Faggots are more racist and classist than Sup Forums will never be.

Thank God

Isn't he a pedo

>gay men saying "no asians"
Because asian men are pretty much women anyway

Based sodomites. Not even fags like chink "men", waiting for r/asianmasculinity to shit this thread up with AMWF in a fit of impotent rage.

Self-hater chink

One guy from this video isn't asian.

Funny gays not being into Asians. Male Asians are essentially a race of twinks.

What does this even mean, I thought asian twinks are in high demand among the degenerates? As longs as they don't go full tranny mode with tits etc.

Christ almighty, an edit after every 10 words or less. Regardless of the fag content, this shit is unwatchable.

I think "asians" means pakis in bongistan that would explain it

SE asian boys are qt

Most actual gays are into manly men. Asians look like little boys or perma twinks.
It's not that hard. It's not even racism. It's just preference to looks.

A friend of mine, a guy a work with, looks like an 18 year old kid. He's shorter than me. Has babby tier smooth skin. Somewhat effeminate features. I always thought he was a teen, or at the very least, around the same age as me (25). Turns out he's 35.

>Take most feminine racial group.
>With the smallest dicks.
>Wonder why they aren't popular among people tagging 'no femmes'.
Protip: some faggots like beards, muscles and masculinity while disliking the faggotboy in OP.



Yes. Like holy shit this guy?

Means East Asians = rice.

But gays and straights all have preferences. Why box one group out because you perceive there to be lots of people who don't bang Asian dudes? What about the gay Asians or gaysians as I like to call them. The gaysians and the people who love them are getting ostracized and it's weird cuz it's coming FROM the gay community

Who fucking knows. Leftists have been shitting on gays for a while now.
Maybe they're too "normal" nowadays. AKA. not special cookie enough.

>Most actual gays are into manly men

This is true.

As a gay man I am forced to admit that this gay bias against Asians is all about one thing. Dick size. Gay men are all shallow size queens, and with the exception of one single Japanese gentlemen I met in a gay sauna in Brighton many years ago, all the smallest dicks I have ever seen have been on Indians and Chinese.

Once the left gets tired of devouring its enemies, it begins devouring its own young. Glorious

Manlets, tiny dicks, beta, negative attitude / inevitable chip on their shoulder. Same reasons no one but the most desperate women put up with them.

That's clearly just himself, there's no way that's real

"«It's unfair to assume I'm racist just because I'm white» - but it's not illogical to assume that."
Thank you. I will now assume all black guys are armed criminals using that argument.

But then who was camera ???

turns out most people aren't into twinks

you know masc4masc and all that

Pretty much this. What a fucking trainwreck these idiots got themselves into.

>Men who stuff things in their ass and suck dick in front of kids
Fags are the people I don't feel sorry for when they get executed.

Isnt he also a cuck? Or his wife was bi? Or something?

He has such a scary pedo face

His wife was literally cucking him yes, and he knew and was ok with it.
>He has such a scary pedo face
On this note he also has a site where girls (mostly underage) can post half naked pictures of themselves for him to judge which he's come under fire for recently.

Are asian men the black women of homosexuals?

>in front of kids

What the fuck.
Someone please tell me that's fake.

He is a pedo

>gay men

That is the biggest understatement of the year. Really, gay men have to be the worst people in the world.