How the 2nd amendment has been misinterpreted

It is very funny how a lot of gun nuts often leave out the "well regulated" part of the second amendment when discussing it.

Well regulated does not mean handing out guns to everyone who wants one just because they are living human beings. Well regulated means being careful who you give guns to, make sure to keep a registry, and don't give people more guns than they need.

The founding Fathers knew exactly what they were doing when they wrote the second but we misinterpreted it.

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Yeah, it does.
It literally means "everyone should be loaded to the teeth."
It doesn't make sense for them to scribble down a right and include restrictions.

Shit bait leaf. Well regulated means ammo commonality and modularity between weapons platforms.





It doesn't mean what you think it means

That is the polar opposite of well regulated

Niggers should be free to have weapons to kill the stupid white boys in USA.... and that's how it is.

Well regulated as in civilians can get equipment to match their oppressors, not well regulated as in form a line.

Everyone knows that gun control is a slippery slope.

>but we misinterpreted it.
>cannot grasp plain English

>handing out guns to everyone ho wants one

well fuck me, I've been working my ass off to pay for mine

Given the need for a well regulated militia, it is necessary that the right of the people to keep and bear arms not be infringed.
It's not a complicated statement.

Do no respond to slide threads. sage

citizens should be allowed to purchase missiles and nuclear warheads.

and I should be allowed to nuke whoever I like without consequence.

It's very funny how a lot of foreigners often leave of the "Supreme Court" part of the government when discussing it.
The Supreme Court means being the final interpreter of the Constitution.

a small town in my state made it mandatory for every household to have at least one firearm and crime dropped dramatically

gun control folks are literally retarded. with other issues there can be an actual debate with pros and cons on each side but here they get BTFO on every measure

>It's not a complicated statement.
This is Canada we are talking about here, dad. you know.. the one who didn't get *all* of the nutrients.

"Well regulated" does not mean having more guns then people

My favorite part is where it says

You niggers will reply to anything.


mods won't do their jobs and delete obvious b8 so here we are

If the British had tanks in 1776 there'd be a line in there about anyone who can owning one. They didn't regulate weapons to keep people safe from each other, they regulated weapons to keep everyone free from tyranny. You need a rifle? Here you go. Now you're a conscript.


"Well regulated" doesn't mean "controlled by a government that hates you" either.


Every time

The British had artillery guns, and battleships, I don't see that anywhere in the 2a?

Regulated means well equipped/maintained.

English for dummies


The term 'regulated' comes from a time where the word 'regular' was commonly used to describe the quality of well-trained and professional units of line infantry.

So if you are well-trained in the use of a gun, you can have a gun. Shall not be infringed.

We have this everyday.

Must be bot, no one is this autistic.


>well regulated

it means well trained.

Lol, I bet you wish they did, then maybe you'd never had to have learned French. And you could own a personal canon back then. If you built a ship yourself I doubt the government would have done shit about it.

Well regulated meant in proper working order.
If only you were this concerned about whats going on in your own country.

>a fucking leaf

Why would a document designed to limit the role of government slip in some government regulation into the second of the top ten things every free person should have? Could it be that " well regulated" doesn't infer government regulation? Perhaps the parlance of the time suggests that "well regulated" means "well functioning." Would that not make sense in the greater context of a limiting document?

Obvious bait aside, keep this in mind next time you run into into a retarded leftist who is willfully misinterpreting the Constitution of the United States

Why do foreigners care so much about my 2nd amendment rights?

Can't you cucks just be silent while you get buttfucked by rapefugees? Or cry int the corner desperately clutching your airsoft replica?

This, bruh!

Well regulated means they are allowed to train and organize

#1 America has taken in 6x as many Syrians
#2 Your guns come across my border and are used in violent crimes, that wouldn't happen if they were better regulated

>Why do foreigners care so much about my 2nd amendment rights?
The Jews.

OP is a paid shill, shows up every day, probably even an American. Hes posting anti-gun bullshit when we already won, God Emperor said nationwide open carry and expanded self defense rights to shoot nogs dead in the street, and it shall be so.

Regardless of the fact we already won and his bullshit is a meaningless effort, its also a gun related thread, which goes on /k/.

Report the OP, send him to /k/ where he can be told to fucking kill himself by every single poster, as he should be.


Tell your shitty PM it's time to build a wall. Maybe he can keep it from catching fire.


>1 post by this id

My favorite part about the 1st is where it says Congress

The US militia is THE PEOPLE of the USA.

The entire second amendment was explained by congress when it was written. It's not just some random words on a piece of paper that can be interpreted.

It took months for Congress to write it and explain exactly what it meant.

They specifically said THE ONLY way to keep the USA free would be for THE PEOPLE to keep their guns AT ALL COSTS.

The second amendment isn't just a right... the founding fathers said the people MUST bear arms. They said it's NECESSARY. And they said foreign and domestic enemies will try like hell to take guns away from Americans for hundreds of years in the future... but NEVER let them.

>airsoft replica
Too barbaric for numales

Those things could shoot an eye out like a savage

Why not arm up your populace and teach citizens to protect themselves? Why would an armed criminal take a chance when the moment he does every citizen is after him while armed?

just sage and hide. this has been discussed to death and there aren't any good argument against the second amendment, ever.


Your solution to crime would require that all guns are removed from the earth. America's guns aren't causing your crimes try not importing nogs instead

Close your border then bitch

Hold Trump accountable to these and freedom will remain free


We can protect ourselves just fine with legitimate non-lethal tools and methods. You don't need to kill to defend yourself. Killing is the easy way out.

canadians are such insufferable faggots.

well-regulated, in 18th century english, means "in working and ready order; shown to be in well-working condition" but that part is conveniently overlooked b/c it agrees with their political expediency.

More guns used for crime are illegally stolen or straw-purchased than imported.

I'll take the bait!

Good thing the second amendment only says militias should be well regulated ;^)


Lol, no fucking way, Justin?

Why risk death in America when you only have to risk getting your eyes burned in Canada?

America needs a better hat.

I want national reciprocity like we have for driver's licenses. A national carry permit gives the feds too much power. That or they just pass a bill that says you don't need a permit to carry anywhere in the country. It's not like doing something stupid with your gun isn't illegal already.

>So if you are well-trained in the use of a gun, you can have a gun. Shall not be infringed.
No, you have a gun so you can git gud with it, not the other way around.
I learned to shoot when I was three years old, shooting Dad's beer cans with his .22 it's literally my earliest memory.

Choose any other western nation to be America's hat.

I knew it. I fucking knew, before I even clicked on it, it would be a leaf!


Why do driver's licenses have national reciprocity? What if you learned to drive in Illinois or Massachusetts?

A motivated attacker can overcome common non lethal defenses. Go on YouTube and watch people walk right through the taser.

civil rights act, motherfucker

Actually, there were provisions at the time allowing citizens to receive function cannons from the government. Or at least to own them. I can't recall.
Something like that. The people were always meant to be fully armed.

Iceland would be a nice hat

At the time if you could afford it you could own it. There were private cannons in battleships.

If only that was today where you could sail towards a McAircraft Carrier because you were hungry and wanted protection from pirates.

private cannons and battleships*

words uses and definitions change over time.

In early modern English Regula refers to uniform. Thus regulations refers to equipment.

Because states have agreed to recognize them to better facilitate commerce. Some States are running into trouble with the Feds in a few years because they don't want to comply with the federal "Real ID" law. Citizens might not be able to fly on planes from States that are non compliant. I only want the Feds as barely close as they need to be in order to open up the Communist states

>with legitimate non-lethal tools
No we fucking can't you faggot. Tasers are illegal, pepper spray is illegal. You can have a rape whistle I guess but that will probably only excite Jamal. Fuck off you lousy cunt and stay in Toronto.

>McAircraft Carrier
God Fuckin' Bless

Anyways, I thought there was something like that. Maybe some day we will be that free again...

You're right, the militia should be well regulated, so everyone in the United States who can join the military, 18-36 (including women now) should be trained and learn how to fight.

The arms on the other hand have the right to be beared, and shall not be infringed.

I do remember hearing from a pro-2A podcast about people not wanting to drive through anti-2A states because they can't protect themselves, but is it really an economic issue? I can see CC people getting nervous but is that really a large group of people?

I want to know how many people declined to drive to Illinois because of their gun laws.

I always figured the FF fathers simply meant an actual fighting force and not a bunch of hicks with guns.

The fact is the constitution was a reactionary piece of work by a country that just over threw its ruling monarch. That fact that we haven't gone full on France yet is kind of a bummer.

Well if every able-bodied man between the ages of 17-45 is considered the militia, how do write that in without realizing that it's just going to be a bunch of hicks with guns?

"Everyone 17-45 can have guns and be in the militia. Oh, except the ones future liberals won't like!"
"All right guys, I think its done, what do you think?"

>it's an "hourly leaf shitpost" episode

Then you should be able to own your own nuke, missiles and various other weapons of that nature?

Cost limits it a lot. You can own a de-militarized tank (yeah, there's no cannon, but that amount of armer against the police force should be a buff) but the cost of maintenance and such is a pretty big limit.

The 2nd Amendment only seems to concern firearms because everyone just sticks to those.

Kek. Why not?

>People thinking they can stand up to Apache helicopters and mortar shellings because they bought the biggest gun they could

Also if you can acquire and maintain a nuke and employ the personal to maintain it, you should be able to buy your own country.

>he doesn't understand civil war

Why do I love this bait so much? Please start your own thread so we can affirm on how the government is actually still afraid of an armed populace.

Give a mad man a machine gun, and he'll gun down hundreds.
Give a mad man a de-militarised tank and a machine gun, and he'll gun down hundreds for a little bit longer.

Going up from conventional firearms just extends the duration of the killing spree.

The US government could crush any populace uprising in days, I don't know how useful your ar-15's will be against tanks and fighter jets.

A US gouvernment that would blow up its own citizens would grant them the martyrdom that will destroy it.

My favourite part of the second amendment is where it says "shall not be infringed."

What I'm saying is that if it's perfectly legal to own armor why hasn't a criminal done it yet?

Also a machine gun requires a unit, you'd need an openly para-military gang/mafia to ever get to that point. Organized crime likes to stay in the shadows.

The point isn't to kill people, its national defense. "Who watches the watchers?" type situation.
Its not that simple and you know it canuck.