Trump, Israel and Syria: The Truth

This is something you can watch during his presidency. There is a lot of shilling and FUD going around, but there is an easy to way to track Trump's real views of Israel.
Israel needs Assad to step down, the entire purpose of the Syrian conflict was to get rid of Assad. It's also why Clinton was so adamant about a no-fly zone. If Trump ever says "Assad has got to go" then you know he's compromised. He is not compromised otherwise.
See image attached, it's an intelligence report from the wikileaks clinton emails. Clear as day it says Assad needs to go for Israel's benefit.

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best picture made in the last month
it will quash a lot of shilling

We'll just have to wait and see what happens.


Exactly, Clinton really wanted that no-fly zone. Trump has never advocated regime change. If he ever turns around on Syria then it's an easy sign to recognize him being compromised.

bump for truth

Added another image to make it even clearer.

Where does the oil pipeline line up with this?

>also ID: Bad beat

Why not both? I mean that could be a reasonable compromise to the whole situation possibly.

fucking shills see that we support israel over palestine and now again try to sell us clinton as the good one and start this whole you "compromised" bullshit...

fucking idiots..we are smarter than you don't fucking get it

because fuck having competition, screw europe.

>Assad needs to go

that's literally the same retarded line used by Obama, Hillary, and everyone else trying to justify starting this shitstorm 5 years ago.

Fuck you, Israel needs to go.

So user was right?

US and Israel already got their shit pushed in with the liberation of Aleppo, it's not likely that they're gonna try the same tactic twice.
Something is gonna happen, but I doubt Trump is gonna tow the same line, no matter what his convictions are.

Makes sense.

One thing that left me puzzled is obama's decision regarding the UN resolution.

If he was in support of israel, what gives?

barely-concealed effort for the democrats to save face with their base on the way out the door.

young progressives in the west (even Jews) fucking *hate* israel. only thing they get right, maybe.


Damn this is actually pretty good. thanks op

>To reinforce this point, the Prime Minister can use his forthcoming visit to announce that Israel is now mature enough to cut itself free immediately from at least U.S. economic aid and loan guarantees at least, which prevent economic reform

>jews refusing economic aid and subsidies

It doesn't matter anymore.

Kek is collecting Clinton soon.

They want to be the ones handing out money and meddling on others shit.
