Why do men even exist?

>excellent mental health
>not controlled by sexual thoughts
>populate the earth
>clitoris is outside the vagina so sex isn't a necessity
>excellent social skills
>excellent persuasion skills
>ability to coexist with anyone

>mope if they don't have sex
>literally become physically crippled with lack of sex
>mentally weak
>only useful for sperm
>sexual thoughts consume their mind

Women are just better than men in every way imaginable

Other urls found in this thread:


thank god we live in 2017-1 and men can become women now.


do you leafs intentionally meme yourselves?

>excellent mental health
>not controlled by sexual thoughts
>ability to coexist with anyone

I had somewhere that pic from us episode of Survivors show or something, when men were collecting drinking water or building shelter and women were taking a sun baths.

Memes aside, add to upper part:
- lack of decency and morality.


>mental health
>not controlled by sexual thoughts
seeing that since the sexual liberatioon all women do is spread their legs and wait, so yeah, no
>populate the earth
you need men to do that you tard
gonna skip abit since women actually do have social and persiausion
>ability to coexist
Have you seen how women act towards women?

>excellent mental health
>populate the earth
did you skip biology class?
>excellent persuasion skills
using sex to get what you want isn't a persuasion skill
>ability to coexist with anyone
really nigga?

pls gtfo of this country.

Are girls in Europe really that attracted to refugees?

They look like everyday guys

If women were superior they would have gained the upper hand a very long time ago and we would be in a matriarchy. I do agree though that porn and softer conditions is making the average male very weak in developed countries.

holy shit hive mind

stop using the loo

This is your future men


That was like Danish or Dutch edition of Survivor. The women just laid around the entire time until they ran out of food, then they sent three guys to the women's team and it was three guys doing all the work and the women still laying around.

Men are better at being women than women.

I'm lost, who is this guy pitching this to? Is this MRA or SJW or just burn it down?

That's fucking disgusting, kill yourself

>>excellent mental health

stopped reading there, lol.


Here you are m8

>>excellent mental health

Males constituted 98.0% of those arrested for forcible rape[48]
Males constituted 89.0% of those arrested for robbery[48]
Males constituted 85.0% of those arrested for burglary[48]
Males constituted 83.0% of those arrested for arson.[48]
Males constituted 81.5% of those arrested for motor-vehicle theft.[48]
Males constituted 81.7% of those arrested for stolen property.[48]
Males constituted 81.7% of those arrested for vandalism.[48]
Males constituted 79.7% of those arrested for offenses against family and children.[48]
Males constituted 77.8% of those arrested for aggravated assault[48]
Males constituted 58.7% of those arrested for fraud.[48]
Males constituted 57.3% of those arrested for larceny-theft.[48]
Males constituted 51.3% of those arrested for embezzlement.[48]

Males are the niggers of gender.

>well..someone had to rape your mother to have you.

I want to cum inside her.

nature is amazing


Screencapp'd it Sup Forumsro and posting this to /r/Sup Forums haha lol!

>excellent mental health


> when men were collecting drinking water or building shelter and women were taking a sun baths.

It's not even a meme. It's reality. OP is just trolling, not even women believe that shit. Deep down they know how shit they are, all internet is nowadays is attention whoring gone wild.

>excellent mental health

t. someone's who's never been around a woman, or anyone for that matter

Wew lad

Why are Amerisharts so repressed?

fuck off