Lynn finds Irish iq is 3 points higher in study with Vanhanen (2012)
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Vannhanen is Finnish, not surprised he memes Finnish results highest
>Romania 91
>Serbia 90
My theory for why Polish people are so dumb is because they weren't hut hard enough my the bubonic plague.
The bubonic plague killed off much of the white trash peasants who had low IQs.
Take a look at the map and tell me I am wrong.
*weren't hit hard enough by the
it's fucking 5 am
>ameriturd education
>minor outbreak
>yfw without the sandnigger and turkroach immigrants, your nation's IQ would be at 103.
I genuinely think there has to be something else wrong with the Poles. Ireland has theoretically one less IQ point than the Poles, yet our economy is beautiful and over a hundred thousand poles have fled here for a better life. Perhaps we need to look at Verbal intelligence,emotional intelligence and such and other types of intelligence vital to a functional society.
Merely a coincidence!
proximity to russia and alcohololism also culture of short heda
Fun fact Vanhanen's son Matti was the former prime minister of Finland.
>I genuinely think there has to be something else wrong with the Poles.. Ireland has theoretically one less IQ point than the Poles, yet our economy is beautiful and over a hundred thousand poles have fled here for a better life
Because they were getting buttfucked left and right for 1000 years while you were sitting on your isolated island getting drunk
the modern economy is based on loans. If a country is doing too good its a loan bubble that will be propped up with mass immigration until it becomes unsustainable and finally explodes
Montenegro and Albania aren't european
You're kidding right? You're a paper tiger that relies on international cooperations cheesing their tax code in Ireland.
Nah we have been invaded a shit ton of times, if it's not the vikings or the celts or the normans it is the brits.We have many beautiful cultural artefacts that we made such as Newgrange, book of kells , ardagh chalice etc
I think you might be forgetting something about Irish history Mr Magyar
Holy shit Albania. What's with Muslim countries and literally being 80 iq? How does this shit work?
Really activated my almonds
Maybe the fact that they were forced under an extremely inefficient economic system for half a century has something to do with them underperforming compared to your country? Occam's razor, etc.
We're doing the same, Kees. We are the transit point for German goods leaving the continent by ship, and for Chinese junk entering the place.
We have some shitty banks, and some really good tech.
Perhaps but they have been independent for 28 years and their economy is stagnating if anything.
Hm. So Danes aren't Nordic after all.
lol moortugual
t. "High" IQ Sup Forumstards that don't understand margins of error
One IQ point means nothing even if real, let alone within a study like this
They're evolving, good to see you catching up Eirebros.
Depends on how big of a sample.
The bigger the sample, the less of an margin of error there is
tell me about it, kraut.
What? You think Ireland wasn't invaded? They were constantly invaded and arseraped.
No shit
Now read the image in the op, specifically the disclaimer about statistical and sampling errors
Whenever a country enters EU, they get bonus 5+ points in this (((poll)))
No. You see the EU takes in to account the gdp per capita so thats why extremely low IQ countries like albania and such will never get in. But perh
Looks like immigration is smoothing out IQ differences between western and eastern Europe.
notice albania and bosnia? proof that muslims are dumb cunts.
Holy shit the average Albanian is literally retarded.
we should go back to asia cant stand these retarded whiteys t b h
Defend yourselves albanians, if you can muster the mental effort necessary to write a coherent sentence.
No senpai, only we can save Europe.
I think Irish are dumb on average but for some reason seem to be much more obedient and civilizable than Slavs with similar average intelligence
Well it's 95. So it's higher than pretty much all the balkan states, bar Croatia and Slovenia.
>"""german""" IQ points
just look at Hamburg and Berlin which have a 10% muslim population
note: the dark green zones score as high as japan or even better in some cases
There is no such thing as multiple intelligence, It's a pseudo-scientific meme theory.
When someone exhibits talent, it's just a different manifestation of the same general intelligence (g factor).
Finns are master race as fuck. Optimal genetic distribution is about 90% white 10% asiatic and that's what Finns are so they're fucking ACE.
No it's atually true desu. They shut off their entire state. Nothing came in or out.
I would certainly say spatial intelligence exists, and that Europeans are much higher than Asians with it. Otherwise why wouldn't similiar IQ Asians of made as much important inventions as European nations? Spatial intelligence is the ability to comprehend three-dimensional images and shapes. This is a primary function of the right side of the brain and is used when solving puzzles, figuring out maps and taking part in any type of construction or engineering project.
Inventions have literally nothing to do with the general intelligence of the nation. Necessity is always the mother of invention. Asians and Arabs invented superior naval technology while Europe led the world in applied chemistry for things like guns.
Or it could be the fact that Communism happened you fucking philistine.
Look at GDP per capita pre WW2 and almost any eastern europe nation kicks your ass.
communism fucked their economy
Eh no i.imgur.com
>Being this much of a newfag that you fail to link imgur
I have no words.
They still need one point more to catch up with the smartest Black nation.
>france 98
>germany 99
Does it mean well educated arabs are smarter than europeans?
ayyyy lmao
>Greece is more Nordic than Denmark
>our economy is beautiful
If we drop mongols and muslim republics we will be the smartest. Though it won't help :-((
I know that feel
To the south and the east, they get dumber. How surprising.
Also 2 points differences are probably not significant. These graphs are useless without the expected errors stated.
>"Difference of just a few IQ points may not be significant due to statistical and sampling errors"
>The difference between every country is just a few IQ points except for the Balkans and Roachistan (both shit holes populated by subhumans)
>Findings prove nothing other than that Balkaniggers and Roaches are dumb, something that everybody who ever met an individual from either one of these two places already knew.
Finnish """""science"""" everyone!
>yet our economy is beautiful and over a hundred thousand
Yeah because you are tax haven for IT businesses. It has nothing to do with your other "emotional intelligence"
There is no such thing as emotional intelligence. And verbal intelligence is usually tested for. Just like spatial insight and the ability to think abstract.
Intelligence tests are designed to be broad.
(And then dumbly enough they compress all the information obtained into one number.).
Well look at that.
>1500 metal bands in Norway
>finngolian hapas have the best iq in europe
u mad whiteboi?
Lynn is a Brit who works in Northern Ireland. Really makes you think.
So you're trying to say that we're actually 105?
No offense Serbia but most of your countrymen (atleast the ones here) are dumb as bricks. They're very good people, as opposed to Albanians who are dumb AND malicious, and there are exceptions, but it's the truth.
Then again, people who leave their homeland for a better country are generally the worst of the worst, so maybe you're right
>tfw too intelligent to listen to anything other than metal
im happy for you my racemixed son
now go boldly into space and explore the universe with your master race hapa genes
or make more funny autistic memes
your choice
>96IQ 5ft9
>98IQ 6ft2