And also, if IQ tests are legit, shouldn't Racial Realism instead be focussed on "Intelligence Realism" and shouldn't we discriminate the stupid whites as well?
Should we keep the Smart Blacks?
Shouldn't we discriminate based on IQ if our discrimination is healthy? If we're gonna deport people based on IQ lets deport the stupid Whites aswell?
Why not? I hate stupid people
you asked if we should keep the smart blacks, I said no
>be focussed on "Intelligence Realism" and shouldn't we discriminate the stupid whites as well?
>implying this doesn't already happen to stupid whites
>implying stupid whites can apply for stupid white affirmative action
Differences in Race/Ethnicity are the primary drivers of decreased social cohesion and lead to increased crime, lower happiness, and lower social trust which eventually splinter societies apart into separate ethno-ideological enclaves.
Differences in intelligence don't do that so there's no reason to approach the two characteristics the same.
I think that "we" shouldn't discriminate against anyone. Just leave the world open for competition and the best will rise to the top.
It's hard for a regular nigger-slayer pol-tard to admit that there are blacks with higher IQ than them.
So in other words 50% of whites are smarter than all blacks.
Way to run a distribution, you dumb fuck.
IQ isnt the problem, its being a lazy, unproductive leach on society.
And there are just as many "suits" in that category as blacks.
Fuck all of em.
Wait, so you are arguing that racism is socially constructed and not Racial Realism TM? Intelligent people don't have issues with social cohesion. Most smart people can relate and converse with other smart people regardless of race fairly easy.
The overlap between the black curve and the white curves is VERY CLEARLY much less than half, let alone the "largest" area of the curves.
Let's not even talk about comparing it to the Asian curve in the upper left.
Sup Forums cannot into Intelligence Realism because most of Sup Forums would be culled for being at the back of the bell curve.
They must rely on averages across people with the same skin colour to justify their positions. On one hand the want freedom of the individual, on the other they want groups to be judged based on averages instead of the actions of the individual.
If there was ever a living example of the meme cognitive dissonance, Sup Forums would be it.
the smartest blacks are part white
Please tell me that the picture you posted is ironic. It can only be ironic. No one can be THAT dumb.
>20% of blacks are smarter than 50% of whites?
Sounds right
That's not true at all, even if people don't consciously express biases against other groups there are subsconscious biases which have been demonstrated to exist in people, all groups of people have in-group preferences to varying degrees. Virtually all people feel safer and happier around people who resemble them and like their communities to be like that, I'm sure all of the "enlightened liberals" you'd go on about don't go out of their way to import blacks from Detroit into their most likely mostly homogeneous communities.
i hope this spreads to facebook
>average white being smarter than 80% of blacks
>So in other words 50% of whites are smarter than all blacks.
Confirmed nigger. Lern2logic.
Don't chimp out. I personally have no issue with applying Intellegnce based discriminatory policies. I think it would solve a lot of issues with employment and whatnot.
>50% of whites are smarter than 80% of blacks
Really makes ya think.
yeah, I know, it's actually 12%, not 20
If they are Albanian, where would you deport them to?
its not that simple since we are not living in a libertarian wonderland and people have group loayalties so baby anchoring and similar tactics groups use will happen
No shit? 50% of whites have lower IQ than top 20% blacks. Wew, lad. Obvious shit is obvious. Gaussian distribution really fucked my shit up, senpai.
This fucking image lol
this means that the top 20% of blacks arent as smart as 50% of whites
fucking kek
so the pic says that the top 20% of blacks break 100 iq? is that something to brag about? am i being trolled?doesnt this mean 50% of whites are as smart as the top 20% of blacks?
To Germany or something like that
>IQ of China is the highest with 105
>With over 1 billion people to even it out and drag it down
Something smells fishy here
If we deport all stupid people it should be in a place already full of people like them so they can assimilate to their culture. How about Albania
also you are a nigger for not understanding how IQ difference translate into IRL situations.
what is more often than not importants is TOP 10 or TOP 20 of some trait where even the small absolute difference translate into big relative differences and make HUUUUGE life outcome difference.
sprinter who runs 0,5% faster than others wins the gold medal, not because he is only 0.5% faster than the 2nd but because he IS faster than the 2nd.
>IQ of China is the highest with 105
>Something smells fishy here
these pan faced gooks are known to cheat and fake results on iq tests
True, but also, they are the Jewish Blacks.
Idk I think most people on Sup Forums are jewish supremacists. If you want to use that retarded leftist language.
>Sup Forums is one person
And whoever wrote this crap has no fucking idea how to read graphs and diagrams. That text so so fucking absurd I don't even know where to start.
>Most Black people average of 85 (in the US)
>most white people average of 100
Yeah totally no statistical difference because the highest scoring third of blacks score the same as the lowest scoring third of whites. TOTALLY NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL HURR FUCKING DURR.
What the fuck is this entire post?
>most of Sup Forums
>back of the bell curve
>mush racist fascist nazi scum [buzzwording continues are """"""""""""""uneducated"""""""""""""
>hurr durr
Prove that, faggot.
Why is the statistical difference between two races important for an individual?
Stop chimping out. I didn't say that races didn't have lower averages. I said that if IQ discrimination is rational and healthy for the wellbeing of a society, then it follows that discrimination of IQ should be placed on low IQ whites aswell?
All 85 IQ whites can btfo, correct?
>>IQ of China is the highest with 105
>>Something smells fishy here
yeah, chinks cheat often but not neceserally, IQ is important but dont underestimate the importance of culture on creativity. collectivist chink culture kills individualims and creativity, and chinks are high functioning but rediculosly uncreative.
Because we don't live in as individuals. We live in a society. That is democracy. When you have stupid people reproducing, and voting for more collectivism, the individual gets screwed. Its not complicated.
>I said that if IQ discrimination is rational and healthy for the wellbeing of a society, then it follows that discrimination of IQ should be placed on low IQ whites aswell?
no, because libertarianism is a meme idology he also hasnt put in effect the IRL effect on (in absolute terms) small IQ differences Ive described here
The obvious sentence not mentioned in that picture is that 80% of blacks are less intelligent that the top 50% of Whites.
That is to say, for every 10 Whites and 10 Blacks, 2 Blacks are smarter than the bottom 5 Whites while the top 5 Whites are not only just as smart (and smarter) than the top 2 blacks, but are above the remaining 8. Meanwhile, the remaining 5 Whites still have a higher floor, thus meaning on average their mean IQ will float higher than that bottom 8 Blacks.
That picture is inflammatory, not a compliment. I'm a "racist" and I'd love to spread that around.
That image is retarded even beyond its cherrypicked images. It is basically saying that because government has an effect on standard of living that average IQ has no effect at all.
>Why is the statistical difference between two races important for an individual?
What does that even mean?
>for an individual?
If you bring masses of members of a subspecies whose average IQ is 80 into societies where the avg. IQ is 100 it is as if you would import mostly mentally disabled people. Low IQ individual = prone to violence, criminal behaviour, less slef control of urges
Definitely, eugenics would have been taken seriously if Hitler hadn't squandered the opportunity.
> IQ is the only thing that matters
You know a white and black of the same IQ still physiologically differ in a lot of aspects, the white will have a lower testosterone level, a lower time-preference, be less predisposed to violence, be much less likely to have children out of wedlock, there are actually important biological, psychological, and physiological patterns and indicators among groups of individuals which matter in terms of how they will impact society at large either positively/negatively other than IQ
Let me spell it out for you. A Black guy, fluent in three languages with an IQ of 110. And a white guy who can barely spell with an IQ of 85.
What do you do?
>It is basically saying that because government has an effect on standard of living that average IQ has no effect at all.
yeah, its trying to imply that, its for makes you think purpouses
A society in my eyes isn't a production plant where only output matters. So I want my own culture to dominate, there is room for some skilled negroes, arabs etc. but I want the numbers to remain low.
Also if I had a say I wouldn't want more competition to walk in, where is the logic in that for me?
But it's not like I can do anything to prevent this place from spiralling towards a RSA/Turkey-ish future.
>Let me spell it out for you. A Black guy, fluent in three languages with an IQ of 110. And a white guy who can barely spell with an IQ of 85.
stop with the false narrative already
>top 20% is smarter than bottom 50%
>therefore bottom 80% is dumber than everybody
Propaganda needs more work
Those 16% of
m8 he is just saying that if the IQ meme is so important just get rid of dumb people ignoring race
>If you bring masses of members of a subspecies whose average IQ is 80 into societies where the avg. IQ is 100 it is as if you would import mostly mentally disabled people. Low IQ individual = prone to violence, criminal behaviour, less slef control of urges
That's why I said 'for an individual'. Normal immigration doesn't happen in masses. You apply for a job, you get accepted and then you move to another country. At that point, no one cares for the average IQ of your country.
In an optimal world without PC, cultural marxism, etc.?
Put the mentally disabled white into a wörkgroup and have a beer and interesting conversation with the black tourist.
IQ does not define your group loyalties, that is the problem with his reasoning
Whites are smarter on average than the other races except Asians - who fall short at the peak IQ level. Whites are the most intelligent race. Stephen Hawking is not a jew, for example.
Hey Ustase. Are you not aware that both me and you are more fluent in english than the average low IQ american? They are very stupid unfortunately and have a terrible education system (but that actually has nothing to do with it, it's their IQ).
Social cohesion among colours is chimp tier side effect of Low IQ. Smart blacks and whites can get along better with one another than smart white with stupid whites, vice versa.
>Normal immigration doesn't happen in masses. You apply for a job, you get accepted and then you move to another country. At that point, no one cares for the average IQ of your country.
As if that happened in the last 75 years. TOPfuckingKeK
You don't get to erase the genetic average of your race. Immigration is a multi-generational effect. Einstein's kids would likely not be Einstein's level of genius. There is a regression to the mean. A black man with an IQ of 130 is practically nigger Einstein, and his kids won't follow suit.
You still get more white children if you breed them white. Until that fact is changed through complex alterations of the human genome, all the darkies will be fighting over who gets to sleep with the whites.
It's hard to convince whites to breed out of existence/just go away somewhere when everyone wants to sleep with them.
Beauty is one of those things that is excruciating for darkies to talk about because they have so very little of it.
>Hey Ustase. Are you not aware that both me and you are more fluent in english than the average low IQ american?
Hey Albanian! But none of that counts as group/national identy, strongest of which is built around family ties and extended family ties or if you want to be more dramatic - around blood.
Yes it does. Stupid people do stupid shit, smart people have a hard time finding a sense of belonging with absolute shit tier IQ stupid idiots. Stupid people and smart people form their own groups and have conflicting loyalties, ya dingbat!
Top 20% of blacks are smarter than 1/2 whites.
So it takes the top 20% of blacks to equal 50% whites.
Conversely, this means that 80% of blacks are dumber than half of all whites.
Did OD just do our job for us?
this was for you misclicked
>There is a regression to the mean. A black man with an IQ of 130 is practically nigger Einstein, and his kids won't follow suit.
how did he get to 130 in the first place then ?
that is the whole point of this image
>So in other words 50% of whites are smarter than all blacks.
Lower 50% logic
The term "genetic average" is in itself contradictory, since the whole point of genetics is differentiation. What you have is a statistical average. You picked x amount of people and came up with an average. That's meaningless in most of the subjects we are discussing. Except for mass immigration, which is wrong anyway.
>smart people have a hard time finding a sense of belonging with absolute shit tier IQ stupid idiots.
yes, but when the find peers, they usually prefer peers of their group.
High ranking generals in any army have a more similar personality to generals of the opossing army than to low ranking infantry men of their own, yet still are trying to kill the other group.
stop strawmaning this one already!
Congrats Ahmed, you got it!
>are smarter than 1 OR 2 whites.
the racist facts say otherwise
The generals have stopped doing that since WW2 and made NATO. It seems life and history have surpassed you. The global aristocracy is just that.
Well duh thats how it functions in this society where identities are based around a false sense of nation. This is the crux of my post, if Racial Realism's fundamental concept is the differentiation of IQ producing inevitable differences and conflicts, shouldn't IQ lead us to the conclusion of Intelligence Realism.
For example, all the rich businessman of the world from all nations show great solidarity with one another in operations like money laundering (Panama Papers etc). Even if at home they posture as racists, they actually belong to a genetic group defined more by intelligence than "race".
The smart blacks should help maintain a decent black country
The study that they are referring to is including Indians as blacks. KEK. It doesn't get any better than that.
So if you do the math
>80% of blacks are dumber than 1 in 2 whites
>It seems life and history have surpassed you.
Fukuyama please go, we are living in far more fundamental and religious times than you think.
>Well duh thats how it functions in this society where identities are based around a false sense of nation.
the alternatives to nationstates have already been tried, I strngly advise against it.
the top 20% is smarter than the 50%
b-but this is obvious, if they're "the top"... they should be smarter than a lot more than 50%
he's right. 20% > 50%
=> other 50% >= 20%, which by logic includes the other 80% which are below the 20%
>Most smart people can relate and converse with other smart people regardless of race fairly easy.
but if the top 20% of blacks are only about as smart as the average white, then they cannot relate with you. so if you're treating them as equal then you're dumber than you look on paper, and we should probably get rid of both.
Albania 82 IQ hahahaahah
Why do Ablanians on average how lower IQ than the rest of the region, is it true they are just a pack of inbreds?
That's a meme.
Therefore, 50% of whites have a higher IQ than 80% of blacks.
No that's from Richard Lynns 2012 study. You are linking one from 2002, this is referencing the mentioned study in the infograph map which has a much larger sample size and is peer reviewed.
See page 44 for the IQ directory. Richard Lynn and Vanhanen are very accomplished so any petty attempts to discredit them is futile.
you are wrong. quote link uses date from Lynn Vanhanen 2006, this is the more recent and Flynn effect adjusted
albanians clinging to obsolete studies with tiny biased sample sizes over a a decade newer one with a much larger sample size and peer reviewed. SAD!
We certainly should, but "race realists" will rarely engage you on this, they'll just change the subject to other aspects, like violence
Those that do try to answer, I've noticed, it almost invariably appeal to "regression to the mean". Put simply, they hold that if two genius blacks have a child, it will on average have an 85 IQ, while the offspring of two white downies will still have an average IQ of 100. It's fallacious logic that "puts the cart before the horse" but Sup Forums-tier "intellectuals" are quite literally unable to understand why they're wrong (see )
>Link to thread which was deleted for being off-topic apparently (as educating Sup Forumstards in basic mathematical techniques is forbidden)
Saving this quentin tier bait
Botswana is moderately a middle class economy which is doing better than its neighboring country South Africa
Kazakhstan confirmed being mathematics illiterate
>top 20%
>even still only 1 and 2 whites.
Correct me if i'm wrong but this is essentially saying that not only are 80% of blacks below all white people, but the other 20% are outdone by an even larger 50% portion of whites?
This pic just screams our best pale in comparison to your best.