When will the Brits get the fuck out of Malvinas?
When will the Brits get the fuck out of Malvinas?
When we fucking say so, Ivan.
When Argentina gets strong enough. For start, restore Rio de la Plata (annex Uruguay, Paraguay and brasilian province of Rio Grande do Sul)
When Argentinians evolve into humans.
Today, I will remind them.
Strange way to spell Falkland Islands op.
Königsberg first
When the Russians get out of Crimea
So Never?
Malvinas people are ethnically british.
they voted to stay under UK.
Does it sound similar to a situation your country is in Ivan?
When will the Russkis get the fuck out of Ukraine and Krym?
>When will the Brits get the fuck out of Malvinas?
When Russia stops being a third world country - Never.
Based ally.
>high HDI
Lol. The UN are such commie cucks. Cuba has a two-tier healthcare system. One for bureaucrats and tourists, and one for everyone else.
Why is your shitposting always on point, Brazil?
sell us some jets and missiles plox ivan thx
>Saudi Arabia
>Any country in the Caribbean
>High HDI
Wow really made me think
Rappel quotidien: Les îles Malouines appartiennent de jure à la France
Am I suppose to find that nigger attractive?
When Argentina proves itself strong and worthy enough, Ivan. Then they can come and take it.
Latuff is a leftist, anti-white, beaner quasi-kike who needs to be gassed.
When Russia gets the fuck out of East Prussia.
Agrentina never owned the falklands, and they're only after it out of pride, and oil greed.
Malvinas is the biggest bluepill ever.
>"Look at how strong we British people are, Malvinas are ours and Argentina can't take it!"
>Meanwhile their mainland gets invaded by niggers and muslims and its population gets replaced.
So much for some sort of pride left, pathetic.
If Argentina thinks the islands belong to them because they are 300 miles away...then the US can claim to own Cuba, which is 90 miles away, and England can claim the continent of Europe, which is only 30 miles away. China can claim Japan, and Australia can claim Indonesia...The Falklands are a small, independent nation, and an ally of England. England will help defend them against any hostile attacks, even those coming from a country 300 miles away.
Molon labe
> Wow, the imperialist propaganda is strong on you
>be british
>get raped
>pay the raper welfare
are anglos the cuckest of all ?
When will the argentinians get the fuck in Spain?
But Brazil, you are niggers.
falklands a cute
>based ally
That's not Portugal m8
when that oil we've just found runs out, might stay for the sheep though ....