So, let's say that you have 2 white sisters with an IQ of 100...

So, let's say that you have 2 white sisters with an IQ of 100. One of them marries an Indian man with an IQ of 140 and the other marries a white man with an IQ of 120. Whose kids are more likely to be smarter?

Other urls found in this thread:

50 50, cuz i got them both pregnant.

The Indian's, but who cares, he's also giving him a shit ton of other shittier non-white genetic material, lower overall trust, and more likelihood for being a manlet and ugly

> Brown eyebrows
> Fake Blonde

Not to mention Indian men are great at murdering their wives and children

Lots of girls make their eye brows darker for them to be more expressive. At least in the few countries where blondes aren't a rarity.

>implying there are a practical number of indians with an iq over 80

Hate to say it, but FPBP.

smarter in trrms of iq, pajeet's kids.
if you take both kids at birth and grow them in the same way, statistically pajeet's kid will be smarter.
however, culture and education plays a big role in effective intelligence, so probably the white kid.

This And not just a few, but it's been happening since many years back, trend started when immigrants arrived and immigrant girls were shown on TV, so the blonde girls want to look like them. It's disgusting.

Doesn't matter since the children of the Indian man will have such an inferiority complex that they'll kill themselves.

Yeah, about 600 millions of them.

> Wanting to look like lower-class foreign brown hordes instead of Vikings and Valkyrie descendants
Truly disgusting, Sven

White one because of regression to the mean

It'll most likely revert to the lower Indian mean.

It is likely that paternal Punjabi will use his shit covered hands to prepare a Saag Paneer, causing his 'Poo on toilet seat' kids to die of diarrhea or dysentery.

Can't say for sure with this incomplete information. While Pajeet may be smarter, the genes that have lead to his intellect may not be "compatible." The relationship between genes and intellect is complex and Indian smart gene clustering may not be compatible either fully or partially with European clustering. You may end up with brown manlet retards

The Indian, but it will be offset by the offspring being a filthy mix breed, so who is the real loser here?

The pure white baby unless the Indian belongs to a subpopulation with higher than average IQ. Offspring IQ regress to their ethnic population mean. This is why even if we only let the smart niggers into europe we will end up with a bunch of idiot niggers a few generations down the line.

There is literally nothing wrong with Emilie Nereng, mate

the one that poo in loo

At that difference probably the indian's, but regression to the mean is a thing you know. Also, IQ is not 100% genetic.

>breeds with the white man
>this is going to be his son in 2030

Sup Forums doesn't want to think about it

Some Northern Indian populations have IQs rivaling or exceeding those of most/many whites, plus regression to the mean applies to groups dependent upon an initial condition, and in this case the initial condition is the father, it's kind of hard to explain, but just read up some population genetics on the subject, but the IQ of the first generation child in question will likely be higher if the 140 IQ Indian is his father, although this is not likely to be true in future generations.
I never said there was anything wrong with her, she's a qt, all I said was she's not a natural blonde


It's the wrong answer due to regression to the mean.


So the carpet does'nt match the drapes? I thought all Norwegians were blonde.

Regression to the mean is alright, but which mean? India's 1.3 billion population mean with a hundred or more different ethnic groups? That mean? Of course not, we are talking the mean of his immediate lineage (which probably isn't too bad).

regression to the mean will pull the indian childs IQ back down towards the Indian average, which is like 85. So the answer is the White child is likely to be smarter.

Mist be weird coming from a country where everyone is blonde and beautiful yet women are still not happy.

Well you thought wrong then, assuming you're actually being serious

Bullshit, that's not the fathers mean, that's a statistical average of an arbitrary geographical location (Indian subcontinent). Useless for biological purposes. Also that's not how heritability works in only one generation, with IQs dropping from 140 to 85.

The white one. The Indian kid will never be able to master toilets and so will be stuck in retard school.

Jesus Christ

It depends on the specific population group the father is from. If he has an IQ of 140 he's almost certainly from a high-IQ (100+) Northern population. However, regression works by averaging your characteristic (IQ in this case) with the average of your group, and that will be the most likely statistical average IQ of your descendant, assuming that your breeding partner came from the same group and has the same IQ. Considering we're dealing with different individuals and different groups which both have different IQs the math will become somewhat complex, but if you assume two parents from a group with an average of 85 and both have IQs of 140 than you take the average IQ is most likely to be (140 + 85) / 2 = 112.5

Not sure mate, its new years and ive just started on the bourbon.

the whites because historically whites are smarter and the indian is just smarter because he had education where he was learning calculus at 3 years old while the american education system is shit sooo

god help us, keked

>culture and education plays a big role in effective intelligence
Sup Forums actually admits

They're jelly of your riches

Actually southern India is more developed than Northern. idk about IQ though. IQ tests are rarely taken in India.

Isn't that the 15-year-old slut from Sweden who wanted to sell her virginity to fund a mosque?

I don't get this Northern meme. South population may have more australoid people but have better standards of living and HDI and perhaps even higher IQ.

Yes but at the same time culture and education are totally dependant on genetics.
Low iq populations can't create an environment that estimulates one's development.
Hence why you see such disparity between how well immigrants do in the west compared to their shithole country of origin (especially if they're selected). If they were really smart in the first place they wouldn't have to leave their own countries because they'd be developed.

Did anyone here ever deny that the enviroment affects intelligence?
What I've seen people do is add race to the factors that influence intelligence

Fair enough, I might have just got the two groups mixed up. I also might have a false bias since I assume that Northern India traditionally dominated the India that we think of now culturally and all of the Indians I've met at my technical school were from Northern India, particularly Utter Pradesh.

I mean generally the argument that I see is that genetics, and therefore race, the most obvious phenotypic expression of grouped genetic expression in humans, is the primary determinant/contributor to intelligence and that environment contributes a little, but that overall intelligence is overwhelmingly genetically heritable.

My point is IQ is transient. If IQ was measured say 500 years ago, there would be remarkable differences in Nation and IQ correspondence. IQ depends on education and early childhood care more than it does on race.


After looking into it, apparently the Brahmins have extremely high average IQs and are insanely disproportionately achieving in numerous fields such as culture, science, philosophy, mathematics, etc., I'll have to look into it more.

Let me say it again. South is dark skinned as in Australoid. They happened to be more developed despite their lack of Aryan blood.

lets say you try dating for real

indians are actually caucasians too

whats the difference?

Stop posting images of Norwegian girls. I have a copyright.

I have seen many people on Sup Forums confidently deny that IQ has anything to do with education. This is probably because many people on this board (Sup Forums has a close association with /r9k/) are NEETs and general social outcasts. Their only achievement in life is being white and perhaps an IQ test score they took on the internet.

Now that's not true, education hasn't been shown to meaningfully affect IQ all that much, education just teaches specific skills which you can learn depending on your IQ, believing that education increases IQ is putting the cart before the horse. Early childhood environment is a different story entirely and probably has the single largest environmental impact on intellectual development, but outside of drastically exceptional environments in which, say, sensory or language deprivation occur, most environments are generally sufficient for adequate cognitive development in humans. If you take into account adoption studies, transracial adoption studies, and monozygotic twin studies as well as other studies comparing the IQs of individuals as well as relating to their level of genetic relatedness (parents, cousins, siblings, twins, etc.) you generally find that IQ is between .6 (very low end) and .8 (high end) with something around 0.76 being the best substantiated.

The mutt will have higher IQ but the white will have higher wisdom and overall life proficiency.

the pure white kids will be smarter because, the white race is smarter, the indian with the IQ of 140 is just some abnormality disorder, and he won't pass on his intelligence to his kids

>being white
such a #problematic outlook Pajeet, being white is nothing special! we are all the same

Will do. Lurking in anticipation that you will.

Correlation does not equal causation Pajeet.

For example shit flowing down the street and men shitting in the street are correlated, yet shit flowing down the street does not in any way cause men to shit in the street.

White, indians are heavily inbred, even more so the higher castes.

It is studied that IQ decreases during summer breaks from school.

>Whose kids are more likely to be smarter?

The white one. The outbreeding with the Indian will lead to a significant dropp in expected iq even if he's smarter.

Does the poo have high IQ relatives?
If not the one that married the white man is likely going to have kids with a high IQ since the Poo's IQ genes are recessive and 140 IQ Indian genes aren't just going to pop up in a pure white person's gene-pool. If the Indian lad marries a first or second cousin or if the sister is half Poo or something maybe he'll pass down his high IQ to his offspring.

>t.Punnett Square

>IQ depends on education and early childhood care more than it does on race.
Sure. Keep telling yourself that Pajet. Iq is 80% genetical.

Actually it's 20-40% dependent on genetics.


indians are white, this thread is nonsense

I'm a heterosexual blonde male, and I colour my eyebrows darker as well. My eyebrows are so blonde that it's kinda hard to see them, so it looks like i doesn't have eyebrows at all if i don't colour them

The white one. Why? Because the stupid slut who married the poo is definitely retarded to want to marry an ugly shit monkey.

Why bruh? Blonde eyebrows are cool.

>people that don't know how intelligence works
>Bill Gates fucked my mom that's why Im a 27 yo script kiddie living in grandma's basement
>onahole.jpg on its way

Yeah but how much, the effects of education have very slight impacts on IQs, 3-8 points at the max. Not to mention that what you just mentioned is a short term-effect, going back to school for say, 2-4 weeks would likely cause IQs to rise back to their previous level, as would going back to school once summer is over, if you were developed to maturity your IQ wouldn't rise after break to being higher than it was before, these things have more to do with just getting acclimated to routine and maximizing your mental flexibility, they don't actually meaningfully improve your creativity or ability to think in abstract terms.

Trick question, there is not an indian with 140 iq

You seriously expect us to believe Northern Indians have higher avg IQs than whites?

>"pure white person's gene pool"
>Poo's genes are regressive
>not White genes are regressive

How come one nigger in a family makes a kid black but one white bitch in the family doesn't make the kid white? Because anglo genes are recessive by nature

Let me say it this way. There are more Indians with an IQ of 140 than Finns.

You must know different whites than me, cause I know several indians outpacing their retarded cousin the redneck


Finnish people are actually the smartest in Europe, I'd care to bet that if there were any so dense a population of ppl with an IQ of 140, it would be in Finland.

Those Indians should form their own country and create the Japan of India. I'd be rooting for them.

> What are different population subgroups
Yeah, there are a lot of technical fields in which there are a lot more Indians represented than whites proportionally to their population that actually has access to technical education

thats our woman. you have no right to use her image. medi cuck

>Country of 1.3 billion people
>Country of 5.5 million

Unless there is approx 2 standard deviations between Finnish and Indian mean IQs there will be more 140 IQ people in India.

>It is studied that IQ decreases during summer breaks from school.

Probably form the weed and drinking desu.

I want to hate but kek tells me it's true

kek, /thread


Delete this

If IQ was really dependent upon education, then why the hell was Srinivasa Ramanujan, who was educated in a backwater rural school without access to any academic resources and raised in a shitty rural Indian town without utilities, able to essentially independently discover hundreds of years' worth of European mathematical theorems by himself without outside help, and catch the eye of G.H. Hardy, a Cambridge mathematician, as the most impressive young mathematician he'd ever seen? If IQ was all about education he'd have been a retard instead of a once-in-a-generation mathematical genius.

What proof do you have of this?
What evolutionary pressures were Northern Indians faced with that Pakistanis or Iranians weren't?

Let us rephrase it this way.
I'd rather have a finnbro as a bro in law than a pajeet.
Call me loo racist

White on white, because mixed race are more likely to end up retarded.

cognitive ability is inherited solely from the mother. The father can affect in what manner, or to what extent, that ability is expressed, but will not grant any biological indicator of his own personal iq.
either child will test at quotient 100 +/- 20

>muh feels


The white one because the IQ always returns to the median average, regardless of parents, most of the time.
>average POOjet IQ is 80.
>average white is 100
So you have a 90 IQ mongrelized english gypsy.