What does Sup Forums think of this country?

What does Sup Forums think of this country?

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Thanks for your porn. It's the best in the world.

Good porn and architecture but the food is shit
A good 7/10

hmmm, what does it think?

''It's not Czech Republic! It's Bohemia! (((and those dirty Slavic Moravians, but do not think we're anythink like them)))We Bohemians are not Czechs! We are not dirty subhuman Slav(e)s Ughh, I can't even...''

Why does Czech make so much porn? just curious.

they need to reunite with Slovakia so they can compete with Chile in funny country shape.

Top tier euro country.

>great pornstars
>good beer but low price
>somehow Austria+Poland+Hungary in one country

mediocre beer

Great porn.

My main and only supplier of medieval weapons, you shifty Slavs are alright.

This. German beer as well. Best beer is Belgian craft beer.

I've heard that 35% of the adult women are pornstars. Is this true? Is it even higher maybe?


blindingly good alcohol.

Based as fuck.

You're called Czechia now though, stop this 'republic' nonsense, far too wordy.

Not much really, both positively or negatively

Also I think you should change your name, it confuses the burgers

quality gangbang porn

1) Cheap beer
2) Slutty women
3) Arma 3

>What does Sup Forums think of this country?

it became a gangster riddled brothel but cz make great rifles.

I fornicated with a nice skinny white female from there once.

Couldn't understand her French or whatever the fuck it was but oh well.

Great small arms production. I have VZ 58, CZ 805 Carbine and Cz75 handgun and love them all.

Don't mind my flag I'm just vacationing in Japan.

>Good Porn stars!
>Meh Beer
>Lots of Austro-Hungarian influence.
>I'm guessing not a lot of sandniggers

So okey!
My Only question is: Why did you guys changed your name?

egselent opinion. german weissbier are great though. but i agree non-country is best. pic related is what i got for new year.

Stop watching ((porn)), faggots.

Good taste, I wanna get myself a VZ 58 or 61 Skorpion too.

Thanks Czech Republic for my holiday booze.
Happy New Year!

>tfw no pornstar gf


Best Czech pornstars:
-Abigaile Johnson
-Sarah Blue
-Dellai Twins
-Lucy Theodorova

35% are not pornstars

Truly a good feel.

Slovakia is allright

>-Abigaile Johnson
she made nigger porn

All Drugs legal or at least tolerated
Good beer

otherwise suprisingly nothing, compared to my other 8 neigbour countries

i want to fuck all the women here

Not our fault that Your country is a porn dump.


I love you Czechia!

Some good music, terrible """people""" though.

>no little caprice
are you faggot?

well czechs are made to be slave to germanic race. we should not be free or govern ourselves. other similar people like poles or slovaks are ment to be put to death

So You want the Austrians back?

>So You want the Austrians back?

Why so depressing little czech?

I love visiting. The countryside is beautiful and the food is tasty.

Meh! The Austro-Hungarian Empire did not work, become one with Germany ;)

My spiritual home

KEK REPUBLIC. no kebab.

I love based Czech Republic. Especially gun laws there.

>no to rapefugees

uncucked although

Beautiful country. Beautiful people. Worst hospitality of any country in the universe. Ireland is pretty bad, but Czech takes it to a another level.

Ignore the cuck.

stfu degenerate

taxes are shit
weed is con.

The hottest girl I ever fucked came from there.

I like Czech

They should call it Bohemia and be done with it.


Agreed, Moravians would be butthurt though.

too much atheists and cheap people (though unluckily cheap people is phenomenon of all V4) otherwise nice country

perfect to send the muslims we don't want in the Great Israel.

Poles move their bussinesses to your country m8, we have bigger taxes. Also if you can smoke/drink what you want = more freedom. For me everything you drink,eat,smoke should not be "legal", it's just natural born law to do so.
Only thing that should be penalised is when drug dealer / coffee shop sells drugs to underage because this hits in parents law.

too brown. Got anymore?

They should stop being so atheist and should stop bowing to Russians, because otherwise they will be ruled by them


can you fuck my wife?

Good people.

Come back, based Slovensko and reconvert us pls.

Slut central of europe


>Complaining about anime in tibetian cat basket weaving forum.
Can I get a wew

I still call it Czechoslovakia. Sounds better.

Death to Czekia long live the republic.


not enough Hussites today against modern enemies.

yes, you could also get my dick down your throat faggot

>Bohemia and Moravia
Can you red pill me on the differences between the 2? Are they still relevant today? I know one of the 2 votes more left leaning.

I make a little game. I don't watch the thread and guess what Sup Forums thinks. Here we go:

>sudetenland (they dindu nuffin)
>atheist heretics

>Moravians would be butthurt though.

Let's make a deal. Let's call the country Great Moravia. I am pretty sure that Bohemians won't get butthurt when they are so full of compassion

Czechia is a leftist invention. Long live the Czech Republic.

Czech Republic is havlist invention. Long live Czechoslovakia.

>Great Moravia
>ever great
TOP TIP TOP KEK by subhuman countrymen. moravians are retarded drunkturds, mostly fat, low IQ, no education, poor as fuck and mostly communists marxist and most coalburning women are living there. sad!

Alternatively, yes, Fuck Havel desu. However, we don't have Slovakia anymore, I wish we did though.

Beautiful landscape, fantastic people, and overall I think it's a country we should watch, It's on the rise.

How different are your languages? Is it as close as Flemish/Dutch or more different?

>not based
fuck off schwarzenberg shill
It's close enough where we can understand each other 95% of the time.

Top tier Eastern Europeans, just like Slovenians.
Great Germanic brothers!

Based Jan Żiżka z Trocnova
/comfy/ history with Poland
Good beer
Becherovka is pleb tier
Too many niggers in some places

how the hell am i supposed to know the difference between flemish and dutch?

they say that the languages are mutually intelligible
Many people are like "lol I can understand perfectly" but it's very hard to find a Slovak or a Czech that would speak the other language 100% perfect

>It's on the rise.
Not since 2004 (joining the EUSSR)

>t.Russkiy bydlo from Praha 10

I like that, a lot. We gotta go for Czexit.

You guys have wonderful castles aswell.

>Too many niggers in some places

You mean gypsies? I never saw more than 2 blacks together in here,

belgian beers are superior


Nah, I mean Prague (altough I've been to a lot more places) is flooded with actual niggers & mudslimes

Prague is beautiful and you have great beer. Also hot chicks.

Examples of basic different words are: yeah (SK hej – CZ jo), if (SK ak – CZ jestli, jestliže, -li), really, actually (SK naozaj – CZ opravdu), just, only (SK iba, len – CZ pouze, jenom), to like (SK páčiť sa – CZ líbit se), as well (SK tiež – CZ také, taky), but (SK veď – CZ vždyť), let's (SK nech – CZ ať), to wish (SK želat – CZ přát), to see (SK zbadať – CZ spatřit), next to (SK popri – CZ vedle), cemetery (SK cintorín – CZ hřbitov), especially (SK najmä – CZ především, obzvlášť, zejména), forgive, excuse (SK prepáčiť – CZ prominout), apart from, besides (SK okrem – CZ kromě, mimo), traffic (SK prevádzka, premávka – CZ doprava, provoz), current (SK terajší – CZ stávající), to go (SK ísť – CZ jet), as soon as (SK len čo – CZ jakmile), to forget (SK zabudnúť – CZ zapomenout), once (SK raz – CZ jednou), next (SK budúcí – CZ příští), ball (SK lopta – CZ míč), button (SK gombik – CZ knoflík), pub (SK krčma – CZ hospoda), stamp (SK pečiatka – CZ razítko), room (SK izba – CZ pokoj), to acquire (SK nadobudnúť – CZ nabýt)

Examples of words with different meanings : SK topiť (to melt/to drown) (could be same meanings, depends on region) – CZ topit (to heat/to drown), SK horký (bitter) – CZ horký (hot) but hořký (bitter), SK stávka (stake, bet) – CZ stávka (strike), SK chudý (slim, skinny) – CZ chudý (poor), SK kapusta (gabbage) – CZ kapusta (kale), SK vodič (driver) – CZ vodič (electrical coductor), SK krajina (state) – CZ krajina (landscape), SK pivnica (cellar) – CZ pivnice (pub), SK spraviť (to make, to create) – CZ spravit (to repair, to fix). Czech months are of Slavic origin (e.g. Říjen), whereas the Slovak months are of Latin origin (e.g. Október).


In Europe 10 blacks and 100 Mudslimes is FLOODED.

Just bought a Slavia 634 airgun

you make good quality guns

I've always wanted to try this beer but the nearest store that stocks it is like an hour + drive

One time I saw it at a restaurant but they wanted 9 dollars and change (!) for one bottle

Mudslimes? Maybe, we got some shitskin disapora although I think that the most of them arrived in 90's

But flooded with niggers? Naaah. I haven't seen any black in weeks and even back then those are mostly single students or tourists.