I'm conflicted. Trump is a Jewish supporter, but he's also a nationalist.
>Cognitive dissonance intensifies
I'm conflicted. Trump is a Jewish supporter, but he's also a nationalist.
>Cognitive dissonance intensifies
Other urls found in this thread:
>nationalist who wants to sell the country out to corporations
Then what would Hillary have done? She was paid up the bunghole. Was everything an illusion? Is Kek a false prophet?
Drumpfkins got played like a fiddle, they didn't realize that both oppositions are controlled by the jews.
You had so many opportunities to wake up, but you never listened when Trump was endorsing Israel and the jews in his entire fucking campaign.
Damn, I wish Jeb were here
>but he's also a nationalist.
LOL, dude he made the CEO of Exxon-Mobil Secretary of State. If you don't see the conflict of interest in the leader of a globalist corporation having the third most powerful executive position in our government I don't know what to say dude...
Trump is Globalism taken to the most extreme.
before election:
>Trump is is worse than Hitler!
after election:
>Trump is too soft on Jews!
make up your mind please
WTF im a cruz missile now
have u ever considered u have to be bought by Israel to even become a candidate for american presidency
We've always hated the kikes.
Zionism is Jewish nationalism; i.e., the desire for the Jews to establish their own ethnostate.
If you're a white nationalist (someone who wants a white ethnostate), or a Japanese nationalist (someone who wants to preserve the homogeneous Japanese state), or a German nationalist (someone who wants to restore the homogeneous white Germany of his youth), and yet you do not support nationalism for the Jews, you are a faggot and a hypocrite.
The anti-Zionist Jews like Soros are left-wing, utopian-minded globalists who want to destroy nationalism everywhere that it takes root. Sovereign nation-states prevent the international Jewish elites from consolidating their political and financial power. They hate Israel because it gives other races a successful model to emulate.
Sure, there are Jewish globalists who deviate from their utopian ideology of world government and who *do* sympathize with the Zionist cause, but they do not represent the ideological core of globalism.
Nationalist doesn't mean socialism. What exactly is wrong with supporting US companies so that US workers get more jobs? I'd like to hear you whining faggots give an answer to that.
You're never going to find a politician who you agree with 100%. The trick is to find the one who best represents you.
not all jews are bad
He's playing the jews you idiots
Yeah they should simply elect the wicked witch instead.
That's what I'm thinking. Remember 5D chess
You fucking kike, maybe you should realize that we don't bash Israel for being nationalistic, but because of how much money you are pushing up their asses with.
Hmm there's also that whole conquering land from innocent natives thing, but I guess we are going to ignore that, because your small mind couldn't think that far.
Basically this whole Trump Brexit thing was made by the jews inorder when they crash it all whites will be blamed and thus whites will become passivized to whatever is to come next
Kept spreading this before the elections but you cucks wouldn't believe me, fuck all of you
>He can only think in two directions
Didn't expect any less for a monkey.
It is not the fact that they voted for him that disturbs me the most, but the fact that every assclown on this board thinks that he is incredibly redpilled or trying to jew the jews.
76% of jews voted clinton
nice try
>Every Jew is in on the psy-op
>Master Jews don't psy-op lesser Jews into their pro-jew agenda
>trump never lies
>trump is not a cutthroat business man
Holy shit you're so mad, he struck a nerve with his redpill didn't he? The money to Israel goes to building an army which they use to kill shitskins so I'm not going to complain.
>m-muh innocent natives
Land has been changing hands since the dawn of civilization. I just wish the kikes would hurry up and gas all of these Palestinians so we can stop hearing about muh innocent natives in the news. I honestly couldn't give less of a fuck about a bunch of desert bandits who don't even have a country
So do you support Palestinian nationalism?
Fuck the Palestinians.
"Muh poor brown Palestinians! Muh poor oppressed Muslims!" Let Israel kill them all. Islam is a cancer on the Earth, you pathetic sissy faggot.
Weak-willed, feminized, overly emotional left-wing faggots are the only ones who sympathize with the brown Muslim filth that the Israelis are cleansing.
I don't support having the U.S. be a whore for Israel. On that, I agree.
Israel is viewed by the Cultural Marxists as a white colonialist state oppressing the poor, brown Palestinians. Israel was an ally of white South Africa and Rhodesia, after all. South Africa and Rhodesia were a whole lot better off under white rule than they are now under "native" rule. The standard of living in those countries was higher for everyone back then.
>The money to Israel goes to building an army which they use to kill shitskins
That and your sailors. And as if Jews are any better than shitskins themselves.
Trump has exactly zero fucks to give for the 99%.
In the times we live in, Israel is feasibly the only nation in the arab world worth a damn keeping. Say what you want about the Israeli's they're competent, especially when compared to the arabs around them.
So, why do we have to give them positions of power in the US when they are zionists and not Americans, first? We give them billions of dollars, weapons, technology, armies. ect.
If they're their own nation? We don't do as much for anyone else.
It's time to stop help. Trump is just a man.
He mentioned something about US allies misusing weapons we give them, but didn't name (((them))). Some interview or another. Sage
>"Muh poor brown Palestinians! Muh poor oppressed Muslims!" Let Israel kill them all. Islam is a cancer on the Earth, you pathetic sissy faggot.
Remember Sup Forums when you read things like this coming from Jewish shills: THEY THINK THE SAME THING ABOUT WHITE CHRISTIANS LIKE YOU, AND FOR THE SAME REASONS.
>Israel is viewed by the Cultural Marxists as a white colonialist state oppressing the poor, brown Palestinians.
Well that's a shame, because Israel was only created out opposition to white colonialism (with a heavy dose of terrorism, too). The Cultural Marxists are wrong. If you really believed in the cause of colonialism and the white man's burden, you would oppose Israel. As soon as the Brits left the place descended into chaos, actual colonialism would have been better.
>Trump is a Jewish supporter
>The United Nations has such great potential but right now it is just a club for people to get together, talk and have a good time. So sad!
sounds like the vote is in and little action is being taken against israel
how can shills defend this?
This is the truth. People seem to think the house of cards is coming down but have forgotten that the Jews control everything at this point. It's all a ploy. The right wing backlash to years of leftist cancer was inevitable and entirely predictable. The question is what to do to squash it completely forever when the backlash rises.
The obvious thing is to allow it rise under controlled conditions, then set the world alight so conditions become so bad people will beg for a solution. Blame everything on the right, people will accept this without question and then the Jew controlled commie totalitarian system can come to full fruition with no chance of ever breaking down and the idea set in peoples minds that is the for the best.
You basically had to choose between two jewish camps, like it's always been.
>Holy shit you're so mad
>kill shitskins
> gas all of these Palestinians
>desert bandits
Full of buzzwords and not a single argument, no wonder you aren't learning anything.
Nationalism is not national socialism, why would that imply antisemitism?
bibi is a nationalist do is trump, can't see why they support each other?
Right, Trump supporters always use an excuse like this. "Still better than Hillary." But if only slightly so, why are you all over Trump's dick like he's a messiah?
I mean if all you did was elect a slightly less corrupt, male Hillary, with less exp and less knowledge in almost any academic subject, glaringly using the Presidency to enrich himself and other wealthy people, why are you hailing him as a god?
You acknowledge he is just the least mediocre candidate but you treat him like he's a stellar one.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
sarcasm went over your head
Obama and Clinton were literally traitors to Israel.
Trump will help Putin to build the Great Israel, to clean it from the muslims, sending them to Europe.
Israel is Master Race. You should just admit it.
>(((city people)))
I am agnostic on that matter. I just don't care who wins. That being said, watching Muslims get bogged down and slaughtered is gratifying and should be gratifying to anyone who does not want Islam to corrode Western civilization.
The Palestinians are not a distinct people. They are a fairly recent, modern invention. Palestinians are Arabs who happen to inhabit the Near East. There are plenty of homogeneous Arab nation-states.
Honestly, though, I don't care. May the stronger Semite prevail. Since many Ashkenazi Jews have white DNA (owing to their many generations living in Europe), I suspect that Israel will be victorious.
Don't worry, kid, someday (probably a very long time form now, but someday) you'll grow up, move out of your parents' home, and get a job. Then you'll understand.
Lel. Go to any far-left website. They oppose Israel for the same reasons that they oppose white nationalism.
Lybia and Syria was also part of (((their))) plan, run by Obama and Hillary
>Obama and Clinton were literally traitors to Israel.
>being this new
spend some time in /sg/
>Want to wipeout the mudslimes
>Want to use the jews for the betterment of america
>Want to make america great again
Sounds pretty easy, OP
>use jews
It's the other way user.
The first few words of your post contain an obvious strawman. I don't want Jewish influence in the U.S. I don't have the slightest objection, however, to Jewish influence in Israel. If they want to kill and conquer Muslim shitskins, that's great.
Yep, Syria is part of the Great Israel, and Putin is cleaning it for us, sending all the Muslims to Europe. Soon, Trump will help us too.
Europe is fucked. Just abandon it to muslims is ok. Convert to judaism and move to Israel bro! We are the master race.
>Trump is a Jewish supporter, but he's also a nationalist.
No dumb ass. One of those is a facade.
Hint: He ain't no fucking nationalist.
Funny cause the master jews are planning to genocide all white people, good luck!
Why don't you move to Israel first!
Zionism is Israeli Nationalism?
You can't be a Nationalist just for your own country, can you? Part of the package is that other nations are entitled to do things their way in their own borders.
Si it would be weird if Trump wasn't pro-Israeli, pro-Ghianan, pro-Zimbabwe etc etc
White Nationanlists are quite clear on this, ditto Black Nationalists. They both argue for the same thing: seperate states for their own people.
This doesn't mean Trump is going to put up with Jewish tricks, or more deadly Anglo ones either.
>with a heavy dose of terrorism
The British were reeling from the effects of World War II and were decolonizing and the Jews took advantage of that to establish their stranglehold over the territory that is now Israel.
The Jews were willing to fight for their nationalist vision to a far greater extent than the limp-wristed, "anti-Zionist," keyboard-warrior faggots who are misled into hating Israel. If you and your keyboard-warrior ilk fought anywhere near as hard as nationalist kikes did, the white race and Western civilization would be in far better shape.
You can agree with liberals for the wrong reason.
Into the oven with yourself, kike.
syria and russia are killing the (((moderate rebels))) backed by israel
>Soon, Trump will help us too.
hard to do that when he will not start war with russia, like your clinton friend would have
The UN might help israel if they would play by the rules
Says the limp-wristed Zionist keyboard warrior. Be sure to wear your IDF issue diaper when they send you out on checkpoint control.
The left-wing, globalist, internationalist Jewish elites want white genocide.
Israeli Jews tend to be far more conservative-minded, insular, and nationalistic. They do not care about the demographics in the U.S., and reducing the white, Christian Zionist Evangelical demographic and empowering a "rainbow coalition" of "anti-colonialist" niggers, beaners, and white-guilt communists would only hurt Israeli interests.
>says the faggot whining about "muh poor brown oppressed Palestinians!"
First, I make some money in Germany, then, I move to Israel.
Accept it: Europe is the perfect place to receive the muslim refugees. We must chase all of them from Middle East. If you don't like that, just kill them.
Soon, the Great Israel will lead the word, and there is nothing you can do against that.
Also: the AfD is Zionist, and will apply the Jewish economic of free market.
We're dominating you, completely, admit it.
No, you're just retarded. What do those two things have in common, at all?
>muh snarky picture invalidates your logical argumentation
well when you're trying to appeal to American hating leftist idiots, there's not that much common ground.
>But if only slightly so
Keep in mind that from the perspective of an American nationalist, not spending our treasure on wars for foreign interests, protecting our borders, fighting back against outsourcing and globalization, a strong military that is not misused as a social experiment, etc. etc. is far more important than protecting your delicate lefty feelings.
when you've spent 20 fucking years of your life with a set political beliefs and your dad also had similar ones, seeing someone like Trump come along that champions those beliefs when you never had any representation before is fucking amazing
>opposes Trump's realpolitik
>implies that pro-Trump nationalists are Jews
Try harder, Chaim/Paco/Tyrone.
(((logical argumentation)))
Wasn't Trump going to tear up the Iran nuke deal?
How does that benefit the Jews?
Good goys.
Israel was against the Iran deal
jews want their neighbors invaded and bombed, not dealt with peacefully.
The kikes in Washington, New York City, Davos, London, and Brussels are the enemy, not the kikes who are minding their own business and killing Muslim shitskins in the Middle East.
you can't be this simple-minded, can you?
He's telling the Jews what they want to hear so they shut the fuck up.
>I'm conflicted. Trump is a Jewish supporter, but he's also a nationalist.
Russia is submitted to Israel, and Israel is best USA ally.
The Jews have a special land and it's called a hole in the ground
>Israel's Netanyahu blasts Iran nuclear deal as paving way for a bomb
it is true
it is also true they would get one without the deal
which they would be even more so against
still looking for a benefit if you have one
Achmet stop LARPing the master race jew
>the master race jew
Yep goyim, we're master race.
Soon, more muslim refugees for you.
>still looking for a benefit if you have one
I've given you already
>jews want their neighbors invaded and bombed, not dealt with peacefully.
Iran is one of the countries that doesn't recognize Israel as an official state and the reason they want nukes in the first place.
Same as Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen. All of these countries were anti-Israel, all of them happened to have "revolutions" or americans spreading "freedom". They want to destabilize the regions surrounding them so they don't get attacked.
>important people taking pictures together
>important people making gestures of friendship based upon mutual interests
That does not mean that ordinary Israelis and leftist New York pajama-boy, Cultural Marxist faggots think the same.
It wasn't just "a photo". you're just too ignorant to know how giant shills for israel are wall street, hollywood, silicon valley and las vegas jews. AIPAC controls most of american politicians, trump and hillary included
>jews want their neighbors invaded and bombed, not dealt with peacefully.
is that before or after "Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury?"
>They want to destabilize the regions surrounding them so they don't get attacked.
sounds familiar but israelis are better people than that, right?