Burgers, please. For scientific reasearch. Genuenly interested.
Burgers, please. For scientific reasearch. Genuenly interested
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I want to contribute but I'm confused.
What makes a "good" state? California is a good place to visit but an awful place to live.
You got fucked in the head or smth, m8
I don't dislike Nevada, but I'm not big on gambling and most of the land is a barren wasteland. Lake Tahoe area is nice.
Too close to mapleniggers to be good
You're overthinking it. Just paint the damn map.
Interesting. I too am from Texas and this is pretty much exactly how I'd make my map.
They are cowboys and shiet. beautiful nature and sefl-sufficency.
>asking americans to troll themselves by painting a map of how much they hate their own country
next level trolling from russia right here
ooops i used the wrong shade of orange
Why like Colorado?
Buncha Potheads.
t. Michigander
Az bluegreen combo, rest of country red.
I'- surprised. I'd've given you a blank space as an acco-plish-ent. Nothing -ore.
>no one noticed DC but me
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
I like southerners, but hate shitskins and heat.
So you can confirm you hate life. And love old copypasta. Got it.
This why city folk are completely fucking retarded
>New Yorker hates Massachusetts
Should be the other way around since all your druggies are ruining the Berkshires.
leaf here, but grew up in America
When I think Oklahoma, I think "meh".
Good point.
Hello Captain Tupolov.
>low tier
I just don't see how
Sometimes there are just too many niggers.
I'm glad that the feeling is mutual.
Don't believe the lies.
Missouri is based as fuck.
85% conservative
10% independent
5% liberal
Great food, great people, Cardinals, Vladimir Tarasenko, Blues, Eric Grietens for governor (former Navy SEAL), Trump won this state.
There is so much to love about this state. Ignore the niggers. There are PLENTY of wealthy areas and nice suburban areas with virtually 0% crime in most white suburbs.
Move here Ivan, and cheer on Vlad!
What's with the Colorado hate? Did I miss the memo?
Weed, went blue and in a personal sports relation I hate the Broncos.
This is a house about a quarter mile down the street from my house.
This is the kind of neighborhood Missouri suburbs have to offer. 80%+ white in ever area outside of the major metropolitan area (because the niggers live in the cities).
Just imagine my eastern European friends. You could live in a house like this with a hot qt and spawn multiple white children. You could live in the greatest time period of the United States since the 1980s.
You're gonna wanna be apart of this.
Besides, Europe is doomed anyway. The muslims will take full control in the next 15 years. But you can escape all of that 3rd world Fallout 4 type BS. You can come here.
Your future awaits, Ivan, Boris, and Sergei.
Well, that's.. candid..
Also florida bro, I agree with this map 100%
I'm not going to fucking open paint.
Home state: California
Texas (They love Spics, which is completely intolerable to me)
Vermont, California (White, leftist cucks)
New York, New Jersey (Liberal Jews)
Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana (We have to acknowledge they're retarded. I'm sorry.)
Don't care:
Everything else
Thank you for realizing Washington is based as fuck aside from those faggots in King County. I'm Seattle born and raised and I would nuke that fucking place if I could. The rest of Washington is fucking spectacular though.
muh map
only reason I don't have Idaho as based as fuck is there's too many mormons in Southern Idaho/Wyoming, and the Highway Patrol is really out to speedtrap the fuck out of the place. Never seen cops so zealous to bust speeders as Idaho cops. Otherwise it's pretty there
Fuck the south and their muggy heat and niggers.
a-am I an honorary burger?
Florida should be red. Fuck that place and whatever they put in the fucking water supply there. Crazy mother fuckers
i don't like america
Washington, Oregon,and Cali aren't absolutely disgusting mostly due ot the fact that they have wonderful environments. Just terrible people on the coasts.
Arizona has a mix of mountains, woods, and desert, with people who generally don't care if you shoot on public property.
Tennessee mostly because of dem Smokey Mountains and qts with southern accents.
New Hampshire because lolbertarian laws and superior maple syrup.
Vermont gets hate because Bernie.
Maryland and Delaware get hate because Baltimore and Georgetown, and because irrelevant.
nobody asked your opinion potato nigger.
Also there's more to states than which way they vote for a general election.
Fair enough. I like England, and the UK in general, but you're a twat.
This. Switch VA with blue, and that is my map.
Based mick shits all over Massachusetts.
y-you don't have to f-f-fuck off just yet....we got room for one m-more
Oregon would be blessed without Portland.
PAyy bro
That is obvious
Okay President Obama, I think you exposed who the real hackers were
I wasn't born in Texas, but it's where I consider home now I guess.
I hate Ohio the most
The Cardinals suck dicks. 1985 was the best year ever. Missouri is great but only if you don't count St.Louis.
don't like most of these states because of their cities/urban population. I'm sure there's ok people in every state
Too many niggers around St. Louis and Kansas City, user. I don't blame you for painting me red.
North and South California are two different states.
Anyone picking up on the subtle trends in those maps? When they have their exit vote we need to flood the state and vote to get them the fuck out.
Any Hawaiians in here?
>Learn to swim
>New Nersey not green on any map
I believe my superiority has led to some contreversy?
That pic is the most autistic i seen this year
Why no love for the Midwest?
florida people have only hate
Midwesterners come down here in droves during the winter and make this place an absolute hell. The same goes to new englanders, new yorkers and the other people in the region. I only gave new york, jersey and Pennsylvania a pass because i have a soft spot for them
I've never been in the US myself but PA has a soft spot in my view as well. From the outside, it's seems like a good mix between the different things your country has to offer. Am I right? Red pill me on PA. What are the gun rights like?
NC also seems kinda cool in that aspect, its probably warmer there too.
You're pretty spot on w/ PA. They are strong advocates of gun rights and like all other states they're brought down by their ghettos. Rural PA is dope.
But maybe Trump fix it?