ITT: we discuss arguments about the Trump Presidency, and supposed Russian influence in the election, and other election related things libshits like to believe is real, and present an educated argument that makes them look like complete idiots or proves them wrong entirely.
Counter-Argument General
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If the information that was obtained from the leak is true, then the means of obtaining it is irrelevant. As a matter of fact, if anything, that form of Russian interference is actually beneficial to our democracy because it exposes more truth and doesn't hide the facts.
Liberals are the enemy
Funny how they became pro-war, pro-nationalism, pro-imperialism overnight, when those things started meaning the destruction of white people.
>ITT: I got btfo on facebook and now I need my echo chamber to tell me how I should respond
Fuck off OP. It's your belief, YOU argue it. Leave relying on others to tell you how to think to the lefties.
If you can't even justify your position to yourself in the face of mild opposition, WHY THE FUCK DO YOU HOLD IT?
Stop taking Sup Forums memes at face value. Not everything on Sup Forums is wrong, but most of it isn't right for the reasons Sup Forums says it is.
Disguised lib-tard identified
Just wow. Could you possibly be anymore cucked?
>information was true
>justification for a foreign government to access our information and meddle in our political processes
It's cool guys we - I mean they exposed corruption so don't worry about it. I'm sure it was done solely to enlighten the American people. Nothing to see here and we will totally stop any nonexistent cyber warfare against your country that we weren't doing in the first place oh btw your entire Intelligence Community is lying to you and also the private contractors and companies too trust me I'm your friend :^)
-From Russia
lol I just screencapped whatever random comment I saw on an article, you'll literally find these all over the place. This thread is just to gather all these arguments into one place so everyone can know how to properly refute them, not just me. It helps everyone.
If exposing crimes and corruption is "meddling" I want people to "meddle" in my politics more often.
You should give Putin a call then because it seems that he has directed his Intelligence agencies to expose corruption in other countries. Purely in the name of truth and transparency.
They would rather be ruled by corrupt ISIS supporting Hillary and be kept in the dark about it. It's quite funny how they can live with that.
If I were OP i'd just say something brutal and stupid like:
"Russia kills ISIS and exposes ISIS founder Hillary Clinton. Russia did nothing wrong. Heil Patriarch Putin."
>unironic commies trying to act like they have an ounce of credibility when it comes to caring about the USA or acting nationalistic
So, Obama expels russian spies from the government, and then trump praises the way putin responded to it:
"Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!"
Hmmm guys. i will just tell it to you directly. i don't think america is his first interest.
opinion discarded
>Russia hacked the election omg you're a traitor if you don't think trump should be executed
Response: foreign influence on an election is an issue and I seemed to have missed your outrage when there was mention of the pay to play investigation of secratary of state clinton and donations to the clinton foundation that received favorable treatment by our government. Given all the foreign donations hillary received it would seem that either way there was foreign influence in this election
When Rex Tillerson will make Russia rich again with his oil deal, don't tell me i haven't warned you
>tfw not smrt enuff two kno if this is reverse proctology
Sounds fine?
Who are you convincing? Your queen bitch deserves the electric chair.
I don't think you guys are getting the point of this thread. This isn't about just my screencap. It was supposed to be to discuss OTHER arguments as well, so we could then make a list of common arguments with educated responses to those arguments so we all know what to say when libcucks bring them up.
Don't you have sideburns to curl?
95% of people on this board are cucked by Russia and I really don't understand why.
They actually trust Putin more than everyone in their own government. It's absurd.
Meanwhile people post that video of the KGB defector who says that they were actively trying to subvert American culture with liberal ideas and somehow that's believable but Russia attempting to influence our elections is not...
"He should be executed for complimenting Putin's banter!"
Fuck regressives.
You know you could just shorten that to one word.
Response: Strawman.
It's actually essentially the exact same AND saves him the trouble of typing all that other stuff.
Ruskies aren't the ones poisoning my homeland with mudslimes and EU globalist bs.
They have gone full retard with this lastest "Russia did it" fantasy. I think the time for words ended a long time ago.
I read Wikileaks. Our government no longer fears us.
This is bait, right? Yuri was a defector from the USSR back in the 80s.
You do know that the USSR and KGB are debunk right? The man that originally made the joint statement with the DNI and DHS about alleged Russian hacking in the first place, James Clapper, actually came out after the election and said that Russia actually STOPPED their hacking during the election, and that the DNI didn't have any actual insight on any Russian hacking. Russia has done nothing geopolitically that would've affected the US (only Obama's friends the IMF and Soros). In fact, Russia was the one that stopped the US from invading Syria, a la Iraq, because Russia found the supposed Assad chemical weapons used in Aleppo were actually Libyan and were used by OUR "moderate rebels" the FSA instead of Obama's claim that it was Assad. It was even confirmed by a bipartisan UN review.
Russia stopped Iraq 2.0.
You're really not this stupid, right?
When did Russia become our enemy? How is Trump aiding the enemy? Shitposting on twitter is now a crime? Fucking necklace yourself cunt op
>You do know that the USSR and KGB are debunk right?
The point was to highlight the hypocrisy. Also, do you really believe they would just stop any kind of maliciousness towards the US or any other country?
>James Clapper
Your articles and his statements are from November...
Really fired up my neurons.
>Also, do you really believe they would just stop any kind of maliciousness towards the US or any other country?
Wtf I want to die in WW3 now....
There will probably never be another war like that sry