Title is explanatory. Got a question you want to ask your local Schlomo that isn't a shill? I'm here.
I'm a Jew who grew up Jewish but isn't ((((Jewish)))) AMA
Other urls found in this thread:
I could point out how 9/10 of the 1919 German communist revolution leaders were Jewish, how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they were the driving force behind opening our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes or hell I could lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with. But I won't. Rather i'll ask that whenever someone in this thread witnesses societal/political rot ask yourself, and don't be afraid to do some digging if necessary, if a certain sunken eyed inbred tribe is behind it.
Sup Forums calls this 'taking the redpill' and it ruins everyone as it's impossible to stop seeing the (((coincidences)))
Where do I learn to handle money better. No one has ever taught me.
Do you own a sodastream? Did you know that's your people's only contribution to the world?
Do you know any big kahuna Jews? Is there a real clear divide between the average Jew and (((Jews)))?
What do you think of Ben Freedman and other Jewish dissidents?
Did you ever declare that you're jewish just so you can improve your standing at job/school/life?
...What? That's not a question, leaf.
Just stop spending it on junk food? I'm good with money in that I have self control but if you mean shit like the stock market, I have no idea.
A what?
Nah, I don't. There is a massive divide. And then a slightly smaller divide between the normie Jews who always bring up that they're Jewish and have an eternal victim complex vs the Jews who don't. My family thankfully fits into the latter category, but some of my cousins are obnoxious as fuck, huge lefties too.
No real opinion either way.
My aunt told me I should but the only time I did was when I was a little kid, too young to understand the implications of anything, really.
Actually, I do pull the Jew card when arguing with sjws if they start ad homineming.
Opinion about Zionists?
So of the 5-8 million jews in the US, how many are elite (((Jews)))?
Around 10%?
Do the elite Jews despise the lower tier Jews like extremely religious jews despise the goyim?
Are the elite Jews even religious, or is just all about power?
Btw, OP, thanks for this thread, I always knew that most Jews online were just normies like most of us here. It is just unfortunate that there are a number of Stormcucks roaming this board, trying to persuade everyone that A. The Holocaust did not happen, and B. that ALL JOOZ are horrible (((people))) who all have to be put in camps and gassed.
Opinions on pilpul?
Have you shot any white women with your race mixing laser today?
Is the Learned Elders of Zion conspiracy legit or just a Slavshit meme?
Why do Krauts enjoy destroying Europe?
> I'm a man who grew up a man but isn't """a man""" AMA
Opinion about Israel and Palestina?
It's a 100% meme. Unlike many others. Probably one of many pushed today to make them first instances and discredit the whole thing in related google queries.
Into the gas chambers they go!
Ah man, I really don't know. I'd say more like 5%, but it could be higher, or lower. A lot of Jews, arguably most, are well off and affluent but may not necessarily be elite per se. I grew up in an affluent family, my sister's an ice skater, mom's a soccer mom, dad's a psychiatrist. Jews tend to work hard and also get help from other Jews, thus getting higher positions and more opportunities, however having connections doesn't exactly make them ((((them)))).
Are the elite jews religious? The ones at the very top, probably not. The ones directly beneath them? Probably.
And it's fine, I understand where the hatred and resentment comes from. It's based in truth, sometimes distorted or exaggerated but truth nonetheless. I personally don't follow the religion because I can't stand most of its followers.
A lot of Jews you should be wary of, but the normie jew girl next door who plays soccer and likes pad thai noodles you probably don't have to worry about. A lot of these normie Jews will have a victim complex but they'll also genuinely care about humanity and goys.
Too drunk to make sense of what that image says, pls explain
>in the current year
We /MGTOW/ here
Don't know what that is, will need more info before opinion is formed. Krauts are fucking retarded is why.
I think both should be bombed into oblivion.
Oy vey, whadduabout the shopping cart, Goyim? Never forget the 66gorrilion systemically wheeled to and from concentration camps to ovens who inspired it's design and function.
Pilpul is a Jewish debating trick. Essentially they use sophistry instead of logic. Bullshitting.
so you are a convert but not jewish race?
do actual jews accept you?
Do real Jews consider you one of their own?
I don't know much about Jews, im only on here because I hate niggers
>I'm a Jew
>Posts OP of a woman on the toilet
it checks out
So like if I pull up crime statistics of niggers in the US and show them to a tumblr landwhale and she claims that's proof of their oppression and not of how fucking violent they are?
Not a convert to Judaism, rather a convert to agnosticism. Jewish by blood. I don't seek acceptance from Jews who would judge or hate someone for not being Jewish religiously or especially blood wise.
Niggers are cancer.
t. mohammed
Don't you have little girls to rape and Swedecucks to culturally enrich?
Also forgot, thread theme: youtube.com
Yes I am shilling for Dan Avidan, shut up. He's one of the Jews that's just a normie, no-schlomo jew. Still kinda bluepilled but has a nice personality.
Why do the jews pretend like their genocide was special?
They are not the only ethnic group that has been persecuted. Now the jews are a protected class yet they pretend they are still oppressed.
Have you accepted that whites are your only potential ally and that white genocude hurts Jews? Minorities consider you white
She'll talk about intraracial crime or say that race isn't real. I pointed out to someone that Blacks murder at about 6x the White rate and he said that some Blacks look White. He basically said that Blacks don't commit more crime because Blacks aren't real.
I do like his music. I'm not a fan of Jewry, but I have no complaints about his music.
Because their religion teaches them to have an eternal victim complex and we're probably genetically predispositioned to being entitled cunts too.
Yes and yes. Asians are alright but if I had the power to halt the white genocide and make it nigger genocide, I would in a heartbeat.
Ahh I see. I've heard that exact same shit said to me.
>get white vs black crime statistics
source on that gif
Have you read Talmud / when? Was it worth it?
>Into the gas chambers they go!
Good cunt.
Thoughts on Iran Syria and Lebanon?
Do you prefer them to Saudi Arabia and gulfies?
IIRC he's nonpracticing now though, which is brownie points in my book. I like him on Game Grumps, his ditzy personality is breddy gud, especially against Arin's sarcastic side. I actually had no idea he was Jewish until recently. I liked him before I found out, and him being Jewish actually made me like him a bit less until I found out he's nonpracticing.
9/10 would smoke weed and pole dance with
>was it worth it
Was religious indoctrination worth it....
Also need to be nuked. All of them. That entire section of the Earth needs to have 500,000 nukes dropped onto it.
If nothing happens on today or new years im gonna worship Moloch and diddle kiddies
Sauce for research?
Fugg wrong thread
Russians hacked my computer and deleted my tab, gonna kill myself now, bye
Goyim, I...
Any cute jewish girls in your family?
Ahahaha, we always knew, don't be so shy, Shlomo
Bloody kike
Syria and Lebanon are the last bastions against globalist zionist nwo
Greater Syria when?
My sister. :^) My mom's cute in the way a soccer mom who's a happy go lucky airhead is, I suppose. She's fat though.
Also one of my cousins is really hot. Doesn't look Jewish at all, either. Hair and eyes are brown but no schlomo nose, no bug eyes, she's really pretty and has freckles too.
Every other girl in my family is either fat, old, ugly, or all three.
desu I just don't give a fuck about the middle east and know next to nothing about what's happening aside from jewish and mudslime trickery.
Why do Jewish men marry Asian women?
Trump literally is Hitler :')
Basisbezogenes Blatt
I know your kind. I live with one and work for another. You say you aren't really Jewish but you all still act like fucking Jews. It's just how you were raised. Can't fault you for it really
Because they like the girl for her personality?
How and when did you convert out? Were there any particular issues or moments that made that happen?
Who hurt you, goyim? Aside from ((((them)))), that is.
Nice job making assumptions though m8. If you don't have a question, please fuck off.
Are you planning on marrying a Jewish girl, or do you want to go for a goy? What is your opinion on Trump, and Trump's kids all marrying Jews? Do you think they are (((Jews)))? Will Trump get influenced by his son and daughters in laws, and become a major zionist?
Is there any hope for Judaism or is it doomed to be a faith of raging victim complexes and tribalistic cronyism forever?
Do Jews hate anime?
I just stopped believing, is all. Told my family, they accepted it after some reluctance. What made me say goodbye to Judaism and religion in general were two big events plus a bunch of smaller shit over the years:
1. There's no proof Judaism, or any religion, is truly factual. None. Nada. You can bullshit all you want but faith is all that it is. Faith. And I'm not arrogant enough to assume I know shit about the world, how it was or wasn't made, or anything in general. I'm not fucking stupid.
2. Family reunions. Holy fucking shitballs. You guys talk about the whole greedy manipulating part of Jews, but never about the fedora tipping whiny nu-male part. All but one of my male cousins fall into this category. One of them literally wore a fedora and a my little pony shirt to the 2013 reunion. I'm not making this shit up. Jews tend to be really obnoxious personality wise. Like, really obnoxious. At least this generation's do. The boys seem to gravitate towards fedora tipping neckbeards while the girls become raging femicunts. Those that don't usually aren't annoying but my sister, for example, is pretty pushy, although whether that's because she's Jewish is up for debate.
Part 2.
Even more so, the way *some* of my relatives would talk about goy just repulsed me. They'd say shit like "X only won because the judges are against us" and it's like no, X won because your retarded, talentless hack of a daughter can't into singing. Then the relatives who didn't say that shit wouldn't speak out, or they'd just awkwardly say "Y-Yeah..." and not stand up for goys. That really pissed me off too. My 3 aunts refuse to speak to me because I told them off for being racist against white people.
That eternal victim complex was the last straw for me. I'm very thankful that my mother and father aren't like that. They're cucks and delusional, but in the same way Kazakh muslims are. They genuinely believe that God wouldn't tell them to lie and manipulate (even though he does, very explicitly).
I'll marry whoever I love. Trump may or may not be a shill. He's rather redpilled but may just be reluctant to swallow the pill that even I, a fellow Jew can swallow: A lot of Jews are dangerous, just not in the blowy-uppy type like mudslimes are.
It's dead, Jim.
Kek no, the opposite actually.
>although whether that's because she's Jewish is up for debate
that's just white girls in general these days, religion isn't part of it
does old Sup Forums stand with israel?
You think Jews are white?
Ask Sup Forums.
would you be able to achieve certain goals, join special clubs, attend special meetings and do special shit because you are jewish?
if so why dont you?
Yes, I would. I don't because I think it's unfair and bullshit.
Do you believe rights belong to the people unless given away or justifiably taken away, and don't originate from gov't?
Yes, if I'm understanding you correctly. (I'm kinda tipsy, sorry.)
I heavily believe that everyone should have the right to their own body and should never be forced into slavery or attempted to be controlled or used as a pawn against their will. I also believe people should have the right to say whatever they want, whenever they want, with zero legal repercussions.
How angry do jews get when they're called white after they pull the jewish card?
Jews will use whatever card suits them at the time.
Abortion is child sacrifice. Otherwise I think we agree that rights are natural, and not given but protected by law. Also mildly tipsy.
I'm gonna go to bed now, it's nearly 6am here and my sister just left for figure skating practice. Hope at least one of you got your desire fulfilled. Will continue later in another thread, maybe.
Oh yeah, happy new year!
I never mentioned abortion broski, but yes I believe that, within my tiny cone of presumed knowledge I have about the world, some rights are a given no matter who you are, even if you're a nigger.
Okay now I sleep. Goodnight!
I thought it implied. I never mentioned other races. Not a leftwing racist, or a 'rightwing' leftist either.
The fullness of the Torah is loving your neighbor and mercy. Maybe study it yourself.