Which flag is the best flag?

Which flag is the best flag?
>Nazi flag
>My flag.
>Puerto Rico
>Czech Republic

I'd say the Philippines, but they got that ugly ass sun thing in it. Ruins it honestly.

>American flag is worst flag.

Seychelles, pretty wacky

yeah they're pretty neat

Macedonia's flag for looking pretty unique and Georgia's flag since it looks like it was made for crusaders.

This one

>not praising the sun

Marshall Islands' flag looks like it belongs on the side of a postal truck.

Panama's is pretty cool

My one


Belgium has the worst colors.

No, my is the best

I hate mine. the red and green colors have no history whatsoever and they were in reality the colors of a mason republican movement.

They shouldnt be fucking there!

>Romania and Chad have literally the same colors
>Switzerland being sandwiched between Sweden and Syria


Macedonia always catches my eye while lurking for some reason. It's nice.

Also Estonia.

The krauts have the ugliest fucking flag on earth.

The best is the CSA flag from the american civil war (well, at least one of the prettiest).

Philippines suck

My flag is upside down in that picture. Smh

On a serious note, I think the flags of Japan and Denmark are my favorites.

pic out of date
old Libya flag is better anyway

Bhutan looks bretty gud

>literally where tho

You sound like a jealous faggot.

Mauritania's flag is smiling at me with a Hitler-esque moustache

Angola's emblem looks like hammer and sickle kek

Is that rare?

Czech is best #1

I would say america but it stole spider-man's color scheme. Which is to say, red, blue and BLACK.

Barbados bear the mark o Poseidon. Thats pretty badass.

Armenia, Macedonia, Netherlands, UK

>Angola's emblem looks like hammer and sickle kek
Maybe that's cause the political party currently leading Angola used to be a Marxist Leninist party that was supported by Cuba in a war most people never even heard about.

>Switzerland being sandwiched between Sweden and Syria
Did I miss the joke or has the Alphabet changed over the course of the last couple of hours?

There is no best flag. All flags are shit.

>Did I miss the joke or has the Alphabet changed over the course of the last couple of hours?

Why not both?

Angola is my choice

>czech flag
pick one. Japanese is best.

>Macedonia's flag for looking pretty unique

Let's settle for "Germany's sense of humor is dogshit."
You should stick with genocide, Hans.

>The mods kicked the troll's ass until he started seeing stars, all under the guise of "her majesty"

Marshall islands kind of remind me of nasa for some reason

Cool flag desu


good choice

its has the same gdp as ukraine


I guess you'd prefer dog steak.

Vatican city is pretty nifty

Yes it is

Papua new guinea looks pretty evil,fitting for a bunch of child eating subhumans

Nah, I'm more a fan of a bowl of molten cheese and dipping bread in it.
However, let me guess your favorite snack: Mohammad's cock?

just cheese or do you put anything else into it? like salsa or hamburger or something?

>Mohammad's cock

I guess you'd prefer horse cock.

Saint Martin(i)

>Putting a hamburger in Fondue

Mozambique for the god damn AK, Albania for the simplicity and emblem, Argentina for the a e s t h e t i c s and our old Monarchy flag

Eh, you guys are gobbling muslim cock. We elected one though.

This doesn't matter. None of this matters.

How did you get unblocked fuckin busta?



Stop being stupid, Czechbro. Ours is clearly the best one.

The one of my favorite Nordic country

fucking weeb...

Turkey, i like the red tone

Personally, I like Georgia's. It's like the son of the Knights Hospitaller flag. Also

>not praising the sun that brings the dawn of our final doom

trinidad and negeago telling us we have a shit flag?
negger you wont even last 5 min here before we shot u for fun (and drug deal)

>American flag is the worst
>Likes Chilean and Puertorican one



Fondue is usually just cheese/two different cheese types (depending on where you live) and a bit of white wine. You can put in herbs, shallot slices, tomatoes or similar extra condiments but the basic idea is dunking bread in the cheese on a long fork and then eating it.

Whats Orkney?
It is the flag of the great Nordic kingdom of Romania


>My flag
M8 your flag looks like antifa and your country sounds like the name of a bad comedy duo

i like the gambian flag for whatever reason. I think the fact that they put white between the colors really makes it nice, they would look like shit otherwise.

Holy fuck, someone knows where that is.

The Albanian flag.


benin :DDD :DD :D

T.Banana nigger