I just hope every single uneducated, poor, ignorant person* who voted for trump gets exactly what they voted for:

I just hope every single uneducated, poor, ignorant person* who voted for trump gets exactly what they voted for:
I hope their health insurance gets taken away. I hope the schools their children go to go broke and they can't get vouchers to new ones. I hope they have to start breaking their pills in half because they can't afford them. I hope the old people get their social and medical programs stripped from them and spend their twilight years in discomfort. I hope those low paid workers lose their union protections. I hope those factory workers have their jobs outsourced to another country.
I'm done feeling compassion for a group of people that refuse to feel compassion for anyone else, and constantly vote against their best interests.
I hope the Dream of Trump washes over and drowns them, exactly the way they wanted.
*I specify the uneducated, poor and ignorant because the rich that voted for him won't suffer at all now that they have a direct line to the White house.


>the rich that voted for him won't suffer at all now that they have a direct line to the White house

It's been decades since a president was elected who owed so little to wealthy sponsors.

What's your evidence to support any claims such things will happen?

We already have those in Obama's America. Nice try though.

Very few poor white people will say it, and probably don't even understand it on a conscious level, but there's this notion that blacks and other minorities get everything for free while poor whites get screwed, so the idea is to wreck the system and start over, and it will hurt them more than it hurts us.

Utter nonsense, of course. Poor shits flock to charismatic leaders, and at the end of the day their either dead or still poor.

Just let it go,dumbass.Let the "Drumpf" meme die already.He fought against all odds and won and you still cry more than ever.

they voted to fuck shit up, it was a fuck you vote to libs and hollywood and media. so they are guaranteed to get what they voted for. trump will fuck shit up good. Trump starting WWIII with a 3am crackpipe tweet is what i worry about

lol the fact that you are afraid of a man's tweet shows how weak you are. quit being a pussy... a tweet won't start anything besides maybe a little hysteria from idiots like you.

>man's tweet

Can't wait for Obamacare and MUH legacy to be eradicated. Only good for poor people and niggers. The middle class as Usual gets raped by king nig nog.

Stop cuckshaming Trump supporters!

They DIDN'T KNOW he was gonna bend over for Israel
They DIDN'T KNOW he wasn't gonna put Hillary behind bars
They DIDN'T KNOW he wasn't gonna drain the swamp
They DIDN'T KNOW he wasn't gonna build a wall
They DIDN'T KNOW he wasn't gonna gas the gays
They DIDN'T KNOW he was gonna engage in nepotism and involve his kids in everything

Do you think it's nice to shame them for getting conned? It can happen to anyone. THEY DIDN'T KNOW

Sounds like the PM I got from a literal cuck on my normiebook.

Trump is a cuck, but he's still a better choice than Killary. I don't care how much he will fuck up, Hillary and her camp are the greater evil.

If this thread is not shill's, I don't wanna see one that is.

You mad Ivan?

>what is a mirror for 1 shekel?

Is Trump nigger scum? Think about it

>5 kids from 3 different women
>treats women like objects
>prone to sexual assault
>likes to show off his bling
>brags all the time
>is inarticulate
>neglects his kids (pimped his own daughter to Jews)
>hasn't seen his father in DECADES

Inconvertible proof that Trump is an albino nigger.

>tfw when Americans voted a nigger into the White House AGAIN

Delusional leftist psychopath, the post

>Ban evador shitposting
Why, it's not like you get permanent points

>I'm done feeling compassion for a group of people that refuse to feel compassion for anyone else
then you are no better

enjoy your doom and gloom while we MAGA


"If you drain the swamp, the swamp wins." -- Trump, post election

>cucks don't understand the concept of Draining the Swamp

He literally said that draining the swamp was bullshit.

exactly Trump is our first NIGGER president!

first we elect a black man, then a nigger, it follows

>trumpcucks changing the definition

>uneducated, poor, ignorant person
I don't know anyone IRL that I would consider to be particularly intelligent. They all voted for Clinton. None of them knows anything about either candidate other than the "grab them by the pussy" comment.

Is it autistic screeching?

nice proxy

Not an argument.


>fucking russian hacker