Curious to see Sup Forumss opinions on affirmative action. Not really sure where I stand, as an Asian american who is negatively effected by it. It's morally the right thing to do but some wealthy African-American children in the top 10% abuse it. Thoughts?
Affirmative Action
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Opinion about affirmative action only in the USA?
It's funny because Affirmative Action makes us put blacks among peers they can't compete with.
We're ensuring that Black students are always at the very bottom of their classes. Likely destroying any confidence or dreams of being successful.
Leftists are so funny. Pretty much all their policies actually fuck over Blacks. Sometimes I think about voting democrat just to keep blacks down.
Like raising the min age? Ha. Basically just ensuring that Tyrone can never get an honest job. They can't even graduate high school. They're not worth 15$/hr. No one will ever hire them at that price.
>It's morally the right thing to do.
Why is that, exactly?
If it was morally the right thing to do, it would be based on life-circumstances and parental wealth rather than skin colour.
BEE is retarded but how else do you fix poverty?
It's unjustifiable racist. If niggers can't compete fairly then we should just admit they are sub human and give the job to an Asian or a white man.
I'd much rather lose out on a university scholarship because I'm not as smart as others then get coddled just because "I came from a poor family". Also getting denied a job because the employer has a quota to meet even though I am the most qualified and experience is fucking infuriating.
If you're not the best for the job you're working then you shouldn't be working it.
By this logic -- that is, of affirmative action putting you at the bottom of your class -- I do worry about Whites versus Asians.
I don't like the idea of Whites getting screwed over the same way. Being the class idiots.
I don't think it's psychologically or culturally healthy for us.
If we did forgo Affirmative Action, we have to realize Whites will become an extreme, extreme minority in elite universities. Asians already dominate, and that's with Affirmative Action working against them. Without it... well, Whites are only ~10% of the global population anyway. We don't have the numbers to compete.
Can we accept that? I think I can.
But I think I'm also against international students and immigration. Each people should get their own nations with their own universities. Whites get theirs. Asians get theirs. Everyone else should die.
BEE does not fix poverty.I mean look at how fucking high poverty still is in this shithole of a country 2 decades after apartheid
It's a twisted fucking form of communism, where they block people into racial groups, and then do everything they can to ensure every group turns out the same on average.
They don't give a fuck if there are people starving on the streets, they only care that the same percentage of each race suffers this fate.
It's fucked up leftist identity politics and those "well-meaning" bleeding heart liberals aren't actually well-meaning. They just hate success and they want to punish anyone who they perceive to do better than them. Except for the ones at the top, they are just pushing to open the trade borders to get richer, and identity politics is one way of achieving this goal.
In the US, anyway, the main point of AA was to stop blacks from rioting so much. It was a bribe, with the idea being that "community leaders" would be on the side of the government in exchange for jobs and money.
But if they're going to riot anyway, then fuck it, what's the point?
>It's morally the right thing to do but
Morals are subjective.
>an Asian american who is negatively effected by it.
you are not "effected" because you are asian, you are "effected" because you don't know english.
It destroys merit.
Provide people access to obtaining real skills. Let it be up to them to apply themselves. Giving someone a job based on their skin color is absolutely ridiculous.
>selecting people based solely on skin color is morally the right thing to do
>as an Asian american who is negatively effected by it
Shut up, rice nigger.
You're only negatively affected in a single category: college acceptance rates. And that is only because of Chinese foreign students raising Asian representation.
Asians benefit in every other aspect of AA, especially job attainment.
Enjoy it while it lasts, because it's going away soon, just like you are.
>have two different machines that perform the same tasks using the same amount of limited resources but one performs better than the other
>get told to have them perform equally well without accepting the fact that one machine is superior
>allocate more resources to the worse machine
Holy shit! Guys, its an actual German.
but aren't AA laws in RSA totally fucked? I went there last year and some guy told me you cango to prison for not hiring enough tyrones even if none apply. fucked
Though I understand why it exists, it should not be necessary. We're all born equal, rich fucks just get to play easy mode. Most struggle for what they deserve and need. Born a niglet /gook /shitskinned / cracka / spic isn't an issue in most cases, competence and attitude are the only variables that need to be considered.
>an Asian american who is negatively effected by it.
would some leniency for orientals on the driver's test balance it out for you?
>let's combat imaginary bias with real bias
liberal tier logic
Your business can be fined if you qualify for BEE but don't hire enough blacks.if you lie about the your number of BEE points you can go to jail
Does the average American prefer to keep blacks, Mexicans, and Muslims over hardworking east asian androids?
No, everyone hates Blacks, Arabs, and Mexicans (except Texans, who love Mexicans for some reason. Probably because Texans are literally retarded.).
And Whites are pretty fond of Asians. Although Chads mock chinky names and shit sometimes.
Manipulation of a system to give one part an advantage leads to abuse and over correction. Make the system fair for all and let time do its stuff.
It is the biggest example of good intentions (repent for the sins of the father kek) having absolutely terrible outcomes.
There is no other program i can think of that somehow not only shits on one group to help another but also manages to shit all over the group it is trying to help at the same time.
Say you have a medical school that takes the top 50 applicants. The cut off mark is for example 95%. Admission would normally take all those above 95%, rank them by mark and take the top 50. Affirmative skews this ends up screwing everyone
>non minorities
Are you asian/indian/white? You got the mark necessary to be admitted and were the 49th or 50th best applicant? Too bad, your spot is given to someone who performed worse than you. No other justification for this other than race. You have no idea if this asian kid grew up poor and the hispanic kid in a nice upper class suburb. It doesnt matter, the spot is given to the Hispanic kid based on race. True racial discrimination.
Here you have a black fellow who goes to university, his mark isnt the 95% to get into medical school needed so he wouldnt normally be admitted. Hes a fine student pulling 80% in his classes and will probably go on to be a manager of sorts and live a perfectly fine middle class life someplace. A good model minority right? No. To the people who make these policies they believe said student would be getting the 95% needed to go to medical school if it wasnt for his race. They bump him up and now this student is now placed in a class he simply cannot stay afloat in. Im not saying they all cannot but the data simply shows they just cant. When prop 209 ban came into effect in UCLA stopping them from using large racial preferences what did they notice?
>The total number of black and Hispanic students receiving bachelor's degrees were the same for the five classes after Prop 209 as for the five classes before.
Enrollments for students went down. Fewer black/Hispanic students were being admitted to the uni but the number graduating didnt change. Those students who would normally graduate were graduating. The only thing that changed was the number of people being pushed into courses they simply cannot do reduced and therefore enrollments went down. This imo is the worst part of affirmative action. It takes perfectly fine performing minorities who would be role models for their community and attempts to make doctors and lawyers of them all. It doesnt realise that this leads to half of them dropping out, turning what would have been a fine model citizen into a lazy dropout failure. These people dont see it that way, as long as that one kid who got 94% and gets help to get into medical school graduates what does it matter if it stepped on a million other minorities to lift this single kid up?
which brings me to the last group of people it fucks over
>well performing minorities
Shown above is that the graduation rates didnt change. That is to say that the black kid who got 97% on his own and got into medical school was always going to survive, itst he kid who got 80% and lifted in that wasnt. Affirmative action doesnt only shit on non minorities by giving away spots to those who performed worse, it doesnt just ruin a bunch of perfectly midling minority students by turning them into drop outs, it also shits all over the achievements of minorities who would otherwise be there without these programs. A minority student in a competitive program is now seen as the affirmative action entrant. The hard work and toil they went through has been thrown aside to be labelled as a fool who got where he/she is due to their race alone.
Take a look at how people respond differently to an black doctor vs an asian doctor. People are worried and they have every right to be, the black could have been admitted to the school with half the marks of the asian, your prejudice i believe is perfectly justified in this case. Had there been no affirmative action these two people must have both performed equally well to be admitted and at that point saying no to Ben Carson operating on you is simply a matter of personal choice and not one made due to the unbalanced admissions system we have.
>“If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago and a racist today.”
Affirmative action might reduce poverty if gifted blacks would return to their community and try to improve it.
Instead what happens is the nigger says "I got mine" and skips town to somewhere less shitty.
Linking race with poverty is a retarded idea to begin with. Race has nothing to do with poverty; if it did, there'd be no point in helping niggers avoid their nature. If we truly want to destroy poverty, we have to dispel this notion that race influences income, and instead deal with poverty itself.
Affirmative action is not only racist, it's counterproductive to helping the people it was intended to help.
>Asians benefit in every other aspect of AA, especially job attainment.
Can you explain?
There's no shortage of driver's licenses, while there is a shortage on decent jobs & seats at elite institutions.
I'm starting to doubt the smart asian meme. All the asian exchange students I've interacted with are dumb as rocks. In all of asia cheating in school is considered normal, so it inflates all of their scores.
i fully support it
if white people were forced to work with retarded niggers theyll start believing in race realism
Kek. Nice reply m8. Upvoted.
It's a different learning system compared to ours.
> asia - repetition competition
> Canada- big gay retard daycare
Complete bullshit. Why am I being forced to work with, study with or hire inferior people? The whole concept is retarded.
>All the asian exchange students
Asian exchange students aren't selected for their brainpower. They're selected because they can pay full freight with an additional premium.
Yeah man its morally correct admit people into colleges based on race instead of achievement. We should just ban white people from attending school because they are all RAYCISTS N SHIEEEEEET!
Hey when you land that sweet job you've always wanted do you think you got it because you were the best candidate or was it because your employer just wanted to fill those diversity quotas?
>It is the biggest example of good intentions (repent for the sins of the father kek) having absolutely terrible outcomes.
you think they had good intentions? the (((people))) who proposed this bullshit?
It gave feds more power (massive amounts). You tell me if it's good
>It's morally the right thing to do
How so?
Its very wrong.
>Affirmative Action
Affect is the verb, effect is the noun.
Nobody notice quads?