Let's start with drumpfy
Best memes of 2016
Other urls found in this thread:
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
isn't 'drumpf' racist against Germans?
Yeb is eternal
Matt Furey
How do you even end up in that situation?
This is my favourite
>still this butthurt after the election
It's only getting sadder as more time passes.
"Cartoon Frogs,
Not even once"
those demonic color shifting eyes
Never gets old
No thanks
Billill was bretty fun
is this picture real?
Well you can tell where the niggers and kikes are in my state
>literal 9-11 Obi-wan tier
Looks like the CIA killed him and replaced him with an AI
Some Brexit memes
>People thought Sportaflop could be POTUS
Still amazing to me that PA went red, I really did think that PA being a swing state was just the GOP's version of the blue Texas meme.
kek :)_)_)_)_)_)_)
nice meme'd fellow Grek :)
Someone reply to me,
are the (you)'s back?
Shouldn't CTR/ hillshills be shooting themselfs
The best.
You like JoJo's references?
Wow the new Sonichu comic looks really good.
someone post the one where it's Trump and he doesn't fall at all but keeps on riding all smug
I know it is probably Chuck Johnson shitposting but I want to believe it is really him.
This is just so shit that not even the dialogue makes sense. Panels 6 and 7 should have switched places. The author is a retard.
Are they?
Don't you fucking stop
It a miracle
I see one too! PRISED BE KEK!
hahah wot, is chris chan the author of this masterpiece ?
I fucking love the hilldog memes
I miss bernie and his legion of misguided faggots
pic related also PRAISE
Demolish the nipple already.
I get this feeling some contractor looked at Jeb and had no idea who he was, and then just asked if he'd help set up the chairs. Jeb, being the massive autist he is, didn't know how to respond and so just did it.
They'll have vintage value soon
>Let's start with drumpfy
Taken last summer