Why does Sup Forums hate Israel?

>based on nationalistic values

>tough army, wins wars (won against 5 counties in 6 days)

>occupational force (stranglehold on people who mostly want to kill you)

>striving for peace with surrounding Arab nations

>loves the west and embraces it (democracy and liberty for its citizens, has tremendous relationship with the USA)

>the most right wing government since its establishment

>inb4 le shekelberg meme

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Fuck off Kike

Fuck off Kike

The ones who legitimately do are retarded. Most people it's just banter

Bibi is the best example for ultra-nationalists in the west. Proof me wrong!

fuck off kike

that's some shitty drawing skills brah

fuck off mudslime


fuck off kike

Because, my Israeli friend, it is packed full of Jews.

>tough army
>mostly kills kids
Yeah I bet


>>based on nationalistic values

Only for Jews. Israel sympathizers spread anti-nationalist values in the West.

>>tough army, wins wars (won against 5 counties in 6 days)

That leeches off American foreign aid. More than $100 billion since inception.

>>occupational force (stranglehold on people who mostly want to kill you)

Guaranteed by begging the USA to veto any UN resolutions against it. Face it, Shlomo, without the USA you'd be international pariah.

>>striving for peace with surrounding Arab nations

I'm laffin. Your Rabbis say goyim will be eternal slaves of the Jews.

>>loves the west and embraces it (democracy and liberty for its citizens, has tremendous relationship with the USA)

Relationship maintained only by bribing American politicians. Does not respect democracy - at least for Palestinians.

>>the most right wing government since its establishment

What's the use to the US when Jews like right wing govt in Israel and left-wing in Western countries?

You drag the USA into war against Iraq and Syria for you. You create problems in the Middle East. Fuck off.

Imagine if the most insane, radical elements of the Israeli Labor Party took over your entire country. Yes, that is basically what happened to us. Nothing personal, but I think might be able to understand the hostility.

The only people who hate Israel are Arabs and retards who love to wank to conspiracy theories.

And a lot of the latter hang out here. See: pizzagate.

Pic related.

>10 shekels have been deposited into your JIDF account


No source achmad? You can fuck off

Lol okay there, Babaganoosh.


>USS Liberty
>Doesn't even care as an American

Oh, hey there Scholomowitz Shekelbergsilverstein

Face it you parasite, the world hates your guts and no amount of shilling will change our minds either

Sup Forums has always stood with based Israel!

Sup Forums is full of nazis, but as everyone knows, nazis are fucking retarded.


Israel is uncucked, that's for sure. We had Israelis speak at Pegida rallys.


>only for Jews

That's the point

>leeches of the Americans

Israel was quite new back in the six day war, we needed the financial support. But, I do feel like we should pay for our own wars.

>without the USA you'd be an international pariah.

We already are, the UN a holds us since we started setteling the West Bank. What else is new?

>your rabbis say goyim will be eternal slaves of the Jews.

Rabbis=represent state's values=lmao

>does not respect democracy for Palestinians

Yeah, I know. Palestinians aren't citizens of Israel. But it's not done in such a way that is overtly anti democratic. They have many rights and liberties.

>striving for peace with surrounding Arab nations
Lol okay faggot. I guess that's why you guys are constantly launching rockets into civilian areas in Palestine. Muslims are filth, but so are Jews.

A holds = scolds

Your Jewish agents try to fuck w/ our country for your gain and at our detriment. Fuck Jews. Also Wall Street Jews are greedy kike niggers. Hollywood Jews are child rapists. Etc. fuck Jews.

You are both filth and need to be purged in a nuclear holocaust

>based on nationalistic values
what nationalistic values m8? we clear settlements all the time
>tough army, wins wars (won against 5 counties in 6 days)
against literal who's

>occupational force (stranglehold on people who mostly want to kill you)

>striving for peace with surrounding Arab nations

>loves the west and embraces it (democracy and liberty for its citizens, has tremendous relationship with the USA)
only when it serves us, when its not its ltierally anti-semitism.
>the most right wing government since its establishment
not at all.

>inb4 le shekelberg meme
you earned it

>if terrorists fire rockets from abandoned schools and hospitals at me it's fine because I don't want to hurt innocents

Okay, so if Mexico launched rockets at your citizens in Texas, the US wouldn't fight back? It's war. It's either this or we lose.

Fuck off Kikes, you are a parasite leeching and nothing else.

based leaf

>Why does Sup Forums hate Israel?

Because Jews are the single reason for all the problems in the world.


Did he do that on purpose?




Fuck off Mohamed

Leftie Jew = right-wing Jew? Think about that for a moment.

I stand with you. There is no Jewish worldwide conspiracy. Just a couple of lies by the Tsar's secret police that Hitler made mainstream. And Israel is your land. You are fighting for it. You deserve it.

I don't. Good luck fighting those filthy Muslims.


JIDF in full force these days.

>Only for Jews. Israel sympathizers spread anti-nationalist values in the West.
irrelevant ,(((israeli sympathizers))) =! israel
>That leeches off American foreign aid. More than $100 billion since inception.
if some cucks came up to you and told you 'hey m8 want this money for free' wouldnt you take it ?
>Guaranteed by begging the USA to veto any UN resolutions against it. Face it, Shlomo, without the USA you'd be international pariah.
cuck tells you he'll veto anything you dont like, you'd be stupid not to take it
>Relationship maintained only by bribing American politicians. Does not respect democracy - at least for Palestinians.
israel does not bribe american politicians ,we simply dont have the money to have a significant impact on american politics using bribery.and terrorists are antidemocratic by definition.
>What's the use to the US when Jews like right wing govt in Israel and left-wing in Western countries?
it dosnt matter what kind of a government we like other countries to have, its not up to us .

>10 shekels for 1 post
jesus where do i sign up

>Leftie Jew = right-wing Jew?

There is no difference. Jew is Jew. The only way to solve the Jewish problem is to kick them out of banking and media, and take away their state.

That's exactly how they dealt with the Jews in the Middle Ages and that's how it ought to be done.

>implying mexico is capable of launching rockets
They're too busy being destroyed by the inside by the cartels.

>And Israel is your land. You are fighting for it. You deserve it.
No, it isn't. The allies carved out a chunk of sovereign territory and gave it to the Jewish diaspora. Why do you think everyone wants them gone? It wasn't their land to begin with.


Nationalists can not be true allies because they are self interested by definition

The union of egoists is a meme.

Sup Forums wil flip on it 180 degrees once Trump takes office and begins to execute his platform on the Middle East.

It's already happening if you pay attention to the board, gradually but surely, .


Ameribro, stop impersonating people ;)

yes it belonged to a couple thousand subsistence farmers, and then thousands more flocked to the land after israel brought the rule of law to it

that great nation of few was toppled by those hook-noised kike bastards and their "high IQ scores" and "economic development"

>NY Post
>Founder: N/A

It's Alexander Hamilton for fuck sake.
How could they not know it?

This chart belongs in the trash.

I think you're confused, my jewish friend. Sup Forums is a board of peace, who loves Israel more than anything. We even meme'd Trump into office for your benefit.

America was not your land until the Brits went there. Should you go away and leave it to the Injuns?

fuck off you dirty kike

I wouldn't mind going back to Britain, especially now that based Farage is in charge. We've been overrun by niggers anyway.

You going to start kicking out Asians soon too when they become the ones to take over when the jews are gone?

You can't punish people for being inherently smart or successful. Why so envious?
I am saying this whilst I have nothing myself in life.

I wish they killed muslim kids.

If they were killing the muslim kids it would mean there were no longer any adults to slaughter.

The annihilation and destruction of Muslims is the one thing I will support israel for doing.

I will even send them money for it.

Jews, thats why.

And I know all about pilpul too.

Because your dumb fucking kikes propagates for opening up our borders while using our arguments to close your own. Fuck you.

how can rocks ever compete?

>West and Middle East had peace before Israel
>West and Middle East do not after Israel

What's your opinion on non Jews?

Not reading through thread, just popping in to say jews are scum. Muslims are scum. Blacks are scum. Nobody wants any of you

Yup. Everyone hates Jews for a reason.

I don't

I like everyone besides islamists.

I like everyone besides islamists.

>it doesn't matter what type of governments we like other countries to have, it's not up to us

See it's your cultural attitude..your culture goes out if it's way to influence other countries into self destruction....via the MSM and other means...because this is what "you like"..you basically are openely stating you want to wreck the west but still want the westerners to back you..there is nothing immoral or anti social or counter productive in your mind, with this twisted philosophy...because your some type of autistic who doesn't understand social dynamics..that's exactly what led to repeated Jewish expulsions

You Jews are mostly no longer religious but your culture is steeped in isolationism and a schizophrenic combo of persecution complex mixed with superiourity complex.

The perpetual victims who will continually use victim status to sucker Christian cultures and then go out of your way to subvert and destroy us for helping you...I have a cousin like this..anti social personality disorder

Like isn't good enough. I understand the issue with Islam..but are you we both know it's not just Islam is it. You don't see anyother people as equal to Jews. Yet you expect us in the west to facilitate you..knowing full well you think we are useful idiots and nothing more.

Tell me I'm wrong and that actually you don't buy into the whole goyim thing.

Yeah, but Britain was Anglo-Saxon land before the Normans arrived. Should they go back to France? And should the Anglo-Saxons go back to northen Germany-Denmark!?

you are the reason EU tried to push migrants here
you are the reason why people who work their entire life die poor
you are the reason there is unending war in the middle east
you are the reason modern female is broken
you are the reason modern man is broken

you tried to break vidya as well, but it seems vidya beats jew

Because kikes are anti-white white sect.

>manipulate the west through bribery/corruption
>manipulate us to fight your proxy wars in the middle east
>take billions in aid
>try to make europe the 2nd middle east so you can take over the rest of the ME and make it greater israel
>sees everyone else as slaves to make you money
Why does everyone hate us?

Jews and feminists, spot the difference

Help us white man, we have all these problems caused by being persecuted against, by you.

Allow us to gain influence and power due to your naive Christian cultural leanings of being moral and humane and because of the white guilt we won't let you forget about and intensify once we are allowed to dominate your media...because you let us...naively not recognising our scorpion natures and stupidly believing all cultures are basically Christian by other names.

Well the only difference is the Jews created feminism..it's clearly modelled on Jewish strategy though...and so the one saving grace with Jews is they typically admit they think they are better than everyone else..where as feminists use (((equality))) to make it appear they don't actually wish to dominate white men. Feminism is obviously a refined form of Jewish culture