Why don't more countries follow the example of V4 and set up an alliance that actually works instead of bending over to...

Why don't more countries follow the example of V4 and set up an alliance that actually works instead of bending over to the EU muslim dick and being cucked out of your own economy and politics?

Because the only people who don't support the EU are rural and suburban retards.

City people all support the EU.

because they have a different historic and cultural development

Western nations are much more subordinate to state authority than V4 countries that have no tradition and everybody feels like they can do or say what they want

The public sphere in those countries is disorderly and cynical enough for everybody to feel free

Why is Poland butt fucking Slovakia?

your pasta is evolving
desu I was thinking more of a baltic alliance, yugoslav alliance (without becoming yugoslavia and shit), west europe is beyond saving desu
bro hug, you faggot

>Western nations are much more subordinate to state authority than V4 countries
topkek. You cucked your entire economy out to the EU. You are the biggest cucks on the continent, the only redeeming quality of your country is that it hates niggers.

because diversity is our strength

You're right but at the same time V4 has more freedom of speech than anybody in Europe and people here openly say what they want, because nobody cares about anything

In theory we have the Benelux Union
In practice it's basically an extension of the EU

I want Latvia/Estonia/Finland version

This desu

V4 doesn't work because it's an alliance. It works because our countries have common interests and policies in many ways. The V4 organization doesn't actually have any power.

You can't just make an alliance between random countries and hope it works.

It's illegal to deny the holocaust in those countries.

Correct, it's just a alliance where each member provides something from the other be it military or economic cooperation.

And it only works because of cultural/historical ties.

Hard to say holocaust didn't happen in those countries

I know, that's why I said something like former Yugoslavs or even Baltics (+Finland)

Can only really answer for Hungary, it is illegal there but the law doesn't really use the word "Holocaust" anymore. Just generalized stuff about Nazis and communism (Because both of these committed atrocities in Hungary)

Pick us for sea access :>

Thats not what i mean we have grandparents we all have stories from that time inside family thats why its hard to deny holocaust not b/c of some law that ive never even heard of

Former Yugoslavia will never really happen again because places like Bosnia really are influenced by outsiders (Like Saudi Arabia). Plus since the war there's still a lot of hatred going on. Can't comment on the baltics.

The V4 group is a meme.

Orban and the Hungarian government like Putin. Kaczynski and the Polish government hate Putin. How can this alliance function with such a fundamental difference on a key issue?

elect better people