Let's do a little survey of modern Sup Forums

Question 1: When did you first start browsing Sup Forums?

Question 2: Do you believe the Nazis killed Jews with gas chambers?

Question 3: Where in the political compass would you put yourself?

Other urls found in this thread:


since shortly before the munich shooting.
not in gas chambers, but jews were killed even though not as many as we are told and not as systematically. and most just died because of starvation and sickness as germany couldnt even provide it for their own people, muckh less for the prisoners after the allies bombed the traintracks supplying the camps.

compas made a few weeks ago

>shortly before the munich shooting
That's pretty recent.

2 years ago, and nope literally none of the camps were death camps, its nothing more than a fabrication by the international jew

yeah, am a newfag, to top it off im a leftist libtard, and if you really want to rage know that i am also a krautkebap. however i love this board when its not currently raided but butthurt SJW zobmies

>almost two years ago
>in gas chambers, no
>center-left moderate authoritarian

1. Eh, found it about 7 years ago lurked 5 years ago regular
2. You don't gas your free labor
3. Ancap

>Question 1: When did you first start browsing Sup Forums?

Very early on but in earnest around EvolaChan. That's when pol got real good.

>Question 2: Do you believe the Nazis killed Jews with gas chambers?

I'm agnostic about it, it doesn't matter to me either way. Jews were killed in Ww2 just like a lot of people were. It was a war after all.

>Question 3: Where in the political compass would you put yourself?

Fiscally very conservative and socially moderate.

Wow, everyone disbelieves the gas chambers. I'm surprised, because every time I see a poll is done a good majority of Sup Forums say they believe that Holocaust happened.

1) When the MH17 fell in ucraine
2) Already had my doubts before browsing Sup Forums
3) Probably authoritarian right

there was pic once showing the auschwitz gaschamber door which was just a shabby old wooddoor. all other doors to gas chambers are heavy airtight sealed metal doors. additionally the zyclon b was for pest and pretty ineffective for big creatures like humans. other chemicals would have been far more effective.

then there is shit like pic related the upper left where someone got allegedly saved from the gas chamber by collapsing from hunger and being hospitalized. "man we wanted to kill her, but now she needs medical treatment so we can kill her once she is healthy again"

>Question 1: When did you first start browsing Sup Forums?

Pretty early, but really tuned in during the 2016 election and the ebola outbreak. Shit got good then

>Question 2: Do you believe the Nazis killed Jews with gas chambers?

Surely some jews had to die, though I'm not sure if it were in gas chambers or not, and if definitely not 6 gorillion

>Question 3: Where in the political compass would you put yourself?

Ron Paul levels of libertarian

Since 2008

Gassing Holocaust a proveable lie. But about 200k Jews did get killed conventionally, hung, worked to death, typhus ect.

100% National Socialist.

>Question 1: When did you first start browsing Sup Forums?
Since the beginning. /new/ before that and Sup Forums during the interregnum until Sup Forums came to be. Before /new/, I was on /n/. Seen.it.all.

>Question 2: Do you believe the Nazis killed Jews with gas chambers?
Not really.

>Question 3: Where in the political compass would you put yourself?
Apolitical, found Christ so really it doesn't matter much.

>Question 1: When did you first start browsing Sup Forums?

>Question 2: Do you believe the Nazis killed Jews with gas chambers?

>Question 3: Where in the political compass would you put yourself?
Wherever is good for white British Christians and pagan allies.

I've read so many infographics like this, but is there an effort to get all of this information into one collected place?

1: about a year ago, about 8 months ago i started browsing regularly

Nowhere you will find from a (((google))) search or on (((wikipedia))).

>JIDF seminar for training of Wikipedia editors





Q1 : 2016
Q2 : Yes
Q3 : Political compass is a jew-gay thing who have non-sense for me.

Hey Mr FBI. I'll bite

Started browsing Sup Forums probably in 2012. Not much however and only really went on Sup Forums. I remember when Sup Forums had the Nazi flags instead of the country the poster was from.

I started really getting into Sup Forums around November of last year and I visit for probably 6 hours a day. Maybe more.

I believe the Jews exaggerate so hard on their muhhh 6 sextillion. I do want to believe the Holocaust is a hoax but I'm not there yet in my path to enlightenment.

I agree with pic related.

We accept autism of all forms!! Just as long as you don't sperg out. Or have bad quality shitposts..

1. 6-7 years ago
2. Yes, but it's been overplayed heavily.
3. Classical Liberal

> saudi arabia
> "classical liberal"

Question 1
After Happy Merchants meme being posted all over the Internet.

Question 2
I believe...
>Error, poster got sued by the Jewish lobby

Question 3
Idiotic test, based on Adorno's culturally marxist "f-scale personality"-test.

well, you must understand why I believe or would WANT a classical liberal society

surely i do i am very surprise that ur governement can't manage to spy on you right now
claiming to be classical liberal in saudi arabia would make you an apostate wouldn't it ?

1. Perhaps 2 years ago
2. Yes, I know that to be true.
3. Liberal. I would say I'm somewhere between social liberal and a classical liberal, with some socially conservative views which don't directly attack personal liberty.

I have no idea. I have two citizenships, so i'm sure i'll be fine. I'm only here because of family.

1 2013

2 Yes but it has been widley exaggerated, more Jews died of starvation or illnesses than Zyklon B, also the Soviets and Chinese killed much more people then the nazis

3 Centered, slightly to the right

You really think those apes have the capabilities to successfully spy on people to that granular degree? Western governments struggle to do this.

1. Around a year ago
2. I am not quite sure about that. Nazis surely didn't like the kikes so the motives were there, but the actual numbers are surely exaggerated
3. Upper left, somewhere between Stalin and Hitler. I consider myself NatSoc

Question 1: When did you first start browsing Sup Forums?
2013, but I've been lurking Sup Forums daily since 2015
Question 2: Do you believe the Nazis killed Jews with gas chambers?
few of them, sure, but I don't believe in the 6 gorillion meme
Question 3: Where in the political compass would you put yourself?
pic related

1. Around 2014 I think.
2. I would say yes but maybe the numbers were manipulated.
3. Pic related.

Started when it was still /new/

No gas chambers, but lots of Jews died

About a quarter of the way into authoritarian right

1) Yesterday
2) Seems like some tinfoil hat conspiracy theory nonsense to believe otherwise in light of the countless number of people involved in corroborating that information
3) Bleeding heart liberal who doesn't sperg out about empirical scientific data that conflicts with my views/assumptions about the world

>Question 1: When did you first start browsing Sup Forums?

>Question 2: Do you believe the Nazis killed Jews with gas chambers?
yes... mostly

>Question 3: Where in the political compass would you put yourself?
master race

I've been lurking since about 2010ish (not quite sure)

I don't believe Jews were gassed, or at least it wasn't in the millions.

I'm a fascist. Conservative that finds personal liberty is more important than security. Free will.


Yes i saw it with my own grandfathers eyes


1. After I tracked down the literary work of art known as "shrek is love shrek is life"

2. Met a few people that toured the camps and strongly believe they were mainly labor camps.im sure they gassed a few

3.pic related but I don't live around bix nood.

1. Started with /fit/ 2 year ago and slowly moved here
2. I'm doubtful about gas chambers because of the technology it recquires, but I dont have a real opinion about that question cause it doesnt matter that much to me
3. National-socialist

Q1. On and off for a few years.
Q2. Of course they did, never underestimate man's inhumanity.
Q3. Not sure, but I'm a Republican over Monarchist.

1. Somewhere around March 2013, just before Chavez's death
2. Yes. Not that there's anything wrong with it, though.
3. Social-democrat

1. 2016
2. yes
3. traditionalist nationalist retrograde pochvennik-style society. back to the roots, forbid education, except for religion, etc.

1. A few days after it was founded aka 5 years ago.
2. "dhose ebil nadzis gassed us in chambers, put us in showers, made soap and lampshades out of us! now give us your money and watch us ruin your entire lives, goy!" Never happened, but it has to happen now.
3. Fascism or Monarchism, whatever is easier to establish and lets us have a strong leader instead of a "haha we outnumber you by one so your rights don't exist now, also all the candidates are chosen by (((us)))" kikeocracy.

1. Been on Sup Forums since 1chan, I lurked through most of the Great Depression.

2. Yes, the Holocaust did happen, Holocaust denial is a game for sub-intellectuals who have not considered the simple fact that the Germans themselves admitted to it.

3. I'm alt-right when things are going well, libtarded when I find myself unemployed - just like 100% of everyone else. I hate niggers, Mexicans, and faggots all the time though.