Just fucking listen. I'm an Australian geologist. I love rocks. Yellowstone is just a geological second away from exploding. It's going to happen.

Already animals have fled the park, and those that have remained are building up fortifications and going into a deep slumber. White volcanic ash is raining down on the area, plummeting the local temperature.

Local fishermen (and fisherwomen) have been pulling fish out of the water to try relocate them to a better place.

I'm warning you Sup Forums, it's HAPPENING.

Other urls found in this thread:

Stop shit posting and celebrate the new, incoming current year.

Source for animals running and all of your other bullshit claims.

This map is roughly equivalent to the ash map. Sucks to suck, Yankees

pic of the brave heros trying to relocate fish

source on strange animal fortification behaviour:

>I'm an Australian geologist.

Here we go.

>geological second
>relocating fish

fake and gay

Not the source of the actual incident. If you're shitposting you need to do a better job and do the work of making a fake article of maybe fooling a single person.

You're the worst Australian I've ever seen, you're sad. Learn how to shitpost.

The water has gotten so acidic that even the natives can't drink it anymore. Some are having to go into town and beg for water now, as their traditional source of water that has been used by their ancestors for hundreds of years are now toxic.

Check out this poor buggers teeth... He said this happened within minutes of drinking the water at yellowstone.

Here we have an artist's impression of what it will look like when it finally erupts.

>animals are fleeing the park
>those that remain are building up fortifications

Sounds like Iraq tbqh

How did you get a photo of my teeth ya cheeky cunt?

That's Mt. Rainer


Reports are coming in that some of the geysers are going off hourly in the park.. This has never happened before. It's going off so regularly some have given it the nickname 'old faithful'

cool. America will be destroyed by god himself.

Okay, there you went too fat.
But you did well. You deserve a free beer.


I'm a super geologist, it's not happening.


Why is this on Sup Forums

Current news and geo(logical) politics.

that's literally an atomic bomb test picture


All I want for 2017 is a real Volcano happening

Op is Australian, ignore shit post. He's pumped one too many cones tonight and lost his centrelink



They are minerals. Try again Bruce

>animals have fled the park

animals are dumbasses

My dad makes volcanoes for a living and he said it's definitely not happening

I went to high school with your dad, and can definitely confirm that he's 100% correct

>My dad makes volcanoes for a living and he said it's definitely not happening
Can you tell him my floor heating could be a bit hotter? It's kinda cold right now. Al gore fucked up my global warming.

Lol I highly doubt it, but okay Aussie.

Read up to "Australian"

Wow, about the 10th time I've seen this thread in a week.

Fuck off and goon yaself to death

>Yellowstone is just a geological second away from exploding.

So, 4 to 5 thousand years?

Hi guys its me, the earth core. I'm not popping that dimple dont worry you guys

Please not Yellowstone, I only just now found a reason to live.

>local fishermen relocating fish

Top kek, to where the other side of the fucking country?

I also love rocks and this cunt is right, get out while you can

Geological second= thousands of years

My sevens call you a liar




A "geological second" is measured differently from real time.

In geology terms, 1 second is roughly equal to TEN THOUSAND YEARS in real life time. This is because in geology it's pointless to have a timescale of under 10,000 years since theres nothing of significance in the last 10k years.

Source: My moms husband is a geologist.

the world ends in 2017 kek wills it

shouldnt you be helping your own country defend against the emu menace?

It's not a question of "if"

>Yellowstone is just a geological second away from exploding.

It's a magma reservoir and doesn't even have a cone.

I see the hand of the jew in this. Jews ruin everything. They've been thrown out of every country they ever infested. this is no different.

So animals are fleeing the park? Interdasting.

If yellowstone blows, we are all fucked.

You will need to survive

>The Blast
>The Ash
>The Societal Breakdown of America and Canada
>Global Financial Collapse
>Acid Rain
>Global Volcanic Winter aka Mini Ice Age

Good luck.

>have been pulling fish out of the water to try relocate them

top fucking kek

oh my sides

Just another day in Minnesota.

Your mom's husband's wife's son has impressive digits despite his obvious homosexual handicap.

>I love rocks.

>I'm an Australian geologist
pay attention guys, this is how you shitpost


Acid decaying teeth like that, the cunt would have no gums or tongue left

This has happened over months

>i love rocks

Thanks for the post Mr. Geologist!

I'm not a science type like you, but I think I've got an idea if you'd relay it to your peers! I'd really appreciate it!

Why don't they just pop yellow stone like a sit? The longer you leave a zit, he more puss that will build up. The longer you leave Yellowstone, the more pressure and therefore destruction will build up.

Just get a long lance, and pop the son of a bitch!

Thanks for reading!

>Australian Geologist


As I watched I said aloud "Australian space program!", then read the filename

we are a fucking hivemind, aren't we?

keks blessings upon thee

this desu

>I love rocks

>Australian geologist

Anyone have any cool volcano webms?
I fucking love watching nature rek shit