Remind me who won the popular vote again, Dumplets?

Remind me who won the popular vote again, Dumplets?

What popular vote?

Trump did, when you leave out the illegal vote

Remind me who won the Electoral Vote again?

Hillary got more illegal votes than any other candidate in history. That is something to be proud of desu.

Fuck up cunt.

Hillary did. What does she get for winning the popular vote?

Take out Commiefornia and Trump won the popular vote by millions

The knowledge that she deserves the presidency, and the only reason she doesn't have it is an archaic electoral system designed by white slave owners to keep themselves in power

Remember when we rebelled against you and made our own government? Was pretty cool, also by the way, popular vote means fuck all as
Nothing, no participation trophies in this race.

At this point, what difference does it make?

Reminder who's still not president.

>the illegal vote
This is literally the dumbest thing I've heard all week.


"I don't care that team A had 6 touch downs and Team B only had one field goal. Team B had more rushing yards and should be the winner!"
same argument

She gets to write a hilariously wrong doomsday book that still sells millions and run a hopeless cable news startup headlined by Keith Olbermann.

Man it feels so good to watch losers cry into their unemployment checks

Feels so good to have fucked CTR in the ass so savagely

2016 was such an awesome year. I can't wait for 2017. What a great story to tell my future grandkids.

Everyone besides Obama?

Discounting the illegal voters, Trump won.

>these threads still exist

Out of 538 voters in America, 304 voted Trump and 227 voted Clinton.
There is no other binding vote in America.

care to elaborate?

>Invade into a country illegally
>given ID and SSNs by apologetic betacucks
>don't need to prove you live in this country legally else it'd be racist, sexist and islamaphobic
>can vote

Because the votes have already been cast and as far as the government has saw fit none of those counted were illegal. At this point retroactively bitching about "illegal votes" is as dumb as bitching about Russian hackers rigging the election.

Dumber even because Trump won the election, after that claiming "the popular vote" is literally worth nothing but bragging rights.


How can you hear something if it's dumb?

I'm assuming English isn't your first language and you don't know what 'dumb' means.

It's also true tho. Trump won the popular vote in 29 states.

If you leave out California, the state known globally for its illegal infestation, Hillary's popular vote lead disappears entirely and leaves Trump ahead

If the government documents you, and allows you to be a resident of the country you are by all definitions not an illegal immigrant.

>don't need to prove you live in this country legally else it'd be racist, sexist and islamaphobic
I wouldn't put it past you to be underage and thus have never voted before but it's not as simple as showing up and going
>ayo we citizens now

>Showed ID
>asked to sign slip of paper
>moved onto voting booth

That easy

Popular vote is why your people are beheaded on the street and why your children are raped.

That's why you have so many illegals in the first place.

In EU countries (except UK) life is pretty much impossible when you're illegal.
- can't rent an apartment.
- can't send your kids to school.
- can't open a bank account.
- only jobs are illegal.

Apart from building a wall, you really need to fix your citizen registration system and restrict everything to legal residents only.

>I'm assuming English isn't your first language and you don't know what 'dumb' means.
"Dumb" essentially means stupid, or silly in any popular usage. Pulling etymological facts out of the bag is top pedantry.

Not to mention if we're being super-literal I didn't actually hear it at all, I read it.

>If you leave out California, the state known globally for its illegal infestation,
That's even dumber than what I thought you meant. You don't get to vote just by being a resident, legal or no. You have to be a citizen to vote. This is all sorted out in registering as a voter, you don't just show up to the ballot box one day and vote.

Although you're a mick so I can't blame you for being retarded.

You need the ID to confirm you are who you've registered to vote as.

They don't make you show ID just for the banter.

remember when brexit was decided by majority vote, and you dipshits cried about how it shouldn't be left to the majority vote?

We won, nobody here cares about the popular vote, LOSER

>but the popular vote meme.
>but the faithless electoral nominies will stop Trump meme.
>say it with me: "l'm a lifeless shill who doesn't even know how my country's politicql system works.

You're aware voter laws in Cali just require you to claim to be someone, right?
Plenty of dead or otherwise incapable of voting that an illegal can commit identity theft against.

And yes, the dead still legally have a vote

I know, it triggers me.

Problem is they shouldn't be allowed to register to vote to begin with.


The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

>I-i'm not upset that Hillary lost! She won the popular vote therefore you Drumpfkins are the real losers!!! Hahaha...

This is getting really sad and pathetic. Show some grace in being defeated.

>Because the votes have already been cast and as far as the government has saw fit none of those counted were illegal.

Because one can easily vote without having to verify if they're legal or not. Lots of illegals vote and the DNC endorses them to vote and many even will vote multiple times much like niggers.


>Popular vote

This is a Federal Constitutional Republic where each State is seen as equal in the Union. The entire point of the electorates was to make sure shit like that where NYC and LA County ultimately decide the outcome of each election wasn't suppose to happen. It was a major concern back during the formation of the Union. After all, why should smaller states like New Jersey or Vermont have the incentive to join into a Union if only the vote of such states as Virginia, Georgia, and Pennsylvania ultimately decide it?

Yeah !
Fuck Drumpf, what a loser !
Even the dead wont vote for him haha

>but identity theft
That's a different matter than illegal aliens being eligible to vote.

Not to mention if the government counted the votes without detecting fraud despite all the resources available to them I would hazard that no one on Sup Forums knows either. They just want to claim "muh popular vote" bragging rights from Hillary faggots.

There was no popular vote. Hillary won a nonexistent contest, which no one was trying to win.

They shouldn't, and rightfully they aren't.

Sup Forums's paranoia is just so all-consuming that even when they win they think the election was rigged.

>Because one can easily vote without having to verify if they're legal or not
In order to vote you must register, in order to register you must first be a citizen. Illegal aliens are not citizens, the only way they could vote is via fraud which the government already checks for to the best of it's ability.

>This is a Federal Constitutional Republic where each State is seen as equal in the Union. The entire point of the electorates was to make sure shit like that where NYC and LA County ultimately decide the outcome of each election wasn't suppose to happen. It was a major concern back during the formation of the Union. After all, why should smaller states like New Jersey or Vermont have the incentive to join into a Union if only the vote of such states as Virginia, Georgia, and Pennsylvania ultimately decide it?
Did I ever say Hillary should have won because she won the popular vote?

No, I just said she won the popular vote. And by all rights no one should give a shit because that's not what decides the presidency.

The election is over bro, but if you're fishing for pictures of Korean qts then you got it.











>in order to register you must first be a citizen.

But how do they know you're a citizen or not?
America doesn't keep records of its citizens.

From what I understand you just have to prove you live in the district you're registering it.
For example by showing letters addressed to you.

Remind me how our government works faggot?

Have fun getting raped out of existence or being a mudslime.

Either way. You lose.










who won the presidential campaign tho

not swamp ass





>America doesn't keep records of its citizens.
America does issue documentation to all citizens required to be presented when dealing with any level of the US government (that requires citizenship, like voting for instance). Such as a US passport, birth certificate, or certificate of citizenship. These are what you need, not just a proof of address.

























>even when they win they think the election was rigged.

Right, because it was. The DNC rigged the primary with Bernie--Reuters even called it in her favor and canceled exit polling the night before the California primary. She tried to rig it in the general, but failed to do so. We have nothing to gain from calling it rigged, but it was.

There is video evidence from Clinton's pacs detailing the methodology used to ship paid voters to different counties to vote multiple times. There was a Stein-initiated recount in Michigan that was ultimately canceled after determining more votes were cast for Clinton than people who voted in numerous counties. She tried, and like everything she's ever done, failed. In her own hubris. And she was too drunk and enraged to even concede on election night.

>In order to vote you must register

No. In order to vote you must show up at a polling place and state the name of someone who is on the roster. Which is why another fraud mechanism of utilizing dead people and fraudulent registrations was put into place.

Part of the reason her efforts to fraud failed is because ICE was at various polling stations arresting illegal immigrants who were attempting to vote and deporting them.

This exact kind of hubris of yours is exactly why she, and your corrupt, child raping, treacherous group of nuclear war mongering sycophants lost the election.

What? Do you mean all those extra votes that came from commiefornia?

Fuck Donald Trump and FUCK White People

naw baby, you the one getting fucked now

No you just have to state the name of someone registered on the roster. The DNC filled countless fraudulent registrations. There were numerous reports through the entire day's of and after the elections but of course those were all "fake news" because CNN, the arbiter of universal truth and 5:1 Clinton victory odds predictor didn't put it on their tumblr--I mean, website.