New Zealand user robbed in london

Anyone know what happened to him? Did he get somewhere to stay or cash?

Not sure self bumping works

Hey bro it's me. Which guy were you?

Thanks for making a thread bro I wasn't sure if I should give it another chance or just crash in a park tonight.

He left his email
[email protected]
I messaged him but no reply, I had to go to work. Im on lunch now, Ill check again later.
What's the update kiwi? Where are you now?

Hey bro in town. It's freezing. Stayed in a maccas all morning. Gonna find a libary to charge my phone's. I emailed back.

lost all my shit in an overseas city once (non english speaking). sucked. stayed 5 days on 100 bucks. slept in internet cafes. ate a loaf of bread a day. didnt beg or do anything pathetic. life got better than ever when i got home. good experience. stick with it.

I Know bro it's piss. Been eating nothing but those 40p biscuits at like a pack a day. And a bread loaf. Sleep outside for more than two nights. some people on pol have been awesome.

Is the embassy worth trying?

I'm in contact with him via that email finally.
I'll try and spot him a night in a hostel. I can't stretch to a hotel b it's New Years eve, rooms are crazy expensive atm. Is the nobody in London who is in town and can help this guy out? I'm hundreds of miles away.

Let's get this guy sorted.

Man it sucks to be you, you don't even know how great it is to be in the current year.

you will be good in the end, just dont freeze to death.

He got robbed apparently.

Hey yeah bro I tried, they can't help financially or anything & my flights to Australia as well so that doesn't help.

try asking brit/pol/

only australians are allowed to pick on kiwis >:(

>asking IRL from Sup Forums

say goodbye to your kidney

or only your anal virginity at best

*IRL help

kiwis are like our little brothers

we can pick on them as we please, but if anyone else does we'll kick the cunt's teeth in

Come on man. Shit posting or not, we're still an isolated community. If you were saying this same thing and stuck in Ohio, I would help you out Turkbro :3

I'm the user who will pay for a hostel tonight, I can't stretch to a hotel.. And because it's NYE I'm having trouble finding a room.
Can other anons help with finding a room?
My time is limited in work. This guy is legit,v he doesn't want money, he is asking for a room.
Let's not leave him on the streets anons!

nah thanks i'm too young to get deus vult'ed

Prove that you got robbed and this isn't just an eaborate scam/shitpost