Trump proposed allying with the USSR against France and Pakistan

>Way back in 1987, journalist Ron Rosenbaum interviewed real estate developer and casino mogul Donald Trump on a somewhat unusual topic — nuclear weapons.

>“I believe they’re sort of fools,” Trump says. “They only think about Russia. Russian and U.S. weapons. But the summit is a joke. It’s not about the real nuclear problem. You have countries like France that are openly and blatantly selling nuclear technology.”

>Trump is very down on the French.

>“They’ve got an arrogant head of the country, who I think is a total fool, and he’s trying to make up for his losses by selling this technology to anyone, and it’s a disgrace. It’s a disgrace.”


>proposing an alliance against pakistan and pakistan
>somehow not based

I can be on board with this.


France shouldn't have been selling nukes, I was supporting trump for the memes but fuck me this makes me see him in a whole new light.

>siding with gommunism
>over capitalist France
Drumpfcucks are Russians confirmed

Honestly explain why that would be bad?

And Thatcher proposed to ally with the Soviets against Germany.

So is supporting Russia 30 years ago more or less of an outrage than grabbing some girl's ass 30 years ago?

I just view them as an extension of America, as I do all foreign countries, like a proper America should. How's it going in shittier Argentina?



Seems like a good stance

That was nothing new though.

Mitterrand was a fucking socialist retard. What's the problem here?

He knew how the bogdonaff twins would rise to power and wanted to stop them

30 years ago was when the states started getting friendly with the USSR, then put in Yelstin

It's little unknown that the socialistic French government has sold nuclear technology to Pakistan in the middle of the 80s

He didn't propose that we nuke france with russia or some shit. He just pointed out that France's dealings were just as much, if not MORE, of a threat than russia's.

Which is fact.
France is in third place in terms of nuclear arsenal in case you didn't know.

France is cucked. Any country that allows refugees into their country only to get slaughtered time and time again has no business bring in control of nukes.

Didn't the French ruin everything?

Damn he has been serving in KGB for a long time. I wonder what rank does he currently hold. Is he still a colonel or did he make it to major general?

Are the hue zyka babies already posting here? Incredible

If you really believe France was capitalist in the 1980s, my huehue friend, then you should sue your college professors for indoctrinating you.

USSR was going through reforms to become a normal country, while Paris was a hotbed of (((radicalism))) and postmodern subterfuge of anti-Western numbnuttery. All the SJW bullshit we are confronted by nowadays, all comes from Paris.

Based Gorbie was in town in 1987.

World would be better today without those two.

>journalist Ron Rosenbaum interviewed real estate developer
>Ron (((((((((((((((Rosenbaum)))))))))))))

((Rosenbau -- Oh wait never mind Sup Forums isn't anti semitic in 2016 we're alt-right now :^) Remember to buy Milo's book guys!

The Franco-Pakistani alliance must be stopped at all cost


Real Alphas grab the pussy plebion


I don't think he hates France or Frenchmen exactly, but rather the politicians in charge and their retarded leftist politics.
So do I.

Still hoping he'll make immigration laws more lax for white people so that I can at least attempt moving to the US and finding a job there.

if your really believe France is capitalist now...

France has been a completely socialist shithole at least since that De Gaulle moron refused to let Merry Friends deal with communist """"""resistants"""""" at the end of WW2

then the cowardly traitors, ie last minute commie """"""resistants"""""" formed the national """"""resistance"""""" council, and indeed gradually brainwashed their fucktardry into pretty much erryone here

we desperately need a Thatcher, though we don't deserve one
well, we won't get one anyway
Fion (pictured as a ultra-capitalist here) is barely lukewarm, and already starts lowering his pants
and La Pine turned the Reaganian party her father created into a full-on commie shitshow (that's how her power rose: she just stole commie voters, is all)

Go fuck yourself, we don't need no Thatcher you retard.

If you want liberalism move to Britain or USA to suck their dicks.

You guys sided with them once before. what is the issue?

>doesn't even know it means leftism in English
>actually believes in the socialist crap
you're a niggering shitwit, and errything wrong with France
you're the very reason France turned into a complete shithole, you worthless and hopeless sub-monkey

Wtf..France and Pakistan?

What do these two even have in common

Frenchman here and I can confirm.
During the years 1981-1995 we were "led" by Mitterand who is basically a mix between old school socialist and Hillary Clinton.
Fun fact: during the 80s, Trump buildings were filled with Frenchmen that were fleeing the commie spiral of France.
Also the fucker did sell nuclear technology to both muslims and Israel against the wishes of 90% of Frenchmen at the time. But Mitterand was the kind of "educated" leader that despised what commoners said (including French billionaires but not "enlightened").
Mitterand was also explicitely ant-American. In 1987 the Perestroika USSR under Gorbatchev was literally, unironically more US-aligned than France.


When the microcephaly hits

France is single handedly the reason so many things in europe fuck up, all the way from ww1 to current day events.


Don't worry, I'm going back after the New Year.
Have fun with dealing with this commie shithole.

In 2015 more millionaires fled France than any country, more than China (20x more populated and supposedly commie). That doesn't even cover all the young entrepreneurs fleeing before becoming rich. I want to see 2016 numbers, gonna be worse. Soon there will only remain kebab, niggers, welfare leeches and bohemian bourgeois in France.

Trump is a Pfalzer.

Western Germans traditionally want to see France burn.

Let it be so.

Islamic nations

The country is collapsing under socialism and collectivism you retard.

You need a Thatcher yesterday.

Based tbqh. Russia did SONETHING as allies in ww2. Meanwhile French were cowards and have since been leftist apologist

>I'm a pro-Fillon cuck and I never opened an history book

In the 80s? Rogue nuclear weapons programs.

But muh free market ?

>I don't think he hates France or Frenchmen exactly, but rather the politicians in charge and their retarded leftist politics.
>So do I.

He was talking about nuclear proliferation. France wasn't supposed to have nukes. And definitely not supposed to help the Pakis get them.

>Meanwhile French were cowards
Last soldiers defending Berlin against the russian beasts were French SS.

>France wasn't supposed to have nukes.
Say who ?

Good fuck Fr*nch niggers
Nuke Quebec too and watch all our problems be solved when these socialist welfare apes stop leeching off our oil money
And fuck Islam


>France wasn't supposed to have nukes.


truly a bunch of mccarthyists

>implying Ostpolitik and Detente wasnt the best thing to happen to the world.

Would you rather have died in a sea of nuclear fire my yellowstained bucktoothed friend? Reagan went against the wishes of the neocons and committed himself to peace between the US and the USSR, and together with good 'ol Gorbie he got what he wanted. Unfortunately Bush the First, Clinton and Yeltsin managed to turn Russia into a complete dump.



French people are a bunch of arrogant jerkoffs.

Always calling us fat, always peering down their noses at us because we have guns and don't have socialized healthcare.

FUCK French people. Bunch of pussies.

We're friends with Russia now.

Most French think that way. My god, I hate my fellow french.

not even
I at most reckon he at least looks in the proper direction, but if you knew how to read, you'd know I consider him much too soft anyway
then what to say about one living in a socialist shithole, and yet, asking for more of it?
>never opened an history book
that's rich, from a socialist niggering monkey

>calling us fat
on that one, come on...

>peering down their noses at us because we have guns and don't have socialized healthcare
only the commie monkeys do that
granted, it's a strong majority of the French
and I most certainly despise them much more than you for one can even imagine

I wonder why Trumpstein wanted to side with the JewSSR.

Friendship ended with FRANCE
is my
best friend

third by a country mile

still, trump had a point

every time

give me one good reason we shouldn't be friendly with russia

>tfw Thatcher and Trump both saw this coming
>tfw no Thatcher/Trump alliance in this timeline
We need to figure out timeline immigration immediately.

And now, thanks to France, a nation of Islamist whackjobs has nukes.

Trump was totally right.

Literal Soviet shills kill yourselves.

>Russians are soviets
same as romanians are gypsies, right?

> 30 years ago


Russians were Soviets 30 years ago.

You were gypsy yesterday.

And let's make Western countries look like Eastern Bloc shitholes as well, shall we?

>And let's make Western countries look like Eastern Bloc shitholes as well, shall we?
Sharia won't allow it.