>remember in 2016 when a kike loving faggot tricked stormfags into electing him president?
Remember in 2016 when a kike loving faggot tricked stormfags into electing him president?
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Sup Forums always supported based Isreal
Who was the better option?
Bernie sanders
>hates kikes
Had you guys started with that your precious loser would have won
Unless of course you're some mexicunt, then you'll be happy with any criticism of trump
>revs up the helicopter
>that time a bunch of idiots that pol actually hated Jews unironically
Anyone with half a brain understands there are bad Jews and good Jews just like we have good niggers and uncle toms.
We accept Sheriff Clarke for he shares the same beliefs we do. We also stand by Israel.
The globalist likes are far different. They must die. They must be gassed.
Wow i didnt know there were 50 million stormfags in america
End this meme, Schlomo
Gary Johnson
He doesn't need to know what an Aleppo is because the USA taxpayer money spent be spent on proxy wars thousands of miles away.
>...and then he said "Trump's going to prevent WW3 with Russia"...
>We also stand by Israel.
>Being a nu-right
*shouldn't be spent
JIDF can you guys give me a shill job? I would be able to subvert this board with the jewry of a thousand kikes
(((lügenpresse))) fucked them over really bad
>b-but CNN said h-he's anti-establishment
gullible retards lmao
>"k-keep your e-enemies c-closer"
Ivanka wasnt red flag enough for you? Also Trumps political adviser is jewish. His benefactors are jewish.
Hillary was NOT an option. We at least have the option to fight back with trump. Lets see where he takes us, remember impeachment is always an option.
Think man. We can turn a bad situation into a fantastic one. Impeach Trump and we get MIKE PENCE!
>"i-it's 4D c-chess I s-swear"
Uncle Toms are the good niggers you fucking retard! Work on your fucking vocabulary.
>1 roach pellet has been deposited into your feeding bowl
>"israeli j-jews are nationalist and b-based, globalist jews a-are the b-bad ones"
get the fuck out JIDF
Pick one canacuck.
I want Mike Pence just so i can watch my countryfags freak the fuck out
Yeah, it was pretty fucking hilarious. Remember when he prommised to build that wall?
>"alex j-jones is based! others are f-fake news he's g-genuine!"
Go back to your caliphate please. And calm down.
1st pic: Trump said this to energize his voters.
2nd pic: Trump says this so that his voters focus on other more important issues.
It's that fucking simple. He knows how to manipulate people and have them focus on what he wants. The "lock her up" thing is now spare ammunition, and will probably be aimed at the whole dem party for future elections. If he was to lock her up on jan 21st it'd be forgotten within a year.
It's just 3D chess but you're retarded
Most Israeli people I've met are extremely anti-Islam and think the refugee crisis will doom Europe. Don't confuse Israeli Jews with their diaspora counterparts
he's always been the goodest goy of all good goyim, its like nobody here actually looked into his actual views and voted him as a meme
Cruz, randlet, webb
can someone tell me what the fire safety meme is about? sorry for looking for a newfag.
I don't give a shit if they're anti-Islam or not. It's not the United States' responsibility to prop them up with our tax dollars. As an American, I'd be a cuck to support Israel.
id choose a kike loving trump over a hillary who would ship in 500k muslim fucks into my country
>implying they aren't turning the frogs gay
David Webb??
I want anti-zionists commie scum to leave.
Only an antifa, Palestine-loving lefty hates Israel.
You don't have to love globalist jews living in the west, but if you're a nationalist, then you're a zionist too,
Zionism is Jewish Nationalism.
its not ideal ill admit but its still better than Hillary who would have destroyed the entire white race.
Underrated post
>Sup Forums
pick one
>a protest with an israel flag proves that antifa aren't anti-zionists
Every leftist I have ever met has been anti-zionist
I got little more something for you
dem bitches need to get BLACKED son
>"trump s-said this to e-energize his voters"
>"i-it's just 3D c-chess"
Lurk for fucks sake.
Fucking CTR larping as "nazis"
>I want a steak.
>Okay sir, that will be $20.
>Okay, here's $20.
>Great! Here's your potato chip.
>Wait, I ordered a steak.
>3D chess lol, potato chips are what really matters.
>lol, please fuck me in the ass.
>*unzips dick*
>When Sup Forums can't decide who it hates more out of Muslims and Jews
Sup Forums in full damage control mode and BTFO
trump plan assads downfall yet shill?
I know reading is harder than looking at pictures, but give it a shot.
You dumb faggot.
We knew about his Jewish daughter and his support of Israel since day one
You're a fucking idiot
>"sources tell me..."
>"lol no i dont have it on tape"
>"im a journalist i dont tape everything lul"
>believing that shit
I called Trump personally and he told me otherwise
>I need to dumb everything down to fast food sale exemples coz i cant understands politics xDDD
fucking burger education
>kike loving faggot
>the tolerant, equality preaching left
ctr's new tactics maybe getting more confusing
but just as ineffective
So is this what happens when CTR has an identity crisis loses its fucking mind?
>"F-fucking CTR! The Don w-will destroy t-that globalist Clinton!"
I think they're just trying to muddy the waters. I'm not sure where they are trying to stir up chaos. This board is always in a state of chaos and confusion. 8pol is even worse if that is possible.
>Remember that thing that didn't happen
Israel will be destroyed by 2030, and it will be because of Donald J. Trump.
Jews are the root of the cause using Muslims to distract us from their tricks, and divert our hate to them.
This. How the fuck CTR is still active???
Maybe you should go back r/Le_Doland if that's where you feel more comfortable, you cut cock kike loving cuck.
I rather side with Jews than with ISIS. Fucking Obama is 4 years too late
>the left has become anti semitic they are so butthurt about trump
Is there anything Sup Forums can't do? Now we have the left right where we want them.
Deep pockets and lots of butthurt. they are literally on every site running around like faggots. Their main goal is to pretend to be the "Alt right" and make us look bad by spamming bullshit
>"trump w-will team up with putin and r-retake constantinople!"
>Side with Jews
>ISIS is a real threat
>roaches not understanding 4D chess
His mother wasn't Jewish you dumb shitskin.
>Man fuck da joos
>>Who is better?
>A jew
Added one more aspect to seal the deal.
Daily friendly reminder that there are still people on this board who believe voting actually matters and choosing sides, thinking that (((politicians))) will save them
>"b-but trump is n-not a politician"
>"didn't you s-see? they a-all tried to stop him!"
top kek what a year, well played jews
Honestly I'm inclined to agree. It's like they saw Trump coming so they had a kike marry his daughter to secure themselves in preparation.
Well played indeed. He's either playing 4D chess or they really have secured themselves.
Can't I dislike them both? Is that racist?
His Brazilian man, still developing nation leaf. Cut some slack.
All leafs deserve the rope tbqhwy
>We also stand by Israel.
Israel are objectively wrong. There is no way Israel is right in this situation. They are illegally building settlements, and are ignoring the US and all of the UN, and have cut ties with all countries who disagree with them.
>W-we l-love I-israel now, b-because d-daddy Trump said Israel is good.
Honestly, head back to thedonald until you can think for yourself.
Yes. This whole election we thought we were outjewing the jews, but we were outjewed once again.
>They are illegally building settlements
It's their lands
When we thought we were winning but we ended up in a jewish xanatos gambit and got outplayed again.
How the fuck would I be JIDF if I am criticising Israel and their puppet Trump?
Lmao I'm not JIDF. I'm seriously worried man, because what if that's actually what just happened. We can't afford to be naive, we need to be real here because kikes have been a yuge threat throughout history.
It's not unlikely.
Israel is a necessary evil, but great to troll cucks on.
What? you think we're just going to stop giving money to the biggest recipient of foreign aid that happens to have a samson option? Nigger please.
Always do the opposite of what Turks say.