this guy literally has zero class
Says the person who lost so badly they no longer know what to do so they sit on Sup Forums and bitch about Trump LOL.
This is just the opening that Jeb! needs
lmao, it's gonna be a hell of a ride the next 4(it's actually 8) years
Can't believe drumpftards voted for this guy. He obviously has a very low IQ and is irrational - why else would he wish a Happy New Year to his enemies?
Trump must have traveled to the grand caves of Woomagarakargdigadooo and learnt the Art of Shitposting from the elders.
What a bunch of human sewerage.
We can not give this 'man' the nuclear codes twice.
What the fuck
Im having a dejavuu
>this guy literally has zero class
That's why he's so perfect to represent the average working class American.
Most American US president ever.
he's like the Americans you saw on tv right? Shut the fuck up. Idiot.
This man will literally empower #WhiteFeminists
You can't be a feminist if you're from the bloodline of the cultural oppressor.
This is a message of love. What the fuck is your problem, jackass?
You anti-Trump morons still don't fucking get it. This guy is the ANTI-Clinton, ANTI-Obama, ANTI-politic bullshit president. Obama would tweet shit like: "Happy New Year to a proud nation of diverse people and empowered women!" You know, Trudeau shit. This guy is making it clear: The days of peak cuck are over. If you stood in his way, he's going to fuck you over.
>having an ISIS flag image on your computer
wew lad 2edgy4me
There is hidden sql linux code in his twatter unleashing more racism towards the nobel mexicunt.
He never really got out of his teenage pettiness phase huh? I really thought he would clean up his act after election, someone had me convinced that he was doing it all for free news before being elected.
He's your president shut your shithole
>someone had me convinced
I know who is to blame, do you?
Fun fact, it ain't us.
Considering how gracious and classy he was after his election and how his enemies showed their appreciation, I really can't fault him for a bit of smugness.
Really made him hmm
Why are you dropping your shit here? Does this look like a street in Mumbai?
Too bad they couldn't convince you to poo in the fucking loo
>he's like the Americans you saw on tv right?
No, he's like the American tourists that flood my city.
>Be icon of success for decades
>Become president
>Random pajeet thinks i need to clean up my act
The chapter he wrote on revenge makes that pretty clear
>No, he's like the American tourists that flood my city.
Those are all degenerate faggots, though, looking for DUDE WEED LMAO
Lol, oook. downloaded it specifically for this thread is how edgy I am..... wait til you see german anons gore folder posts