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If they wanted to make a statement they should'e blown their heads off with a gun. Rolling around on the floor after drinking pesticides is pathetic
If only leftist protestors could follow this trend.
What the fuck were they protesting?
moar videos pls
Self-immolation remains the best way to commit a political suicide. People still talk about this asshole.
What are they protesting exactly?
I'd like to get an answer on this as well
According to sources, these protestors ingested pesticide in order to take their lives in protest of financial scams they were a part of. Took place in Tiananmen West subway station in Beijing, China.
Living in China.
Got one.
In Video Description
> According to sources, these protestors ingested pesticide in order to take their lives in protest of financial scams they were a part of. Took place in Tiananmen West subway station in Beijing, China.
I wouldn't imagine that being a nice way to go.
Why weren't they screaming or nerves twitching and shit?
bout time the chicks figured out japns recipe for success... you get the poor stock to kill themselves
separate the wheat from the chaff grenades. who the fuck wants wheat its got gluten but chaff grenades let you do some operator shit
Silly me, should've checked the description. Nice trips.
Tiananmen strikes again.
I'd do the same desu senpai
Why does Sup Forums hate Chinese people so much?
We have 5000 years of civilization, highest IQ on earth after Ashkenazi Jews, we improve every country we go to, we create countries like Singapore and Taiwan out of nothing, we dominate business in every South East Asian country, we follow laws, do well at careers and intellectual pursuits, are model citizens.
And yet you faggots hate on us constantly. I'm absolutely convinced you guys just hate anyone who beats you at your own game, is more successful than you and trumps then natives at their own game. No wonder you reserve your most ardent dehumanization towards Asians and also the Jews, while you idolize the tenets of Islam and their treatment of women. You people are pathetic. Bunch of morons laughing at suicides... have you considered that what they may have gone through before they did that?
banned in china
Because you're souless faggots.
You're the Jews of the far east.
>Implying financialization of the economy ruining lives is funny
>Ignores that it's happening to the U.S.
>get ripped off
>get revenge by then killing yourself
They should have at least killed the people that scammed them first!
Is this pasta? Never seen it before.
They stink, they steal, they lie, they cheat and they are not attractive.
>have you considered that what they may have gone through before they did that?
Cause the nerves were shut down... Breathing also probably as to no agonal breathing or wheezing.
Drink-Have bad heartburn-wait for muscles to stop receiving orders-collapse-stop breathing-die.
Kinda hard to do that with Chinks considering that Mao killed off the entire middle class and only left the poor genetic stock alive.
>in protest of financial scams
But financial scamming is the Chinese way of life.
stop this
and this
we can't trust any of your exports
Suk Mai Wang
>waaah waaaah look at me, im taking my own life give me attention waah
How exactly are we soulless you worthless cockroach? Stop just repeating memes and provide a decent explanation. I grew up in the UK, I consider many people here to be far more "soulless" than anything I've seen in Hong Kong or even the mainland. I've never understood this retarded meme. The only thing is treatment of animals which is improving, and is largely people many people in small villages are poor and uneducated.
And I take "jews of the far east" as a compliment. I marvel and admire the achievements of Jews in the UK. They are disproportionally represented in politics, media, banking, finance, medicine, academia, culture etc. ethnic Chinese are also disproportionally represented in that apart from the political-media nexus, which is probably why you're so butthurt about our success. China is coming to the UK in a big way faggot, prepare for half of London real estate to be owned by us, for all your professors and teachers and bankers to be Chinese. I even read that we're taking over a lot of the diamond trading business from the Jews lol. Mad much?
>We have 5000 years of civilization
This meme needs to die.
Tbh that's an excellent picture
Only because of the photo and the fact he never moved. There have been a couple attempts at self-immolation on Capitol Hill in the last few years and they never make more than local news. Though that's probably because they don't want people to realize what they were protesting had gotten as bad as it is. The two I recall were about veteran's care and child custody. In both cases bystanders were faggots and tried to put the guy out, and both lived.
It's pretty fucked up how they're all so brave and emotionless to do that at the same time without anyone pussying out. At least the other people looked pretty scared and shocked.
>we improve every country we go to
I beg to differ.
oh the fuckin assholes got financial scams im sure
5,000 years of civilization but no modern identity to boast about.
I struggle to think what exactly is modern Chinese culture. I don't think there is one.
Sadly won't change anything. China is a shit country run by shit people.
They died for nothing.
Why do you want us the praise their actions?
They killed themself in public for nothing, showed us that all the passangers are beta cucks who rather watch them die than actually try to stop them.
Stop projecting your insecuritys onto Sup Forums.
Yes, Asians do a lot of good things, but they have flaws like anyone else, and that is what gets called out.
We are doing the same shit to niggs, whites, spics etc.
>Deng Xiaoping
Hahahaha how does that dog meat cooked well done taste, Dung?
"They stink, they steal, they lie, they cheat and they are not attractive"
Are you fucking kidding me? Steal? We have the lowest crime rates in every expatriate country. I can even provide you statistics for Germany and France, we are by far the lowest. Lie and Steal, hardly, and certainly not more compared to natives or other races.
Stink? Are you stupid? Surely you're trolling me now.
"East Asians (Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese) have fewer apocrine sweat glands compared to people of other descent, making East Asians less prone to body odor. The reduction in body odor and sweating may be due to adaptation to colder climates by their ancient Northeast Asian ancestors."
Do you have any idea how European odor is viewed in China? Even people living in poverty find it amusing you're forced to cover yourself in perfume to cover you disgusting natural odors.
And ugly... is that why every white male seems to pine for an asian girl nowadays, why even Sup Forums seems to worship WM-AF relationships?
Sup Forumsacks are subhuman. Confirmed. You people are the stupidest people I've had the misfortune to encountered. Sup Forums is always right... yeah fucking right, you're a bunch of moronic basement dwellers who know fuck all about the world.
You seem mad
idk man you Chinese are so fucking rude and for the most part giant assholes is right kek
>Highlights all the positive qualities of China
>Neglects to acknowledge own faults and selling out to the West through buying into the communist meme, gets funded by Wall Street
You HAD a nice things going (for 5000 years)...
Turn it around or else we call a spade a spade, same assholes bowing down to the corrupt style of Western politics of elitism vs. the masses.
and by the way - didn't the leader of China declare himself in the God class of Chinese political figures ? Oh what a glorious narrative friend.
This isn't suiciding, it's performance art.
If westerners are so insufferable why are you moving to the UK, Canada and Australia in hoards?
>implying economic condition is related to genetics.
How does this shit taste? Can somebody drink pesticide(just a sip) and report back? I'm curious.
Reminder this is why you should never trust a fucking chink.
You have to be the dumbest shit to think that killing yourself will change anything.
Natural selection folks.
Look at how they treat the land around the cities they live. There's your answer for why nobody likes them.
Protesters in China probably have a good reason though. For them it's not about muh feelings or #nevertrump, but the fact they actually live in a corrupt god awful Communist piss pot of a country.
A guy here in Columbus set himself on fire last year on the city hall steps. Minimal coverage. No message ever published.
The 1 pixel per letter sort of ruins it
They died from drinking American beer?
Is Sup Forums superblocked in China?
I can't say I've ever seen a Chinese flag here.
>Implying financialization of the economy ruining lives is funny
I can smell your born into status privilege
kek this
found the chink
Get the fuck out you triple nigger.
>open in new tab
>zoom in
It's exactly what you do with any other screencap. How new are you?
It's because you're a godless insect colony.
You people need Jesus, because China is 1984 Hell on earth.
Good thing Christianity is your fastest growing religion. Maybe you'll get your souls back.
We like you faggots, Silk Road and Polish-Chinese mafia when ?
Half this board dreams of someday meeting a qt han waifu. You've hurt yourself in your confusion.
have you been living under a rock?
can we get more precise info on the scam
its the culture nothing else, economic or otherwise. China men are worse then orthodox jews when it comes to courtesy and behavior in public. Chinks are sheisty and xenophobic. Your a slave race that prefers subjugation. Chinese are like niggers from Nigeria, where as Japanese are like posh niggers from London.
fake and gay
That's very good. More Chinese people should follow their example.
>china built a wall to keep the memes out
Powerful image. Buddhist monks are known to sacrifice their own life for "greater good", be it as a sacrifice for rain or better harvest in a season. They even mummify themselves. There's a whole documentary about it, you can find it on youtube. Really interesting.
Did they drink milk and died to the dehydration of the diarrhea caused by their lactose intolerance ?
But let's be honest, the best way to make a political statement is to assassinate a leader of significance.
>everyone rolls seconds after drinking pesticide
>that one guy who still stands but has "absolutely disgusting" face
btw there is longer video on liveleak where the police drag them out trough the pesticide pool on the floor
The one dude looks like he's handling it pretty well. Fucking light weights.
>China is great
white goys envy the chinks who buys their houses.
you have to click on the image user
they knew
Well.. it appears.. they win ;^)
Is this next-level bait?
Lel, check this little yellow subhuman throwing a hissy fit. Don't forget to not spit on the floor or drive over a pedestrian on the way out.
Back to /r/asianmasculinity with you
Phoneposter identified.
I would assume he's proxyposting to evade online censorship and arrest, because it's China
in reality it's just a bong trolling
The ones who come over and assimilate are fine. You guys have the best food in the world, you have to remember the majority of pol is guys that don't get out much, have little real world experience. They just see the videos of people getting run over and ignored, many parts of China are beautiful with wonderful people
This is pathetic on so many levels. No wonder they still have a fucking one-party commie government fucking them. No wonder that government is too insipid to end a civil war from 60 years ago.
>born and raised in UK
>muh Chinese patriotism we're taking over
Fucking treasoners like you should be hung
I'll never be as crazy as that guy
All for the (you)s
>Why does Sup Forums hate Chinese people so much?
you got no soul
wtf I hate china now.
Its me or it looks fake as fuck?
I mean i know the chinks off themselfs a lot, so this might be no diffrent but then again chinks make a lot of fake crap to. I seen people off themself with chemicals before, its no so pretty.
Absolute geniuses these people are.
Should have thrown themselves off the tallest financial building or found a CEO's wife/kids and slit their throats or something.
The Chinese have zero creativity I swear. I bet the fat old one just did it to get laid by the two homely communist chicks.
this is why multiculturalism fails, kids.
this dude actually lived after that didn't he