Get it together Donald
We didn't vote for you so you could turn into a shill for Israel and Russia, while calling your fellow Americans "enemies"
Get it together Donald
We didn't vote for you so you could turn into a shill for Israel and Russia, while calling your fellow Americans "enemies"
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But that's why I voted for him.
You anti-Trump morons still don't fucking get it. This guy is the ANTI-Clinton, ANTI-Obama, ANTI-politic bullshit president. Obama would tweet shit like: "Happy New Year to a proud nation of diverse people and empowered women!" You know, Trudeau shit. This guy is making it clear: The days of peak cuck are over. If you stood in his way, he's going to fuck you over.
>fellow americans
>alt right
aren't you late for your cock sucking appointment?
Russia ok
Israel.. go fuck yourself
Why the fuck to libtards have to take things so literally NO MATTER WHAT IS SAID. In order for it to help their argument? because there is literally no arguments for the liberal mindset other then "M-MUH FEELS!"
I'm 100% certain he used "enemies" in terms that people view HIM as the enemy, not that HE views them as an enemy.
>Russians are the enemies
>US and Russia have been working together for decades until Obama became President
Why won't anyone point out this to liberals?
it's like they were 10 years old before Obama OH WAIT
>he believes the Russians, who can't even retain cyber talent, were somehow able to outwit the NSA, the agency running the show on a global scale, when it comes to supremacy in cyber space
no, but really ,we should probably listen to fournier, smart guy, lol
part of Clinton losing was undoubtedly us attacking her for calling the GOP "enemies" months back, and 2016 has shown that these people lose to turn around and use the arguments we made against us because they worked
the issue here is that Trump is tweeting from a place of humor, where Hillary has genuine contempt
*Trump's Treasury Secretary appointee: Steve Mnuchin. Jewish.
Has been heavily involved in corrupt Jewish Hollywood system
*Trump's Top Adviser: Jared Kushner. Jewish. Son-in-law of Trump.
Said to be "Trump's most trusted adviser" by The Week, Kushner was married to Trump's daughter, Ivanka, in a Jewish ceremony.
*Trump's Labor Secretary Appointee: Andew Puzder. Married to the Jewish Deanna L. Descher.
Supports economic globalization and automating white working class out of existence.
*Trump's Ambassador to Israel appointee: David Friedman. Jewish.
Friedman is primarily known as an ultra-Zionist who has repeatedly worked to undermine any opponents of the state of Israel. He has called the idea of a so-called two state solution "an illusion". He has made a fortune, not surprisingly, through bankruptcy law.
*Trump's Ambassador to China: Terry Branstad. Jewish.
As governor of Iowa, he signed legislation to put the squeeze on any companies which boycotted the terror state of Israel.
Trump and his band of Jewish puppet masters have fooled the aut-right (that's "autistic right") into believing he's their man. Get ready for nothing more than more fictionalization funny games, subservience to Israel and the wholesale destruction of whites!
literally who
The enemy within is to be regarded as an enemy just as much as the enemy without, perhaps even more so; the enemy without announces his intentions and charges towards you sword drawn, the enemy within reveals himself by the knife in your back.
Great analysis m8 i r8 0/8
>implying Trump supporters ever made "arguments"
>cuck, safe space, god emperor do not = arguments
Only Trump could get (you)s with bait this obvious.
anti-russian bigotry has gone too far
Calling Hillary a "fellow American" is like calling a Tomato a fruit. You can get points on a technicality but in practice it doesn't wash.
haha dumb your memory really this disabled?
Don't you remember what your beloved bananapresident and the whole democratic party did in the last 8 years with "Americans" that didn't agree with their shit?
Wow, I'm living in Cuckmany and next to the cuckiest countries in the world but some of you guys really surprise even today.
You John definitely earned the "most retarded comment of the day" award
Did u no Pizzagate was happened
>Will cite Breitbart
>Is autistic
Russia = enemy?
Why, because a black moslem whos super salty said so?
So they only identify as or show any sign of nationalism when someone tells them Russians are bad?
They have no idea why Russians are bad.
>Still assblasted about getting called a cuck
We get it microdick
>Implying anyone outside Sup Forums and Reddit care about you
>Is autistic
>win election because russia hack
>become Putin's slave
>pro israel
>not care about global warming
>cheat tax
>even bald eagle hate him
can't believe americans still support this guy
>Has to argue with a shitposter on Sup Forums to fill his empty life
>Is still a cuck
At first they loved him and called him a dear dear friend, then suddenly decided as he ran for president as a Republican that he's always been a no good, rotten, disgusting scoundrel.
No more wars between brothers, king nigger will leave in disgrace.
Holy shit that so fucking stupid. Why can't he have American enemies? It's not like everyone who voted Hillary is his enemy.
>in one tweet, Trump made all the #notmypresident crowd admit Trump is their president
I'm gonna get tired of winning.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching him crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes!
It's called a cult of personality, user.
Why's that a big deal to call out spics for the actions of their thousands illegal immigrants, but ok to alienate an entire nation because supposedly one Putin hacked one server?
They aren't Americans until their citizenship papers go through.
Ask any idiot why Russia is our enemy, they will not be able to explain it.
t. monarchy cocksucking lowlife
Every single argument that Libturds make can easily be summed up as "reductio ad absurdum."
They always resort to the most absurd conclusion in an attempt to make you look insane. What I don't understand why the hell does it always work when it's such a childish way to argue?
>not a single fucking democrat batted an eye at all of their candidates except Jim Webb naming americans as enemies in their first debate
The entire democrat party can go fuck themselves.
Cooper said to the debaters, "You've all made a few people upset over your political careers. Which enemy are you most proud of?"
Here are their answers:
Lincoln Chafee: I guess the coal lobby. I've worked hard for climate change and I want to work with the coal lobby. But in my time in the Senate, tried to bring them to the table so that we could address carbon dioxide. I'm proud to be at odds with the coal lobby.
Martin O'Malley: The National Rifle Association.
Hillary Clinton: Well, in addition to the NRA, the health insurance companies, the drug companies, the Iranians. Probably the Republicans.
Bernie Sanders: As someone who has taken on probably every special interest that there is in Washington, I would lump Wall Street and the pharmaceutical industry at the top of my life of people who do not like me.
Jim Webb: I'd have to say the enemy soldier that threw the grenade that wounded me, but he's not around right now to talk to.
this left-wing red scare shit is gonna get so fucking funny
>Why the fuck to libtards have to take things so literally NO MATTER WHAT IS SAID.
This is a common debate tactic for liberals and women.
If you make a statement, and aren't ridiculously specific, they will tear it apart based on your supposedly "vague" wording. They will pretend that they can't comprehend your specific implication, or read between lines, or draw the most obvious conclusion, solely so they can argue back with something - anything.
You: "BET doesn't appeal to me."
Them: "OMG You just said black people shouldn't be in movies and music!"
This shit is really old and tired. They do it CONSTANTLY and it's one of the reasons tht Trump won. They are impossible to hold conversation or debate with because they deny that they can have basic perception skills.
People are sick of it. We're all called racists, homophones, and sexists solely because of this one tactic they use of pretending to not understand what you're saying. They know damn well what's going on, but it's the only way they can push their extremist viewpoints - by making you EQUALLY extreme.
I like that picture. It's funny. Sadly, it's just what animals do. Even humans. You don't grab at something/someone that doesn't know you. Go up to any strange on the street and quickly try to grab them while they're literally staring right at you. Same thing happens.
That looks like it was a fun photo op. I'm jealous.
Before some dumbass tries to pretend they don't know what I was saying (see ), I meant the bird probably thought he was trying to grab it.
>You don't grab at something/someone that doesn't know you
Unless it's her pussy.
>It's annudah Red Dawn!!1
literally these
>my enemies are the ones who oppose me
>but I'll work with you once I win!
Webb was their only chance. I always liked that guy. O'faggot can go o'fuck himself.
Ahahahaha so the people who cried and screamed "kill Trump", people who are self-proclaimed enemies of Trump, should not be called enemies? Get fucked nigger.
>foreign or domestic
But they're literally enemies, by definition.
>Unless it's her pussy.
Are we still pretending that statement was from an official press release, and not just the usual men's locker room chatter that we've all heard a thousand times in our lives?
If the dems had run Webb and Gabbard hey would of won in a landslide that would dwarf Obama's 08 win.
Soros hates Russia and Israel. There is no 'we' here, faggot.
>Soros, an avowed Zionist... hating Israel
good kek, my kike friend
it was more of a booyah
Only ignorant city-dwellers voted for Hillary, all the self-reliant rural and suburban patriots voted for Donald.
Liberalism is a mental illness. They do as they're told to do.
They are enemies and he's leaving the door open to them.
The funny thing is, during Crimea and all that happening, the left was bitching about old republicans trying to fear monger.
Eagles aren't fun, great uncle rehabilitated one years ago that was injured during a storm. They get real mean, real fast, and those talons are like daggers.
They can take a chunk of flesh out with that beak as well.
Remember how Obama and the press mocked Romney in 2012 for suggesting that America and Russia weren't best buds.
>You anti-Trump morons still don't fucking get it. This guy is the ANTI-Clinton, ANTI-Obama, ANTI-politic bullshit president. Obama would tweet shit like: "Happy New Year to a proud nation of diverse people and empowered women!" You know, Trudeau shit. This guy is making it clear: The days of peak cuck are over. If you stood in his way, he's going to fuck you over.
I like this pasta
>You know, Trudeau shit.
I know you're shitposting, but please don't insult Trudeau like that.
It is funny how that cocksucker doesn't deny he is trumps enemy.
Someone post the quote from Hitler about arguing with Jews. Same thing.
>I'd have to say the enemy soldier that threw the grenade that wounded me, but he's not around right now to talk to.
a webb vs trump debate would have been legendary
But Trudeau is a joke.
Only non-white women, white women are on our side now, they voted for Trumph.
If Hillary had won, he wouldn't be saying that about the deplorables.
at least use a worse picture of maisey. there are absolute shockers out there.
This retard got baited hard. Don is the most efficient shitposter in history. He's the Tom Brady of shitposting.
Guys redpill me on israel.
russia too if you want. I heard putin is pro immigration, and muslim, but idk
> no female PM
U sure about that buddy?
Good post