Multiculturalism can, and does, work
Daily Reminder
Keep being a good goy. Remember:
>Diversity is our strength
>Multiculturalism always works
>Remember the 6 trillion bars of soap, goyim!
>Europe will change for a "better" future ethnically. Look at how successful South Africa and Brazil is.
>At the cost of the destruction of your indigenous people.
>not mentioning the lampshades
You had one job.
there are decent people from every race, religion and culture. the thing is some cultures have lots of them while some have barely any.
if you would take the decent people and put them in a place, yes it would work, but only for a period of time. Somebody would eventually fuck up and get the shitshow going again.
Skin color =/ culture you idiot. Multiculturalism can't, and does not work, it never did and it means the destruction of the local culture.
Well, let's say we can selectively delete specific alleles we know to be detrimental to the cohesion of a social order. Say, remove two sigma down from average intelligence, or 3 sigma up on violent tendencies.
We will absolutely be engineering ourselves in the future. It is the next version of nuclear proliferation. Which country can design the most capable human? It's a race to the bottom.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
>tfw no friends
>not "my nigger" and "my whitey"
my cracker
It's my nigger, and I'll dress it up however I want.
That's not multiculturalism. that's integration.
Actually it can, the United States, up until recently, did a good job with their "melting pot" approach. It's the Swedish "flood gates" model that is bad. Immigration can work if people are integrated properly.
>Zion is our friend
>we legalize all Mexicans
>gays are Christians
Fuck off retard. Multiculturalism isn't interracial integration. Go fuck off to your rape church of niggers and pedophiles.
I hope they never go out in public together and the black guy has to get up and walk away for any reason
You again
Melting pot isn't multiculturalism. USA doesn't even has a culture minister. They don't care about cultures.
Fuck dumb Christian shit, go blow some more NATO cock, i bet your Christian Polish whores love to such that American nigger penis.
Only with conservative "successful" blacks. Ghettoniggers are a lost cause
i don't get what the fuck is with those shirts
even with the most corn-fed country guys, they don't walk around calling each other rednecks. it's some dumb term urbans use to try and insult, but it doesn't really work because most are proud of it
rednecks call each other things like man, dude, etc
pretty fucking normal names that have nothing to do with race
This photo reminds me of when people arrange a cute pitbull next to a baby
as if to say, there's no wider problem because I took this cute photo
No, it's true.
Why You're a Nationalist
Who you're mad for no reason, wtf Ivan?
Send this picture to Talcum X and see how fast he doesn't bring the left down on the white guy.
Talcum X hates white people.
>even with the most corn-fed country guys, they don't walk around calling each other rednecks. it's some dumb term urbans use to try and insult, but it doesn't really work because most are proud of it
we don't say like "hey my redneck" but we have no problem with the term or calling ourselves that
That's capitalism, where you retarded scum of earth Christians all migrate to dumbfuck American to get high and interracial breed among each other and pretty much cheat and lie for money. You don't manage cultures, you don't even have one culture. Stalin had multiculturalism, Socialism had multiculturalism, Americans destroy cultures and shove bible faggotry down the throats of every Indian to destroy their culture.
Whoa tell us how you really feel, why so much hate?
you're a literal subhuman that should be shot
>Stalin had multiculturalism
It worked well, didnt it?
But I agree with you about the Americans destroying culture with their medias/movies/policies. But I think its more the capitalists and the big companies than the american people
You don't know shit
They both have the same culture but different skin. Thats why it works.
proxy shill
Fuck off you gay Christian Jew. You wouldn't know what nationalism or culture is you stupid migrant that sucks Jew shit. Dumb gypsy interracial breeder go and take responsibility for your fail. Buying prostitutes and breeding with shit Christian whores is hardly my problem. Christians forever fail in marriage and you have not the slightest clue what culture is your Hollywood garbage digested diarrhea propaganda.
Daily Reminder
>An outlier to a statistical trend does not invalidate the trend
Brainlets, will they ever learn?
It should be redneck and nigger, not 'nigga'.
That's some shitty job for a "professional".
Why don't you take responsibility for your capitalism sellouts and stop blaming me for your shit wars and degeneracy?
Right one looks like a homo.
But the cube still has the same amount of colors. Or are they implying that multiculturism is fine as long as it's kept in order?
>Implying aut(istic) right has any stats
>Is autistic
Daily reminder that the social environment of the privileged allows for different cultures to get along more easily.
The main issues are the garbage vetting and immigration processes of the west, the likely increase of conflict between cultures in a non-privileged or underclass environment and the issue of foreign interests exploiting the cheapest areas to infiltrate and steal from
Yeah it worked you stupid Christian interracial faggot.
More like AMERICAN culture works. You can be black skin and I'll fucking work with you and be friends with you as long as you fucking act like a fucking civilized adult fucking (((white man))). Get a group of your Uga-Bugas together and start talking guttoral ebonics and chimping out? Different story.
You see any white people down in Ferguson or Baltimore hood when they were chimping out? Nope. That part of their culture don't fucking fly wit us.
Go eat a dick you Asian tranny lover. Sydney is 50% Asian you small government faggot country.
Thank you for your arguments, now kys communist, hope you like what cultural-marxism is doing to the world right now thanks to your multiculturalism
Paczta go żyda. Tak szybko po tego gorsza poleciał że aż mycke zgubił.
Which one is your diverse Jesus?
Christianity isn't culture, it a virus that destroys every culture and pretends to be culture.
Whose blaming you?, I like capitalism, being able to buy stuff, conduct commerce and start a business fucking rules
They are sharing a culture. This is not multicultural. They are multiracial. Big difference.
Go eat nigger dicks you migrant, your Paris is nigger land, you stupid capitalistic migrants run away from New York, Paris, London, then you pray to you flabby god to fix your degeneracy rooted in your motherfucking brain.
if jews are "dirty kikes"
then how come they were used a soap
checkmate nazis
Go suck brown Jesus penis you "unique" culture of Jew.
Not even being ironic, I think that *some* level of diversity (a lot less than what we see now) can be a good thing. I mean, a 100% homogenous population would be boring and autistic as fuck. i don't see why it has to be one extreme or the other. I agree that whats going on now in Europe and such has taken it way too far the other way.
No it doesn't. There is an exception to every rule
Golf clap you found a nigger that isn't trying to fuck that guys sister or gf
You are constantly blaming multiculturalism, when multiculturalism is what Europe always was, countries with different cultures. Canada/USA are on other hand integrated people of interracial.
Depends on the cultures. Pro conservative Canada and democratic America yeah maybe, but not liberal Canada or ndp Canada vs republican America no.
Inequality, destruction of environment, gives power to big corportations against countries, doesnt bring progress nor development, pushes multiculturalism and law of the market, globalist's dream, destruction of local cultures, consumer society and reduces the general intelligence of the people to push them to be more consumers of futile goods
But yeah, starting its own business fucking rules, capitalism has to be controled to be useful over the long term
I think those are germanics, keep in mind it was your savage ancestors that invaded, raped and fucked the roman empire and their christianity
You brought the dark ages and then you are so low to call yourselves european, fucking germanics pigs
Learn to type you inbred mongoloid. I don't even understand what you're trying to say. The statistics which my original assertion rests weren't done by a right leaning person. They were done by a leftie fag who has been crying ever since because evil ethnocentrists like me have been using them as a bludgeon to show you people are deluded morons, leading us on the path to hell paved with your good intentions.
Yeah, and that multicultural Europe spent most of its history killing each other.
Are you retarded?
>Worshipping a kike on a stick
Aren't you projecting a lot your offspring of Christian/nigger rape conquests? Our language is older than your rape produced race that is enslaved by your master's retarded Christianity. Go look your criminal stats you stupid Christian nigger.
I'm not christian, white, against capitalism aswell as communism you dumb fuck, you're on the same boat as us with immigration and communism wont do anything about it
All the wars didn't nearly fuck up the European race as much as dumb capitalistic international laws of stupid Christians. You and your white race. There ain't no white race. Go with your deus vult shit to Israel, go smash your head into your Crusader promised land in Jerusalem wall.
You don't even know what multiculturalism is, you don't have the slightest clue which of those imported white looking races your are breeding with. Go block nigger cock shitlord. You wouldn't know what Communism means, not in 1000 years.
You have no arguments and your autistic complains wont help you, tell me what is the correlation between "Christians" and "Capitalistic international laws"? It doesnt make any sense
>I get all my information on Christianity from kikes: the posts
Ahahahah sure I dont know anything about multiculturalism nor communism, thank you Ivan.
If you had any brains in your Mary rotten fagbrains you would figured it up to your 5 years of age that going around converting and enslaving niggers all across the world in name of Christianity is globalism and internationalism. Dumb Christian interracials couldn't even not convert some 100 people small native indians in some fucking jungle, they had to rape everything, destroy every culture.
I think your assuming a bit much about me, I'm not pro Israeli, I don't think my country should be dragged into there problems, I am pro nationalist, I do not agree with globalism. I do however believe in free enterprise, governed by a small efficient government
Le JewTube link by some English speaking moron of dumbfuckAnglo land, where niggers breed with white women for centuries. Yeah, i don't need knowledge from failures.
These guys look like they belong to the same culture. Try again.
It was nazi alchemy, do you know the story about medieval alchemists wanting to transmute shit into gold?
This is how they made it.
On top of which, I'm reasonably sure I see only one primary culture going on in OP's pic.
Did I refute this? I only said that globalism market =/ Christianity, and you really have something with the niggers to call me one every sentence
This black guy is looking cool tbqh.
I like him no homo.
Small efficient government is as much of a dumb concept as Christianity. 1 top leading guy can't fix all problems you praying idiot to high powers. Government that is big can manage people. If you want multiculturalism you need thousands of people between different cultures managing cultures. Words of some top president won't prevent niggers/Indians steamrolling all over your fruity genes.
Wouldn't the cube on the left have different colors on every face but those colors would all be in lines since people self segregate themselves, at least in cities?
Side note is self segregation in a multicultural society the best possible outcome of a muticutural society?
Asking for a fwend
Then bring something you drunk fuck, funny for you to talk about failure when the only thing that allowed communists to win against the 3rd Reich was the lend-lease aid by the evil capitalists and death by hordes of proud Ivans
I agree, as long as the ''diversity'' does not grow beyond 5%~ of the population. AND as long as that 5% is well distributed over one country.
I'm convinced that 90% of "pagans" are actually Jewish shills sowing discord.
I don't know how you not fucking understand kindergarten words.
International = between different nations aka migration
National = inside of country, no migrants.
Globalism is merely global phenomena of international. France taken in migrants after WW2, still takes them. Christians migrated to Africa, Latin America...etc. = MOTHERFUCKING INTERNATIONAL AND GLOBALISM.
Why is Spain/Portugal so brown? Maybe you should start using your Google and Google literally 10 million sites of Christian from Spain and their king/Catholic organizations all over Latin America. Maybe get some basic logic you stupid Christian retard.
>autism, the picture
Muh toys need to be in order n all the colors need 2 be lined up or i cant sleep FUCK
if jews are parasites
then how come they were made into lamps
lamps are very useful
checkmate racists
Then why don't people promote multiculturalism in Africa and Asia, too? Don't they need help?
Alright you're not trying to be constructive and keep calling me a christian while i'm not wont help you, please provide me proofs that Christianity is the pillar of Capitalism and Global market/multiculturalism instead of some internationalists Jews?
Where is this from, user?
This is what's called an exception.
Let's seem them do the same in a mostly black area. They will both get attacked.
I'm not sure greatest ally.
We can separate their body fat from the rest of their organs.
No it doesn't. Multiethnicity can though.