Why is the gaming community so cucked Sup Forums?
How come these social generals are not discussing pizzagate as we do?
We need to drop some pizzagate redpills in gamingchannels. These guys have the tools to spread without censorship.
Why is the gaming community so cucked Sup Forums?
How come these social generals are not discussing pizzagate as we do?
We need to drop some pizzagate redpills in gamingchannels. These guys have the tools to spread without censorship.
>caring about the gaming community
I like to play games and not care what other autists think
dont be like an obsessive SJW who needs to spam their little crusades everywhere
pizzagate is just made up bullshit.
fuck off kike
Gamers are usually trying to escape reality. The truth is not something they want to talk about.
pizzagate is real
true on that one. morons, they are at a pc 24/7 it would help if they join the investigation
I know how you feel but at the same time, I can't completely blame them. It's like the world is so ugly and there isn't a whole lot we can do about it.
with mentality like that nothing is going to change.
if we all set a little step we set a big step in the end.
if 50% doesn't step, we need to step 2x as far on the individual level.
Don't think you don't make a change, we do. With pizzagate we are able to make bigger changes than while the election show.
I agree with you but I'm just saying I understand why they don't want to see it. It definitely changes a person when they see the world for what it really is. I would rather fight it in hopes that at least maybe a future generation can have a better world than what we have!
happening for /pizza gate/
The shilling / coverup people related to pizzagate are rather good at it. That's how they got away with it for so long.
Gamergate had some wimpy journo's and sjws saying "this is bad and you should feel bad". That is very different than what happens if you encounter pizzagate shills.
They DARVO far more effectively and use violent imagery and accusations to try and demoralize and get you to shut up.
Somehow the narrative has also primed people to respond emotionally to it. Just look how combative a non-shill responds to pizzagate:
Was just thinking.
The captchas over here on Sup Forums sometimes have pizza and have store windows.
What if a google employee shows us shops where pizza-party's get organized?
Just got a captcha with a store with a pedo spiral. Don't know what to think of it.
Whats a pizzagate?
some edgy hacker also known as styxexaminemyhammer69 that hacked the us elections. media thinks it was rasputin tho
>Podesta, Alefantis involved in child trafficking, revealed through podesta emails, instagram pictures and Breitbart before he died (and his coroner was poisoned).
Pizzagate is 100% conjecture and asspulling
Its basically entirely meme driven at this point
Don't listen to shills and CTR pedo's
is right, pizzagate is a collection pedo child killing raping torture crimes of high ranking US government officials.
100% real
Want to know what pizzagate is? A series of (((coincedences))), nothing to see here, shut up about pizzagate!
Here's a good primer:
Liking art like this is totally normal. The podesta's say that they love horrifying guests with this.
>gaming community
>Some guy has fucked up art in his house so it means he's running a pedo ring
I don't see how this conclusion is solid and not completely going out on a limb.
>Why is the gaming community so cucked Sup Forums?
Because they live in a fantasy world so they are vulnerable to believing in the type of fantasy worlds envisioned by the left.
Andrew Breitbart called him out like 4 years ago. And the fact MSM went full damage control likely means it's partly true
>gaming community
>not embracing progressive ideals
Misogynist pigs
What's the date of the oldest podesta email in the podesta leaks?
What's the date 4year old madeleine mccann dissappeared?
4 and 5 may 2007.
Would there be any reason to suspect they were related in any way to the disappearance of madeleine mccann?
Oh podesta only matches the police sketch.
>Contrarianism as proof
Do we have solid evidence that the sketches are true?
First and foremost its more than just a couple of coincidences.
Secondly, art is known to be used as mediums to pay for illegal activities since there's no objective pricing on art. It is subjective and you cannot be prosecuted because you payed $250k for something because who is to say it isn't worth that much?
More importantly, these pieces of art is not limited to his house. Comet Pizza has these disturbing murals and the owners' twitter is filled with crude imagery and language for being an alleged "family friendly" restaurant.
On top of that, there's serious reservations like why would the head of the human trafficking department within the DoJ use a known pedophile symbol in their pizza's logo, and then change it when this information has reached semi-main stream? You can't argue the guy didn't know, his entire job is devoted to finding pedophiles.
You can write it off as a wacko conspiracy theory or a couple coincidences, and I would initially be inclined to agree. But there's just too many things that add up and a certain point you have to ask when does it stop being an extraordinary amount of coincidences and become a legitimate conspiracy?
>Art is subjective
Exactly why fucked up art does not indicate pedophilia.
>use a known pedophile symbol
I recall that being removed because they found out it was a pedophile symbol, but of course people will tell me that's because they were "found out" since that fits the pizzagate narrative.
Once again artwork and some symbol does not constitute a conclusion that there's a mass conspiracy. Where's some testimony? If this ring is as bad as people are making it there'd be witnesses left and right, like in actual pedophile rings.
Yes we have solid proof these sketches are real. Here's an article from 2013
>"The art is an ice-breaker. It puts people at ease."
>Not always. Folks attending a house tour in the Lake Barcroft neighborhood in Falls Church earlier this year got an eyeful when they walked into a bedroom at the Podesta residence hung with multiple color pictures by Katy Grannan, a photographer known for documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers in their parents' suburban homes.
>"They were horrified," Heather recalls, a grin spreading across her face.
>If Tony and Heather enjoy in-your-face art....
Naked teenagers is subjective?
>If this ring is as bad as people are making it there'd be witnesses left and right, like in actual pedophile rings.
I think it's a good argument. Though you might equally ask why it takes police years of investigations to finally roll up pedo networks. If some of the most powerful people are involved, it stands to reason it's quite dangerous to speak out.
>seeing the 'zah coffin outside of /scv/
really makes you think...
I wish I was a young boy again and some lady would do lewd things to me.
>Why is the gaming community so cucked Sup Forums?
Did you not pay attention to gamergate? The gaming industry is literally run by kikes trying to push a feminazi, pro LGBT, anti white agenda.
got banned at Sup Forums does this means im banned at Sup Forums ?