remember talking about this alot with some U.S. military officer in Afghanistan through tor a decade ago, and everything is going how he said it would. Excpet for stuff like trump. Basically the current year is the current plan. Fun stuff for an 11 year old back then. Night though
Isn't Lupin a hapa--half French, half Japanese?
>low intelligence
Literally what? I'm not questioning that Asains can be annoying as fuck, but they're not dumb, they have the highest IQ's out of everyone basically.
The halfling child will always take the side of the one it more strongly identifies with.
If it is a half-nigger, it will identify as a nigger.
If it is a half-gook/chink, it will identify as a gook/chink.
Or if they're Argentinian, they identify as white.
Come home white man.
Stupidity: hapa kid argues culture is racially aligned based on comfort levels on weebo copy of Japanese message board that has itself become imbued in and frequently led, modern day "culture". By hapa kids own argument, hapa kid doesn't fit in anywhere. Hapa kid subverts own argument because he was raised "white" as if he had some choice in the matter. But whites wouldn't view him as white and would therefore not be "comfortable" around him by his initial argument, so could not be part of "their" culture.
Perhaps hapa kid is looking for reasons as to why he doesn't have any friends. It's ok hapa kid, none of us do.
Next door to Brazil though. That's risk enough.
mixed race people are ugly, have no roots, less physically fit, usually have mental neurosies, and are ideal "nu-citizens" for ZOG
I don't believe in the high asian iq myth. Guarantee iq tests were forged in china. The proof is in the pudding, if asians were more intelligent they would have created modern civilization. But they didn't, because they aren't as intelligent or creative.
Because you shouldn't make your own children the losers by satisfying your own personal fetishes.
nice meme my fellow huehue
Almost everyone is mixed race. Do you really suppose Germans were ethnically pure after being subjugated by the Huns, and later the Slavs? Are you saying Moors, Visigoths and Celtiberians never mixed in Spain?
What about IQ tests in Taiwan, Hong Kong or Singapore? Or Japan and Korea?
>tfw all true
this is why I am a hedonist. What can be done with me?
Those IQ tests were confirmed in Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong under the British as well as Asians born in America for decades. That's billions of people. Cheating on that scale would be impossible.
8-10 points on average, consistent through a lifetime of testing.
A more effective argument would have been that the test was flawed or biased. If you were 8-10 points smarter you would have realized that on your own.
Do not be intentionally dense. Two ethnicities mixing such as anglos and saxons has no effect. They are both part of the white european race. When we speak of race mixing its inter-racial. Not inter-ethnic.
As for the iq tests in the better parts of east asia, I believe them to an extent. That being said, hypothetically, if the tests are accurate there that means there is far more that contributes towards success than the average iq of your race. I believe the average japanese has maybe a few point iq advantage to the average white westerner. But society is not pushed foward by the average man. The exceptional, the creative, the rebels, the explorers. This is what asians lack.
It is a fact that the Asian possesses a high IQ--on average slightly superior to that of whites, in terms of a certain flavor of raw cognitive prowess. There is a key difference, however: we whites are bred with an innate desire to create and to discover; and in our intellectual endeavors this is what we do; it is what we always have done, and it is what we always will do. The Asian, on the other hand, uses his high IQ only to learn and to imitate. The difference is subtle yet immensely important, for it is the key to answering the all-pervasive question of whether and to what extent their presence should be tolerated in a white nation.
For the above reason reason--Asian predilection towards learning rather than discovering and emulating rather than creating--the overwhelming majority of the discoveries at the cutting edge of science have been and will continue to be made by whites--this despite our admitted slight IQ disadvantages.
One must ask how; how is it that a race with a higher IQ can languish in indefinite technological and cultural stagnation while whites colonize every continent on Earth and send men to the moon?
The answer, I believe, lies in the contrasting genetic behavioral tendencies between the two races. Specifically, the Asian is a collectivist; ten thousand generations of evolution have left him capable only of seeing himself as a cog in an earthly machine that is greater than himself. He is comfortable only when fulfilling the expectations placed on him by his collective; and it is in turn his collective's responsibility to teach him how to carry these responsibilities into execution.
You see here the circular logic: the collective possesses a body of knowledge, of which it mandates mastery in its people, which selects in its people for the capacity to learn that body of knowledge; however, once all of that knowledge is learned, the learning stops. With nothing left to learn and no more books to read, the Asian has nothing left to do but take his place in an exceptionally well-oiled social machine in which any nail which sticks out--such as one who challenges established paradigms with a new invention or a new idea about government--is brutally hammered...such selfish, individualistic modes of thinking, after all, are disruptive to social harmony.
And indeed they are. Asian history generally lacks the social upheavals and technological revolutions which define Western civilization. Asians simply reached the level of technological development possible in the presence of above average intelligence but the absence of genius intelligence (a genius, after all, is fundamentally an individual who stands out from the collective) and stayed there; some level higher than that attainable by the African, but nowhere near the level possible in an intelligent race of innovators. They stayed there until Commodore Perry introduced modern technology to the Japanese in the mid 1800s. At this time, Japan was equivalent to medieval Europe in terms of technology. 100 years later, they possessed arguably the most powerful, modern navy in the world.
> IQ is literally the only thing that determines if a civilization is built and what the quality of the civilization will be, just ignore other things like high-trust, individualism, willingness to explore or try new things, and non-human things like random weather and famines and crop and livestock access and shit
Do you have any freaking idea how hard it would be to fake IQ tests on that scale? Not to mention the fact that Asians in Western Countries routinely have the same IQs and do better than Westerners in those countries too at least in terms of IQ tests.
You see, the Asian IS intelligent. He is an outstanding LEARNER. If you put a book in front of an Asian, he will learn its material--master it even. And once he has been shown the wonders and inner workings of modern technological marvels--marvels based upon the scientific discoveries of whites--he has no difficulty in reverse-engineering them, mastering the underlying science, and reproducing the technology as his own. In each case, however, he must be shown the underlying science, he must be taught the corresponding laws and principles, for no matter how well he can learn, he is utterly incapable of discovering. He will learn the book, but he will never write the book. Thus it is that we observe our universities overflowing with Asian students, astutely memorizing the equations and even cognitively grasping the abstract mechanics behind the scientific discoveries made by whites--to the point that we are being displaced in our own institutions of higher learning. Despite this, however, never will you see great scientific discoveries being made by Asian scientists. Once the Asian has learned his way to the cutting edge of all the preexisting discoveries, he stops. He can't go any further. There are no more books to be read at that point...only discoveries to be made...and discovery, as has been proven time and time again throughout history, is the near exclusive domain of the white race.
For this reason - viz, his displacement of our own people in our institutions of higher learning - the Asian should not coexist with us in our societies. Because he will generally outcompete the white child at the level of the schoolboy, whose task is merely to learn the previously-accumulated knowledge of the white race, he will earn higher grades and higher test scores and subsequently be admitted to university-level programs at disproportionately high rates.
If you will note, the examples I raised are of interracial breeding. Germans are racially distinct from Slavs, Slavs from Mongols, Visigoths from Moors and so on.
Maybe. But China used to lead civilisation until after the Mongol conquests, and the West used to praise China for being well-governed and advanced. Empires rise and fall
And yet, for reasons which can never be captured by a grade point average or a standardized test score, he will never, ever, go on to blaze new trails in the realm of scientific discovery and therefore a white society's investment in him as a university-level student is wasted. He has displaced a potential Newton or a potential Faraday, men who may have been slower to learn the basics, but whose potential for genius surpasses anything the Asian race has to offer the world.
Ditto for the fine arts. The Asian is capable, intellectually, of appreciating the elegant mathematical beauty of European classical music. In fact, it is an obsession of his, such that when he is mixed in with white society it becomes one of his primary duties.
Thus it is that we observe the strange irony found in the stereotype of Asian youths slavishly mastering the timing and finger work required to perform the music created by white composers--who hasn't seen that video of the five year old Asian kid masterfully reproducing Mozart's finest works on the piano? What you will never see, however, is the original composition of great music by Asian composers--and consequently, nor will you ever see a five year old Asian kid skillfully playing the work of an Asian composer; because such work doesn't exist and it never will. No matter how well he can appreciate, respect and even emulate the elegant beauty of our music, the Asian will not, can not, ever create it. To create and to discover fundamentally runs against the grain of Asian DNA.
Meanwhile Western civilization has been 'crashing this nation with no survivors' since fucking Ur. There has been no contiguous empire lasting longer than 500 years outside the East. We'd do well to work together.
In technical spheres oftentimes he may improve slightly upon a preexisting design and thus in this way the Asian does add his unique value to the world. But he will never create anything original--his hard-wired nature towards collectiveness, order, and social harmony, coupled with the draconian reinforcement of these norms from his parents, institutionally prohibit him from taking on the personality characteristics required of a creative genius: a willingness to take risks, to depart from an established path up a hierarchy, and more importantly, to buck that hierarchy and establish a new paradigm if he has come up with a better idea. This despite his admittedly high intelligence. Thus we may expect the Asian community to produce lots of high quality dentists, laboratory technicians, business managers and performers of white classical music--but almost no entrepreneurs, scientists at the cutting edge of new discoveries, or composers.
The Asian race is an enigma to us whites: they are a race of a million painters, yet not one true artist. A race of a million technicians, yet not one true scientist. A million musicians, yet not one true master composer, a million soldiers, yet not one true leader.
> Asians can't blaze trails in science and creative fields
Literally the greatest living mathematician is ethnically Cantonese. Do you know how much creative thinking and abstract philosophical intelligence is required in order to do original research in pure mathematics?
catch 22, niggers spawn wil be dumb and useless but have a penis whereas gooks will be nice goys but penisless. Also both will be uglier.
Koreans were literally the niggers of east Asia up until Japanese colonization. They're still shit tier.
Don't be inane, gunpowder, printing, paper and the compass are all Chinese inventions. Chinese literature and music are celebrated through history and across Asia: not in the West, but taste isn't objective
So does that mean hapas have the ability to create and imitate as efficiently as both?
>t. another hapa
Asians' IQs are narrow distribution - masses of decent quality but very few top quality.
user is retarded and probably hasn't heard a guqin in his entire life. Chinese are making inroads with their cultural imperialism. It's cool to see an industry finally competing with Hollywood. The Taking of Tiger Mountain was 10/10. But as you say, it's not as if they weren't knocking it out of the park historically. There's just been very little cross-cultural communication. I'm quite smitten living near Chinatown. I could happily eat breakfast there every day.
Anyway thanks singapore bro for the discussion I need to get to work tomorrow.
NOBODY should breed outside their ethnicity.
I'd breed with those asians if you catch my drift.
>IQ high enough to not be retarded thugs
>Have empathy unlike the chingchongs
>Aren't constantly stabbing each other in the back like the kikes
>aren't psychotic drug peadalers like the latinos
>don't constantly blow themselves up like the mudslimes
>poo in loo unlike Indians
>aren't extinct like the redskins
If I didn't know better I'd almost suspect whites were some sort of master race...
Half white half flip dude here is it ok if I marry a korean girl
Isn't tomorrow Sunday and New Year? I'm sorry, user
To be honest modern Chinese entertainment isn't really my favourite thing, but then again I guess it can't be more degenerate than Hollywood
he looks literally retarded
If incest makes retarded babies I'm having kids with those as genetically different as possible.
Fuck your nationalism my son will be the next Obama or steph curry
>as genetically different as possible
But Asians are average intelligence, as you know. Cheating in tests and reverse engineering does not make you smart.
White men are 4x more likely to have a genius level IQ than East Asians. There's a reason why the the west is where the majority of large-leap innovation flowed from. Asians are good at iterational thinking, they improve in increments over long periods of time.
>Drinking too much water can kill you, so I'm not going to drink any water!
>tfw user is to smart two live
Asians are perfect humans being. Too bad their men are that ugly. Blame nature
That wouldn't work because East Asian women are put on a pedestal due to Jew brain washing thus wouldn't that Asian male be down grading?
>cheating on that scale would be impossible
Kek you'd be surprised, Asians cheat en masse, to the extent it's normal for them
Asians don't cheat en masse, Singapore is one of the least corrupt nations in the world
Again, gunpowder, guns and cannons were first used in China. Technically, incremental improvements on their designs were made in the west over a long period of time
Incest increases the chances of having a fucked up kid, but only with siblings or parents or whatever the fuck. Cousins are fair game.
SAGE! Read the rules, shill.
>If X means Y, then how come Z?
>"dont jump naked in the ice water, you will freeze to death"
>"does this mean we should jump in a vulcano?!?!"
fucking retard