Central Asia

What goes in these countries?

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a lot of rape


never has a country name been so offputting

I can only imagine the people are very brown and unhygienic, but maybe they have a really tall state of the art skyscraper in their capitol city

came here to say this

They sit around in the dark drinking the vodka they make from their potato crop and fuck their relatives.


This is not to be confused with "Turkmanystan" aka Germany.

there are some qt girls in kazakhstan


Ashgabat creepy marble city

Giant monument to the Ruhnama (The Book of the Soul), the signature creation of Turkmenbashi. The book consists of spiritual & moral guidance, autobiography and revisionist history, defining family, social and religious norms for modern Turkmenistan. The former president once said that he had interceded with God to ensure that any student who read the book three times would automatically get into heaven.

>a really tall state of the art skyscraper

The girls look amazing young but age into fridge shaped gloomy looking ox people

Islamic extremism and the expansion of Russian influence.

stuff like this is what i was envisioning

all these countries have the same shit

Because of proper distribution of oil and gas money, it is the wealthiest former SU country.

> a fucking giant buttplug

ex-soviet poverty and corruption, mostly. they can actually be pretty comfy places if you're rich. degeneracy is nowhere near as rampant as it is in the west.

This used to be the Europe of the world. Back around 20-15,000 BC. Then it was all destroyed in the Nephilim Wars. Traces of it can be found in the Silk Road.

There is a lot of human history buried over there. Too bad we'll be dead before they find it.


Reminder that based Uzbek president is old and may pass soon giving radical Islamist groups a chance to rise to power.

It was always under Russian influence

They hate and murder britshits there, just like in Iraq....and many other parts of the world

GDP (PPP) 2016 estimate
• Total
$93.271 billion[4]
• Per capita
GDP (nominal) 2016 estimate
• Total
$35.398 billion[4]
• Per capita

DAAAAAMN, not bad at all

why arent they excavating?

riddle me this

Not really.
But the man who invented the numbers we use today was from what is now Uzbekistan. Literally the only thing I could think about them. Also they make good food and smoke hash.

uzbek, is that the place where they execute prisoners by boiling them alive?

>This used to be the Europe of the world.

you mean scum ridden continent of failed imperialists?

huh no wonder it faded away

Kek. I dont think so user.
Never heard of that


under Criticism

Also holy shit, he's dead!
Uzbekistan is fucked

They freeze them now


according to that wiki, he was a full on communist and uzbekistan is communist they just changed their name

so maybe its good that he died

>position abolished

No idea about uzbeks and kyrgyz, but kazakhs are descendants of Genghis Khan and some of their girls look cute, all kazakhs look east asian, and there are actually scientist and smart people overall. But there are actually lots of russians. And it looks like this: asians speak slavic language. Btw look "Sabina Altynbekovna" she looks japanese or korean, even though she is pure kazakh

That doesn't look to bad desu

I watched a bbc documentary on YouTube called the stans

I still don't really understand what happens in Central Asia. They did meet up with this posh 20 year old from eton whose dad owned mines and shit...

Us anglos are everywhere.

He was not a commie

Every ex-soviet leader was a member of the communist party back in the days,It was obligatory to make politics

Sabina plays volleyball

>full on commie
Yeah he ruled since the USSR
>maybe a good thing
Probably not. Atleast he kept the country more or less in order (as much as is possible in Uzbekistan) and prevented Islamists from taking power.
And it doesnt help that his daughter is exiled. I went to uni with a guy who was close friends with his grandson when they were young. The country is a shitshow.

without USSR they wouldn't have scientists and be even worst shitholes like Afganistan. They don't know what to do with the independence. Other than just live and do sports and trade oil.
And some fucks from CIA want Russia to further balkanize into such weak disoriented countries.

Not all of them.

Would like to go mountain climbing there but it's full of sandnigs, so no thanks.

Theyre closer to Mongols than sandnigs

Ivan, if it wasnt for russians, most of their population wouldnt starve to death because of bat shit crazy soviet government. Ussr was an empire of evil full of retarted slavic fucks who overstate their intelligence and capabilities. Central asia lived in peace and didnt need any of your scientist, because they already had some

Yes they *had* scientists, before the mongols wrecked their civilization.


>because they already had some
Trust me. These countries were much better off with the USSR with its education etc.

True, can't blame the mongols, they had to fuck entire so they asian race woud be even more massive

Combine Game of thrones, Stalingrad and Shariahniggers. There you go

It wasnt just their help, ussr was slaughtering every ethnicity which wasnt of their kind (russian), so no one deserves to live with a goverment who kill it's own citizens.

>USSR was slaughtering every ethnicity which wasnt of their kind (russian)
Kek. No they werent dumbass. Stop believing western propaganda

I was born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan as a Russian-German/Russian mix.

It's pretty comfy and a slow life, but you will find ugly soviet architecture everywhere.

No that user is right

Uzbeks and Kyrgyz are have a greater Turkic influence instead of Mongolian.

If it wasn't for the Soviet Union nobody would speak a Slavic language in these countries.

>ussr was slaughtering every ethnicity which wasnt of their kind
eh, just no.

they may have settled Russians, so that only Russians have high government positions in the respective republics, but they didn't slaughter other ethnicities.

Soviet Union was a crazy multicultural experiment.

Yes they were, read about famine in Kazakhstan and Ukraine. Ussr is savage. And 1986 was a year of massive national riot in kazakhstan, all protestors were killed and incarcerated.

In the land of the goy, the khazar is king.