Daily reminder that this is the only acceptable organization of former yugoslav territory.
>implying bosnia should exist
Daily reminder that this is the only acceptable organization of former yugoslav territory.
>implying bosnia should exist
I heard (You's) work now
t. ustasha that escaped to brazil after ww2
Croatia is too big.
Mountainiggers are coastServians in denial
Macedonia is a memecountry and shouldn't exist
Serbs are Croat and Turk rape babies tbqh
>istria and dalmazia not italian
wtf negrinho?
>implying croatia should exist
daily reminder that these retards all speak the same language and pretend to be different. the only reason croatians are a separate "ethnicity" is because they were occupied by the AHE and got cucked into catholicism.
Kill your self illiterate gipsy. Never was yours, never will be. Now go eat some more cats.
yes but saying that its "the only reason" sounds like those reasons are small and insignificant when in reality (like everywhere in the world i remind you) those religious cuckery were the main reason for dividing people and making them hate each other while being the same people basically
I would say that vatican is the most evil organization that existed in human history. stalin,hitler,polpot,zedong were fucking faggots in comparison to vatican
t. bosniak muslim
I really cant talk with literal offspring of ustasha butchers. You are inherently fucking sick since you carry the blood and genes of "people" who were slaughtering children on daily basis for the fun of it under blessings of vatican. Germany was seriously considering to wipe you out since you were too subhumanly savage and were creating the worst possible reputation for germans for future history books.
serbs should've stayed in serbia tbqh
Serbs stayed in Serbia, dummy.
kosovo je Srb-
This is the only correct answer.
Remove kebab
Remove Keb-
>630 years ago
Meanwhile Albania is 60% Muslim
ottoman invasion and domination of serbs for extended periods of time
the best solution would be to nuke the southern part of this balkan hellhole
only problems begin there
>tfw tri moreta but still not satisfied
serbia strong
Yeah, and they fought with them until the end of the 19th Century... When it was necessary for them to create the "Kebab Remover" myth to legitimize their expansion.
t. butthurt kebab
nice argument
>According to medieval sources
Pick one.
Tfw when not a muslim, and when orhtodox, catholic, and muslim albanians all fight together against Serbs.
Tfw when stupid brainless idiots buy the religion meme and reduce themselves to useful idiots for smarter and more capable people than you.
t. butthurt subhuman
He reconverted sometime after 1445, faggot. Post the full pic.
I forgot completely about Bosnia until you reminded me. Thanks, now I need to forget about them again.
here albanigger
Friendo, most Albanian Muslims were comfortable during Ottoman rule, and wouldn't have bothered moving their lazy arses if it weren't for the Ottoman Empire collapsing. If it weren't for Rilindas subverting the Prizren League to serve Albanian interests and not Muslim interests, we would've been swallowed by our neighbors a long time ago.
Nice edit, emunigger.
you subhumans were never ever fighting against serbs except in kosovo wars started by yourselves for which you're known to have cried to nato afer serbs steamrolled you
He was abducted and made a Jannisary you idiot. All Jannisary had to convert to Islam in military school. He revolted, converted back to Christianity and fought off the ottoman empire effectively while he was alive.
You are a fucking useless bogan idiot
You literally cried to Russia before NATO came into Kosovo.
Stop posturing. Its clear you know nothing about Albanians and you are just the run of the mill brainwashed Serb idiot. The Albanian resistance units in the north were the Kaçaks.
This is a photo of Zahir Pajaziti. He was killing serb policemen in Kosovo way before NATO was even mentioned in KS
Skanderbeg helped the ottomans take over the balkans. Dont fuckin say to me that he was a christian
The fuck, without Skanderbeg, Hunyadi, and Tepes, Europe would literally be a caliphate today
>tfw even albos are more based than serbs
Of course, you serbs specialize in steamrolling unarmed civilians and even get cool memes for that.
We steamrolled kebabs when it mattered (pic related), while you sucked their cocks, yet the world know nothing of us. Life is unfair.
>not recognizing Australian shitposting
Lurk more, newfag.
>We steamrolled kebabs when it mattered (pic related), while you sucked their cocks
who's sucking kebabs cock now? lel
WRONG. This battle was brought unto Europe because of the Albaniggers helping Ottomans to control the balkans. This battle was the reason that Europe is not a caliphate
Didn't know America was kebab. Besides, you're the one to talk. You're sucking Russia's cock, while most Russians I've known either cared nothing about Serbia or couldn't stand Serbs.
>all these ppl pretending to be albos itt
wew, is life in nato bases so boring you have to pretend to be albos? sad!
>he doesn't even /gsg/ to witness the 5-5-5 god tier general that is Skanderbeg
You've swallowed too much Serbian propaganda.
>he doesn't know the demographics
>he doesn't get that most of "bosnia" is just serbs
>he doesn't get that a good part of a small croatian population is serbs
if push comes to shove, that whole map would be serbia
best you can get is republika srpska, the rest is croat rightful land
croatia for croats
remove serb
you're just proving how much of savage apes you are by mentioning that faggot, you literal moron
>implying you aren't as savage as us (if not more)
I love it when Serbs try to take the moral high ground. It's laughable.
there's like 3 times more serbs lmao, we can eat them alive we don't even need guns
croatia is a pseudo-state, croatians aren't real people
>s-serbs are superior!!
>o-okay maybe not but you're savages!!!!
>yugoslav thread
C-can I join?
Now, really, who wants Macedonia? It smells there.
>croatia is a pseudo-state, croatians aren't real people
croatian people are basically serbs in denial
>mfw croats are just closeted serbs
Yeah, yeah, well done Slovenia.
I'd accept this.
It's the other way around retards
LOL you talk abou someone being savage while you idiots still have tribal mentality and blood feuds. stop embarassing youself, you 83 IQ albozerg
>logic of an 8 year old
>savage apes
Your police and military literally put Albanians on curfew and stopped Albanian language in schools, kicked all Albanians out of jobs. Your policeman got what they deserved. There was no savagery about it either, it was precise and tactical assassination.
>being this delusional
topkek rođače
>Someone's mad they don't have a larger coast.
>implying you mentality is not similar to ours
Oh, and that map about our IQ? It's a meme.
LINK: iq-research.info
ctrl + f Albania
it's been an hundred years since WW1 and balkan countries still have the same argument, it's fucking hilarious
I love these threads. They always turn into shit flinging contests by ideology driven monkeys from all sides that don't know any history aside from Paradox game memes. Don't stop, lads.
>believing in propaganda
do you even know that whole yugoslavia worked hard to sustain your asses because you were stubborn, completely dumb and useless for any function and integration into society? the best example is albania and kosovo obviously, just look how much of shitholes they are just because you're either lazy or gone crminal, because you don't really care on which way you earn money so you go for the easiest one
Or Macedonia for that matter.
Serbia is lower than the Turks
Seems legit desu
shouldn't FYROM be Vardarska?
Cry away to Russia you commie faggot
i'm not a commie you fucking moron. kys
whats wrong with Bosnia?
All of you russian asslickers are.
keep trying to blend in shitskin
small brained
>Believing in propaganda?
I'm from kosovo. was born here, live here and am typing from here right now. I was also here in the 90s and when the autonomy of Kosovo was taken away in 89.
You have no clue about your own history because you are a bunch of brainwashed idiots.
you're a fucking bulgar. top kek
ustaša, please. don't get me started
Ou shit i am scared sheeeeeeeeeeeet
Literally nothing. It's just not supposed to be a nation.
you are idiot. keep rotting in your shithole until you start to eat each others. yugodlavia is no more, now seek help from albania
We belong in europe n' sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeit
>this is what continental Europeans are like
If I "am idiot" then you must be even moreso because your country rated lower than Albania on IQ, too bad.
battle of Nicopolis was fucked up by the french knights. just read the wikipedia entry for details of the complete clusterfuck.
>muh knightly 'onour
>muh straight charge, no intelligence required
>muh scouting and adapting tactics to what the enemy is actually doing is dis'onorabl'
those in command who were for years in constant military contact with kebab were obviously partial to a pragmatic, ends-justify-the-means type of warfare, as it usually happens when one fights muslims. the french were larping crusaders (although technically the campaign was indeed a crusade).
I see, so its basically there for no reason? lol.