wtf this guy works with taylor swift
i thought she was /our girl/
wtf this guy works with taylor swift
i thought she was /our girl/
You have to go back
>verified account
Kike puppet
This guy is projecting pretty badly his internalized frustrations. It's really cringey when people do this. They never reflect on how they're acting or why they're saying what they say.
He's right you know.
>"Treat them like bitches and they'll take it"
Also, acknowledge the numbers
he's right.
it doesnt mean trump is bad, just his boot lickers
>Goldman Sachs
Lets stop with this meme
>Low information concern trolling
We won, and we're not going to stop celebrating because Leftists hate rich people, cuck.
>did not endorse hillary during the campaing despise muh feminism and everyone in her medium did it
>grew up as a republican
>played the music that conservatives play the most
>is not literally shaking after the election
>have used 'gay' as an insult in one of her songs
>never dated a non white
>never even appeared in a music video with a non white as her love interest
don't worry m8, she is /ourgirl/
Taytay is pure she is /ourgirl/
He didn't imprison Killary so yes he's not trustworthy. Never has been. Pretty much a wildcard. It surprises me that Sup Forums asskisses the guy so much. But then again, the Sup Forums I liked is long gone.
I'm just watching these developments within the vein of Spengler. Trump is a large step toward the Caesarism he predicted. Shit is going to get interdasting.
>in this much denial over your cucked orange balloon man
Face it, you got conned. Trump's going to make you fellate that cut Jew cock while his corp buddies rob you blind for the next eight years, AND he'll make you fucking like it, because hey, at least it's not the libruls and niggers. You idiots are the biggest bunch of cucks there are.
She got that bbc you know
Fuck. Why did we vote for the lesser evil, guys?
This. I had to reread it a few times before I even understood what the fuck the Poo was even saying.
You're just now realizing that 1989 was one of the most Jewish produced albums of all time?
We really need a J-dar for music.