Asians are subhuman just like all nonwhites.
Don't be fooled by the high IQ meme.
Asians are subhuman just like all nonwhites.
Don't be fooled by the high IQ meme.
well this is what happens during overpopulation and high population density
desperation and cruelty in order to survive
still pissed though
nope, you don't see this shit in other densely populated areas of the world. nice try though
>western obese shit mutilate cows,pigs,chicken put them in small crates to make McNugget
>China man kills stray dogs
oh no my doggoo :(( we westerners never hurt anyone! hahah fucking idiot kaffir
no excuse.
if the cause is overpopulation, its time we cure their overpopulation
animals aren't tortured for flavor in the west.
Africa? Shittiest hellholes of South America?
What about poaching? Does that count to something?
Fucking hell, of course this happens elsewhere.
I'm not arguing it's good, I'm saying this shit happens in many places
Don't think you're high and mighty just because you don't eat pork.
You slaughter animals in an extremely inhumane way, Mahmet Mahmood Mohammed IV.
nor for fun on this wide of a scale.
no shit it happens elsewhere, but again, it's a matter of scale.
go ahead and show me westerners crowding around in the streets to do this kind of shit.
>doesn't understand the soul destroying powers of communism and mass starvation
I thought a whites were suppose to be empathetic and intelligent, whatever happened to that? I guess those things just come and go when it suits you huh?
Whites really are no different from Jews.
I see.
We agree on this then, China does this shit a lot but it does happen elsewhere.
Fuck China, what a goddamned hellhole.
I fucking hope Trump ruins there fucking country I hope they are reduced to eating each other while the rest of the world watches in satisfaction KEK please hear our pleas china must be wiped out
>Be starving chink
>See starving doggo on street
>Kill it to put it out of its misery and eat it so your family doesn't starve
>Fat American eating halal hamburger tells you that you are inhumane
Listen snow nigger, I don't give a shit if they kill dogs and cats. Do it humanely. There is no reason to torture any being for the sole purpose of self-satisfaction, especially when these animals have done nothing wrong. You can't even call this killing, it's pure torture.
Holy fuck, I should not have clicked this link.
Are these the same people that are digging up and eating their dead relatives?
Wow, fuck these people seriously. These images are beyond cruel. Damn this thread really got to me, as if I didn't hate chinks enough already.
Why the literal fuck would you slaughter it for fun as well then?
They just have a vastly different cultural philosophy on life, its value, and the idea of souls/empathy. This is common in non-westernized Asian countries. The thing that sickens me about this is that a lot of these people claim to be Buddhists, but do you honestly think the Buddha would be okay with this?
>caring about filthy animals
You are the same as every other niggerloving liberal.
>let me just skirt around the specifically asian issue of animal torture to make some shit up about starvation
Plenty of Buddhist apocrypha were made in China. Buddhism with Chinese characteristics is a damn joke.
go back to hunting spiders for food you filthy gook
It's not the what it's the how.
You can kill a doggo much more humanely than cutting off extremities, literally torching it's flesh while still living, or scalding it with boiling water. I wouldn't even wish this on a Turk.
really made me think.
Man snap out of this illusion. Just that we dont make shit like this primitively and on the streets doesnt mean we dont do it. Take mcdonalds for example. Or fur farms
Go live in china and make shoes for 5 cents an hour then preach about not eating dogs
Shame, I like the look of the fat and happy Chinese Buddha more than the stern and emaciated Indian one.
Shit like this makes me wish aliums just came to earth and wiped all humans from it.
Go back to getting hunted by spiders you boomerang nigger
The fucking Chinese are animals! This is simply managing the wild life.
>kill dog because you need to eat
Ok, but it's against Western morals but w/e
>kill dog for fun extremely slowly by torturing it to death
Why? Just why, you sick fuck?
don't even compare the west to these backwards shitholes, you're embarrassing yourself
fuck off subhuman. you're telling me they can't at least kill the animals quickly? they're poor so they have to torture their food?
inb4 >muh feelings
Not only are you a gook but an inferior 85 IQ gook
They can eat em, it's just about slaughtering them without hurting them so much.
Reminder that they generally follow the belief that the more the animal suffers before it dies, the better it tastes after. That's why chances are when you see them doing things like street food, they torture and brutalize the animals as badly as possible, rather than just killing it. Not just dogs either, but it's why they do stuff like skin/boil/etc them alive.
Who gives a shit, the dog dies eventually
they dont have high IQ. they are cheating with is, they wont meassure iq in villages but only in cities with succesfull people who have obviously higher IQ. also remider that white americans have same IQ as japanese.
probably most of them don't slaughter the animals with cruelty, it's probably just poverty areas.
The (You) is back! Praise Kek!
>never been to an industrial slaughterhouse
Maybe whites are just so utterly out of touch from the world outside of their protective little suburbs, that the fact animals die for their meat doesn't compute in your tiny little brains. Ever been to an all American industrial slaughter house? You think animals there aren't dying utterly terrified surrounded with the cloying smell of blood and death? At these the chinks are seening what it means to take a life for its meat, you cowardly cumskins probably think all the meat are massaged out of a cow before you release it back to the fields to graze happily with its brethrens.
They've been doing this shit for four thousand years.
it's about chopping and skinning them alive you fucking gook.
they don't even try to kill their food before they start eating
Who has the webm of the girl cutting a dog leg off while the dog gives her the puppy eye look, and she stop for second before she continues to cut his leg off and his other leg then she kicks him to the side and you can see the dogs sad defeated look.
>its this butthurt thread again
dont you have your big macs to eat?
You arm and finance ISIS to do the same to human beings user. Fix your shit first
>causing needless suffering to a living being by torturing it to death
Can you not see why this is wrong, you subhuman gook?
Oh no im not comparing us. Also i dont care how or from where the meat i eat comes. Just saying that western people torture animals too, just out of public view
fuck off with the memes ladyboy when western civilization clashes with you filthy gooks it'll be Australia that delivers the final nail in your pitiful existence
>Africa? Shittiest hellholes of South America?
>What about poaching? Does that count to something?
>Fucking hell, of course this happens elsewhere.
>I'm not arguing it's good, I'm saying this shit happens in many places
You don't see this shit in the high population density areas in Europe. I mean there are cities in the UK, France, the Netherlands, etc that have population densities that are comparable to Asia and they don't do this bullshit
The practice of eating dogs in China is dying out
Further, cruelty to animals of this horrific order is the exception, not the rule, and usually occurs in very primitive rural areas
Be careful. You're sounding really liberal right now.
Your country is being invaded by China, abo. You'll be a chink colony first before you can invade anybody with a leash on neck.
I'm a mudslime and even I understand that dogs are different then any other animal on the planet. Fucking studies of scans of dogs brains show that they get a stronger reaction from humans then even other dogs. They literally prefer us over their own kind, race traitors to the core lul. Some other thing I read also shows your dog dreams about you when it sleeps the majority of the time when it dreams. How could you kill an animal that is literally coded by evolution to serve our species.
>don't even compare
Yeah because whites are only capable of goodness? Pull your head out of your ass. Factory ranches in the states are fucking nasty as shit. Your white factory farms grind baby male chicks to paste because they don't produce eggs, and they slaughter milk cows once they can no longer give birth/produce milk. The only difference between the white cumskin and a chink is the white cuck use machines to do his job.
Everything else stays exactly the same.
Funny because the only people i see going into brothels to get fucked in the ass by ladyboys are Australians
Go back to sniffing petrol you filthy abbo
>thinking western meat factories are the beacon of humaneity with 0 suffering
you just dont see it
They need to be wiped out from this planet
t. Muslim that never had a dog.
Fuck off you fucking retarded.
Niggers are more empathetic than chinks. Google bear bile
japanese should have killed them all
Hey fucking nigger I refer you to my post
Atleast white cucks know dogs aren't food fucking nigger
You are basically the niggers of Asia.
are asians even human?
Muslims are not human beings lol
some of these are obviously torture
and some of these are obviously pictures from some sort of abattoir
first disconnect yourself emotionally and start to think rationally. you're not a woman. stop acting like one.
then ground your statements in reality by referring statistics. it may very well be possible that the chinese like torture as a flavor, but I wouldn't know this because this thread is full of worthless liberal-like emotional appeals.
koreans eat dogs too, and the pearl-clutching numales on this board would have you believe that everyone in korea eats dog when in fact only a minority in korea actually does this.
Shut it annam dog savage. 99% of your shit countries culture come from your master China. Never forget you were slave to China for 1000 years. You have no shit to post in this thread you annam dogs eat cat dog rat baboon humans.
But it's not a pet dog. It's a farmed dog. It's bred for food. Not as a member of the family.
Whites first. They aren't contributing much now except bringing other races down, esp asians.
and you're basically a woman crying over an animal.
Singapore is pretty much Sup Forumss wet dream
They are incredibly tough on degeneracy
Filipinos are the niggers of asia
U srs? Singapore is one of the most advanced countries on this planet. Waitu piggu flock to Singapore
Here you see the chink genes of Finns
Not pictured: vegetarian Buddhists, lots of them.
A pathetic, dying tradition that does not have the greater context you believe.
>Don't be fooled by the high IQ meme.
Go back to Stormfront if you can't handle reality.
Not even muslims butcher animals that are still alive, m8
Reminder that Finns are Asians and they do not have souls.
please no
underrated post
Go eat some maggots and worms, you piece of shit.
fuck off faggot China is in fucking decline the world knows that with Trump becoming president they might not even be a superpower when he is done with them and you're no better you have a president who systematically slaughters anyone he doesn't like
Can't deny that though they are all old fuckers killing them would be a favour for us though I'll be watching your economy fall even more than what it is
>shooting a metal pin into the brains of an animal is the same as skinning it alive and then boiling it alive
t. stray chink
Get the fuck back to China and choke on the smog, little stray chink.
In any case, chinks are mutts since their ancestors were raped several times by Northern nomads. Evidence:
>i wouldnt wish this on a subhuman
This shit is why i never shed a single tear for what Japan did to these little yellow niggers during WWII. If America had any way of knowing what a pain in the ass these little commies would become would we have ever fought against based Nippon? Fuck it seems like in every way we chose the wrong sides in WWII. Well it figures,we had a retarded cripple democrap for fucking president with an ugly dyke for a wife.
I'm glad you started a new one friendo. My chink thread got 404'd
Behavioral sink.
>be careful you are not sounding like an autistic sociopath right now
Tell that to the Swiss, all your white superiority doesn't stop them from eating dogs AND cats. What about the French? They eat fucking horses, an animal that's far more closely tied to human civilization than dogs. Are they filthy sub humans too?
I swear whites are fucking disgusting, you faggots are the only people aside from dune coins that enjoy having sex with animals. They only fuck their goats, but you lot will fuck just about anything: dogs, horses, donkeys, dolphins, niggers, etc. the popularity of furries in Germany is a perfect example of the white man's capacity for dengeneracy.