Are they the master race Sup Forums?
Anglo women thread
Europeans are the master race, user.
Don't fucking race divide on my board.
it's gonna take lawnmower to fix dem eyebrows
>still no remedy for receding hairline
don't talk shit about cara like that, you fucking pokeball. what the fuck is wrong with you.
perfect :3
Anglos are classy looking
shut up, Slav.
english/german/irish master race coming through
>tfw ywn know the pleasure of Keira's tight bod
this sexy vikings slag
Only thing I notice about REAL anglo women (not the godesses shown in this thread ) is the ridiculous amount of make-up they use which changes their appearance from an ugly whale to a fat kim kardashian wannabe.
>plus size model
>aka fat fuck
Based Cara
she's THICC
Min freond
I hate to admit this, but leaf women are the highest tier.
Anglos have it all. They have the dirty slutty slags, but also the angelic finesse.
You faggot this is my board and I willl divide it however I can.
In fact I will divide it by zero to get to the true number of people who belong to the masterrace to.
Now all is well thus far?
Read on fagit.
I ainteven written the best part.
You are such a cocksucker that you just wont be able to resist responding to me cause otherwise your dog will die.
Nobody in this thread could ever get a gorgeous, beautiful blonde haired angel like this one. You're all a bunch of incel faggots. I have a BMW and I can't get a girl like this.
hnnng post more
which one Is this
LOL no
Best one posted so far
I love turkish women !
Look at those sexy legs and they got 6 of them !!!
Ahmed you know the government only allows you to breed outside your own race.
Have you noticed she's gotten a bit chubbier in vikings? Her tits look great for it though
ANglo doesn't exist, they are all nordic rape victims and thats why one in a million of them actually look good (nordic)
She's a ho, and has no point in the show. She just appears and get's what she wants because "IMMA GIRL, I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT"
When will Ivar gut her ffs
No She is not master race thier.
She dyed her hair blonde.
Anglo as in Anglo-Saxon as in the people who came from modern day Southern Denmark, North Germany and Netherlands and then went onto be raided hundreds of years later by the same people. A mix of Celtic and Germanic.
>Doesn't exist
fucking autist
I don't give a fuck enough to reply with anything other than I find her gorgeous
I fucked alot before i found 4 chan.
Now im just searching for thierd Reich.
Swede doesn't exist, they are all sandnigger rape victims and that's why the country is cucked beyond repair.
Well I honestly didn't know her until Vikings. It's a shame, she's great.
Ahmed stop pretending you were ever as badass as the Jutlanders. An anglo woman would beat your head with a rolling pin and you'd thank her for the privilege.
Just a Canadian waitress.
This is 2/10 in Canada.
to be honest, and I think any bong can agree with me, that Anglo Women, a large part of them, look pretty bad, not quite certain why, maybe the vikings took all the hot ones
ITT We post women with tons of Jew and other genetic heritages and call them Anglo cuz pale
They are the ugliest on average out of all the white ethnicities. The women you see on "Game Of Thrones" are the hottest of Anglo women, the average woman you'd encounter in a British town is nowhere near as good looking.