Sup Forums BTFO

Sup Forums BTFO

How will Sup Forums ever recover?

Don't listen to those retards
It's a nazi haircut
All upstanding gentlemen should get it.

But that image is correct though

Bald + facial hair is the one and only true red-pilled cut


>what you want senpai?
>give me the "fresh off the rapefugee boat" look
>say no more

it has been molested by liberal groups much too hard

it's a fuckboy cut because you can tell it is tryhard.

Yah nah I'll stick with me ol' Ian Curtis innit.

Jokes on you, I'm bald!

Only people I see with it are spics

>fuck boy

What do they mean by this?

If the Ian Curtis isn't standard autistic pol haircut, I don't know what is.

>letting niggers, lefties and faggots define anything - and believing it

Throw yourself off a cliff

Not anymore. Everyone I've seen with this haircut have been fashionable hipster retards. No, an upstanding gentleman chooses the haircut of his ancestors, the ones who lived before desert religions were violently forced upon Europe.

It's spelled fuccboi yo fuckign normies REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

That's not even Hitler youth

Why even bother trying to decipher their stupid lingo? Don't debase yourself by doing that.

You're better off not knowing, so that if you ever hear these people spout their literal nonsense in public you can quite genuinely turn around and say "What the literal fuck are you talking about you bitter little spaz?"

Well, my german friend, we both know which part of our diverse population prefers this and similiar haircuts.

Indo-Aryans migrated from the desert and therefore did not live before desert religions. Sorry, bud.

wtf is a fuckboy

it's not something you can decipher like most internet anagrams and shit.

I have honestly completely lost touch with youth culture. Is being a "fuck boy" considered a compliment or an insult? And what is the significance of this particular haircut?

Dykes and who else?

I have similar hair except no parting and longer on top.

Looks way better imo

Male slut

a pussy or a wimp or some shit

>tfw receded too much -- and hair too straight anyway -- to do a Kit Harrington


like a gay guy slut?

now its the bowlcut get with the times nerd

You mean the long female faggot metalhead haircut?

when I was in HS you were gay for wearing socks.


>this fuckboi haircut
whats a Sup Forums approved hair style?

No, a guy who fucks girls alot

If you have to ask you are one, fuckboy.

This to be honest.

I'll take a stab and say its a good thing since everyone is so fucking degenerate and sex focused.

the tactical bowl cut

Its like modern term for dick but more effeminate connotation because girls know dick is ego builder

>>A pussy ass nigga with no common sense that laccs good judgement and is constantly coming incorrect at REAL NIGGAS who will
Fuccboi is just niggerspeak that white people on the internet started using either because of their misguided nigger loving or because niggers are hilariously stupid and they were making fun of their shit tier excuse for culture. The use of the term came and went about a year ago already, when niggers figured out white people were using it and had to find some other gay phrases to bix nood out on a hundred times per day.

fuck you
i cut my own hair

It's negative.
A guy who is immature and treats women like pocket pussies.

how is that an insult

It was popular with both sides in WW2

If I recall correctly, it means "worthless, wannabe-gangster, unfaithful male".

this or charles mansons haircut
no fuccbois are faggots

How is slut an insult for women then?

I can never have this haircut. Pic related is my only available "haircut" at 26.

Not that abomination, no.

This is a fucking mystery

Males can't be sluts
makes most sense
a sexless loser?
iunno wtf you're talking about

Fuckin A, brother. Tactical bowl cut is god tier.

>TFW balding

I'll just go with the classical neo-nazi.

That guy's got hair though.

Well not as clean as that, but short sides and long top was popular

I finally deciphered it.
fuckboy is a white nigger

Me too. It looks like I have hair if I buzz it to 0. Once it grows out for more than 2 weeks it starts to look like a rat's nest.

lol. nope.


But that's not an undercut, that's some kind of mestizo fade where the barber had to buzz a fake part into his nappy negro hair.

Yeah not the pineapple-headed maghrebi rapist 'do seen in OP's image.

Anyone else wish they could have very clean characteristics?

No hair growth, very clean. Similar to engineer from prometheus or ralph fiennes as voldemort.


By going bald by the age of 20.

because chastity is valuable in women but not men
take the redpill kid, sexuality is all women have


It just ain't the same.

she just looks completely oblivious to the world in every photo i see of her.....does she know whats going on? is hse aware? is she even awake?


fuck a 6pack he got 10 pack

What hair to get then ?
I don't want to look like a muzzie, but it's a damn good haircut.

a fuccboi is just a butthurt term for player, if a girl calls you that she thinks you're attractive

the indo-aryans are descended from an earlier indo-european race

Only faggots and self-conscious niggers want to be hairless

It's a shit haircut you algerian.

She's the only one who is awake.

Isn't wanting hair self conscious vanity?