Why do you hate all Muslims when only a small part of hte population carries out violence?

Why do you hate all Muslims when only a small part of hte population carries out violence?


Small part? You haven't walked through a muslim neighbourhood have you? There's a reason why european countries prefered to dismantle the schengen zone rather than let the little "tricksters" in

SAGE SAGE XDDD ebin. Same shitposting few hours until 2017 and you post this cancer? Go wank to your rapist Muhammed cult you mudslime plague.

We dont hate Muslims, we hate jews.


>Who lets the Muslims into a country in the first place?

White traitors.

>Who lets them build their mosques and attacks those who object?

White traitors

>Who lets them preach murder with impunity?

White traitors.

>Who makes sure Muslims can't be profiled nor their communities more effectively policed?

White traitors.

>Who brands anyone racist who points to islam as the cause for all the murderous terror attacks Europe has been experiencing in the new millennium?

White traitors.

See where I'm going with this?

They must be exterminated.

Why do you coexist with all Jews, when only a small part of the population are generous and honest?


Why do you support USA if only 60% of it is white?

I have actually spent time with them and lived amongst them. They are 100% completely subhuman, even when born in Sweden.

I don't hate Mohammedans. I hate the stupid ideas they have in their heads. I hate Islam because it holds back our common humanity. What would you rather have, a bunch of backwards looking violent Mohammedans or a bunch of forwards looking scientifically literate people that improve the world for all of us?

Islam is aggressive ignorance. Same as most all religion.

>be me
>get bullied at school by mudslimes because only white kid in class
>n-not all muslims

>following religious beliefs is bad

You have internet in you cell Anders?

Most of the ones who are too cowardly to commit violence support it. There are many polls done showing that 'moderates' would prefer Sharia and support ISIS, and othe islamic based terror orgs.

>inb4 where the stats at?

Google it yourself, faggot ass sand nigger.

Why do you hate jews when they kill niggers?

It's simple and can be answered with another question:

How many Islamic terror attacks happen in a country with no Muslims?

because the jihadists are just the tip of the iceberg. beneath sea level is omnipresent muslimk racism, as evidenced by muslim men systematically shielding their daughters and sisters from non-muslim men. that's both racist and sexist and deeply ingrained in the muslim mainstream psyche.

it is this mentality that forms the bedrock of jihadism. so stop being a bluepilled apologetic by killing yourself. please.

without the shielding of muslim daughters, there could be no parallel societies. but since muslims do that everywhere, they form parallel society in every country. islam is not compatible with multi-cultural societies.

Their ideology is fundamentally evil.

The ideology they carry with them supports the violence as proven by statistics. They outbreed europeans and threaten their way of life with their shit religion.

Middle East is for Israël. We don't want Muslim anymore. That's why we asked Putin to send all of them to Europe. If Germany don't like that, they still have the old ovens, they should just use them for muslims.

Of course. It's Norway.

>following religious beliefs is bad
When it is as shitty as Islam yes.

They are our last hope abroad. It's a country by and for us white people.

>60% white
>origin of this melting pot bs thta is the foundation for multiculturalism
>our last hope
actually, our last hope is russia because they don't have a massive amount of left-wing multiculti faggots.

How can Egypt be part of the "promised land" if they fled FROM Egypt TOWARDS the "promised land"?

Because it's always a small group, that's always the excuse.
>it's only a small percentage of Germans that are nazis,nothing to worry about Poland
>it's only a small percentage of Russians that's a commies, you'll be find Nicolas II
>"don't worry King Louis, it's only a small percentage of them that are revolutionaries."
>it's only a small percentage of our product that are defective
>it's only a small percentage of our food with trace amounts of metal shards

And what do expect people to do? Just smile and carry on? Fuck by that logic if 49% of them were rapists and murders it wouldn't matter because it's a minority, if it was 90% would you turn around and say "well it's not all of them, you're a racist"

At what point do you say enough is enough? The west doesn't need immigration from these places so why must the west endure it?

My point is, we have large numbers of immigration from china, India, America, Australia and the UK and we don't have to deal with mass ratings and terrorist from foreigners, so why the fuck would the west want that shit?

>Implying Russia isn't cold as fuck and full of wasteland

>Implying Russias economy is important or in any way significant

All middle east is for Israël. That's why we must chase all the Muslims from there. It's an hard job, and killing all of them is just too much work.

But: sending all of them to Europe: that's easy. By the way, Putin is doing it for us, and Trump will soon do the same.

>>Israël is master race, you should just admit it.

Don't move the goalposts.

Your image said "promised land", not what you think present day Israel should be.

No dirty Jew tricks: how can Egypt be part of the "promised land" when Moses said he arrived in the "Promised land" when he arrived in present day Jordan?

because of the Muslim bit.
you lot are fucking sad

The others are okay with it.


It's kinda hard predict which ones are of the exploding, terrorist kind and which ones aren't.

>only a small part of hte population carries out violence

top kek

Thanks, but no thanks

Oups wrong one

Why do you like eating shit when most of it is just water?

Why do you hate all Nazis when only a small part of the population of Nazi Germany carried out the violence?

Same reason you hate all white males for winning all the major wars in the last 500 years.


You still get more white children if you breed them white.


Israel have Russian army and USA army, the two greatest army of human history are working for us to build the Great Israel.

What the fuck do you think you're going to do? You just can't compete with us.

>> We're generous: we're offering you Nothern Europe. But the Mediterranean is jewish, accept it.

Quran tells them to kill infidels and we are infidels. Fuck them.

Simple. Guilt by association.

Because they all follow a book that tells them to kill everyone who disagrees with them?


Because over 20% think Terrorism is sometimes justfiable and because more than 50% think that leaving their faith should be punishable by death and that countries should be governed by Sharia Law


We hate both you god damn emu.

What this guy said. A vast majority of muslims are docile in their behaviour. The real problem is that they are just too lazy or have no balls to act but most of them agree on their basic values and sharia low to be in use, so here are the extremists that do all this shit and get away with it. What do the rest of muslims do? Do they condone them? Only in TV news a muslim spokesman will say they cut all ties with them but the truth is the rest of muslims find nothing wrong with that behaviour or even encourage it ( see the sharia low enforcement by young muslim brits and other instances). That's the real problem, the roots of this mess lie in their faith and should be treated as a whole not a single extremist incident when, if I recall correctly, about ~70% of young british muslims see nothing wrong with enforcing sharia low and think gays should be criminally charged and such.

Well first, there's this thing called Taqiyya...

even if its "small" compared to all of it, it's big enough to be annoying as fuck and cause major harm. and the ones who don't behave outright criminal are stupid and usually are positive about what other muslims do for jihad.

ok let me explain. if you have 1 liter of water with 1mg of poison in it. you drink some, you're maybe sick a little. now if you have 1 liter but 10mg the dose is lethal.