
what's Sup Forums opinion about Watermelonistan?

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You are all watermelonistanians
Pochem pomidory, givi?




mountain jews of the east
Azeri people are either pretty nice people or some of the worst people on earth, there's no middle ground



>it's a churka thread


worst scum in the region

My ukrainian gf told me, that Azeris are somehow always involved in criminal activity. So they are just Turks after all

Are Taijiks as bad or worse?


Fuck them, Hail Armenia

Keep going

Are they muslim?
Slaughter them all burn their homes and let no one live.


Needs to be nuked, the people are as vicious and ugly as the average T*rkish bastard.

tajiks are harmless

what is with the watermelons

>kavkaz sila folks are weakest race



Melons are worse than roaches

Filthy muslims

It's Turkey's ugly deformed twin-brother, that it hides in the attic.

Dirty smelly hairy rude people. Usually fruit vendors, taxi drivers and smugglers.


One of the best Chess players is an Azer. But fuck all of this nonsense. Someone should post the iq average for every country in the Caucus region.

>Garik Kimovich Weinstein
> His father, Kim Moiseyevich Weinstein, was Russian Jewish, and his mother, Klara Shagenovna Gasparian, was Armenian.

Is there a meme I missed out on again

If I eat the melons, will they die?

>Caucasus region
All you need to know:
Georgians > Armenians > Abkhazians > Ossetians > Azerbaijanis > Chechens > Dagestanis
Others are irrelevant.

if you eat kebabs, will they die? you need to remove them!

He looks looks almost like the watermelon vendor you're posting.
I'm talking about actual data.

tbqh, I'm not eating any meat that a sweaty, hairy guy gives me.

I already learned that lesson once.

Melon removers
his father is jewish. azeris are basically mountjews

I don't think such a data exists.

Why is his head moving at hihg speed? Like turbo Shaniqua movements.

>genetically pretty much all the same people
>fight amonst yourselves constantly
>while the rest of the worlds laughs/sell your overpriced weapons and "assurances" of support they never fulfill
When are you retards gonna fix your shit?

There are like 3 million Armenians neighbouring over 40 million Kurds that want more clay while the Armenians are too busy fighting the watermelon mudslimes of Azerbaijan over a meme-region. This while the Georgians are fighting their own meme-war with the Ossetians/Abkhazians that are egged on by the Russians.

Let alone all the shit going on in Dagestan.

just armenian things
genetics does not affect on phenotype

Armenians are up to 11 million around the world. they already annexed eastern armenian clays.
>while the Georgians are fighting their own meme-war
meme wars are mainstream in post soviet states

You just need to search for IQ average based on country. Since Azerbaijan is pretty much homogeneous, the data would be some what accurate.

Cancer of Caucasus

>genetics does not affect on phenotype

nigga what? genetics and enviornment (especially genetics) are what determine phenotype

t. Microbio post-grad

Rightful Iranian clay. Along with the rest of the Muslim countries

i meant haplos or whatever. go back to racial classification and genetic thread, this topic is all about Melon memes

Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia...all three are remains of Salm's kingdom and will eventually be a part of the homeland

Is this from "IQ and wealth of the nations"? That book determines Georgia IQ by averaging IQ of Turkey and Russia

rightful owners of georgia.

Home of the Mountain Jews.