>It's a Russia steals the election from Hillary and elects Hitler episode
It's a Russia steals the election from Hillary and elects Hitler episode
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Trump totally stumped you leftists in 4d chess with the rigged election.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
>it's a news doesn't report about the secret cabal of women controlling South Korea and Germany who attempted to stick their mitts into America episode
>implying Russia and the US are enemies to begin with.
Why are Trumptards so eager to throw the good ol' strawman in?
How did Russia influence the election?
Specifically, what were their means and goals? I have not heard any details despite all the claims.
"You're a traitor" says the flag-burner who supports the candidate who armed al-Qaeda in Syria knowing full well it was al-Qaeda she was arming.
Supposedly they hired a guy to send a "sophisticated" phishing email. That's literally it, the Democrats want to start a war with Russian and possibly extinct the whole human species because they can't admit that Hillary lost due to her immense incompetence.
They were able to guess correctly that the Dems passwords were pasword123
so you are telling that Secret Services have last word on everything and still belive democuckracy is real
>CIA not telling anyone about them spying on U.S. citizens despite this being unconstitutional
>But hey, you should totally trust them!
Why are anti-Trumpers always pro-state?
oh isn't it funny how liberals suddenly get all patriotic when it suits them
very funny
i thought the left defended russia?
well, they are more capitalist than the us now so... might have something to do with it
This will never not make me laugh
Normies will still post these on my faceberg
>steals the election
[citation needed]
>no evidence
>Hillary actually bussing illegal niggers and other frauds while Obongo openly supports it
>xd u mad trumpet
Actually if it was an actual government system (opposed to say personal email on a government system) the password would be passWORD1234!@#$
I shit you not, if you ever want to try and break in or log on to a government system, try that password first or the inverse (PASSword!@#$1234)
Russia doing what the us does to literally everyone honestly i am so fucking glad trump got in you bunch of stinking hypocrites.
BTW that's not a default password, it just satisfies the government standard requirements and it's easy to remember so it's literally, and that's literally literally not figurative literally, the password for everything that requires a password.
you should know by now its not treason when republicans do it, reagan bribed terrorists to get elected.
Putin owns Trump since 2013, FBI knows this and is OK with it,
What findings? They haven't presented any.
otherwise known as Dumbfuckistan
> Dem / Hillary voting friend saying I should trust my government, not things I read online and my "conspiracy sites"
>"You mean like how you trusted your government and the CIA who got us into wars in Afghanistan and Iraq on bad intel?"
>but but this is the Obama administration
>"What if Obama is another Bush, just more puppets for the CIA and the same government bullshit?"
>"I need to believe in the Obama administration. Without it I don't know what to believe. I'd go insane."
just trust us goyim
Obama "hacking report" has a disclaimer.
>US intelligence
The eternal Rus wins again!
Who directs rockets by your phone?
Who raids neighbours like a cyclone?
We do, we do!
Who genocides and then dindus?
Who hides behind the evil Jews?
We do, we do!
Who holds back the rocket ruse?
Who robs cockholes of any use?
We do, we do!
Who rigs every damn election?
Who cancels your erection?
We do!
We do!
I wonder if they're ever going to show any proof of their accusations. Though I guess it's unlikely, seeing how they generally operate under the idea that the mere act of accusing someone is proof enough.
Also sage.
>the findings of US "intelligence"
Obama must send the FBI to arrest Trump for treason.
Fucking hilarious how government are too lazy to even protect themselves.
Really leaf? I saw this same copypasta a few days ago
>"dismissing the findings of U.S. intelligence"
>tfw the Russia itself is still shit
when will they stop pumping so much money into military and intelligence agencies ffs
Stealing U.S. elections is pretty cool tho
These numbers...
We truly are Kek's chosen!
Born to make our neighbors butthurt!
what is this leaf pasta
Obummers busy finding homes for refugees.
So you better get to work and pay those taxes.
He'll let u know when its time to go die in war.
Russia is submitted to Israel, and Israel is best USA ally.
>CIA director is a literal communist
Why is this allowed?
Oh look, Occupy Democrats. The same people who get offended at American flags while proudly flying Mexican flags and wearing Che Guevara t-shirts want us to believe they're suddenly loyal patriots.
>that nose
What did they mean by this?
Forgot to add that this was the same friend who nearly flipped out while driving when I mentioned the e-mail leaks just after the primary and said they don't matter at all.
King Nigger never showed us any proof that they actually killed Osama. They also refused to do an autopsy on Justice Scallia. King Nigger's administration is the most shady one I've ever seen, but for some reason he's exempt from all criticism because White Americucks are indoctrinated to worship niggerdick.