I am asking this as someone who is admittedly ignorant of politics for the most part

Even with trump saying that he'd like to get along well with Russia, why are there still people saying that's a bad thing and tweeting passive aggressive stuff such as pic related?

As a layman, isn't this a good thing? Shouldn't we be trying to put forth an effort to play well with the rest of the world? Of course I am asking this with little to no knowledge of what Putin has done to earn the ire of many people.

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Some think we're still living in the cold war era, the rest have been indoctrinated by decades of anti Russian propaganda in education, movies and news.

It's great for US-Russian relationships and serves as a deterrent to other countries thinking of declaring war against U.S,A or Russia. But obviously there will be based cucks who shilled for Hillary; who'll accuse Trump of treason and going against Obongo and his silly policies

Happy New Year, fellas.

the us needs an enemy. wether its the taliban, terrorists, or russia. they need reason to fuel the military industrial complex which is one of the biggest contributers to the demand of the dollar which holds the dollarvalue up just like the petrodollarsystem does

Liberals are just following the corporate bandwagon telling them relations with Russia should be bad.

>cucks who skilled for Hillary

That's one of the things I don't get. She has expressed her opinion that she is willing to go to war with Russia (and Syria).

How does /that/ not scare people? The last thing this world needs is another war, we are already up in our ass with this ISIS shit where the world powers definitely need to come together to defeat them and any other Islamic extremist group that may arise. What could we possibly gain to go to war with each other for people to just ignore her support for war and focus more on Trump's scandalous statements? I am legit curious.

But no, people cried over Trump being elected as if it's the end of the world or some shit simply because he said some things that made them uncomfortable.

Again, I'd like to reiterate that I am just a layman. I'm not that crazy abouto Trump but I do admit that I honestly feel more comfortable having a meme as our next president over a known liar.

Because muh team lost and I only care about it now after it turned up all my echo chambers were lying to me

No one has ever offered an answer. No one. Ever. But, both Dems and Reps are clamoring for war with Russia.

this. they would rather war against a country they see as white then keep killing those poor poor muslims

Because they're disconnected. Their idea of War is something they see on TV. "Four soldiers wounded in an ambush, 50 insurgents killed in an airstrike". They do not connect the concept of War as they know it with the reality of War as it really is.

John McCuck literally still calls Czech Republic "Czecheslovakia." These are insane people.

Btw, Russians were only 50% of the population of the Soviet Union. Dems are fine with sucking Ukrainian and Estonian cock though.

Most of the opposition to Trump is simply unguided contrarian nonsense. Its mostly lazy brained whites and low IQ brown people just looking for a way to cause trouble because they can't afford a nice distraction from their mundane existence every now and then.

>John McCuck literally still calls Czech Republic "Czecheslovakia." These are insane people.

I did that. In person. To a Czech. And a Slovak. At the same time. It's just an old habit.

Imagine a bad man. Now imagine someone being friends with this bad man.

Would you trust the friend of the bad man?

Think that pic for ants is supposed to be Smedley Butler.

The military industrial complex is also a jobs program from companies like Lockheed, which is a major employer in some states.

I have to say it's funny though that a German would criticize America's dollar's value since you guys stay tied to PIIGS countries to keep your currency down to maintain an export economy. At least that helps Germans though, not just corportions like American financial policy.

those dumb niggers should play some red orchestra 2

fuck world war

>My 81 year old dad thought this up and asked me to post it

I'll take shit that never happened for 200, Alex.

>clinton wants no-fly zone
>clearly will establish a conflict
>trump takes call from Taiwan president

Also checked

no one who matters or who has any real influence actually believes this.

this is simply a lie meant to delegitimize trump's win in the face of establishment politics. this is an attempt to repeat a lie long enough for it to stick, so get used to liberals harping on this to undermine Trump until 2024.

It's a refreshing change of pace from "my 8 year old daughter"

it could play out in a different ways, all USA wants is that people keep using their petrodollars for saudi oil

but USA needs to recognize that the dollar will soonn go the way of the dodo, it will all go to shit the next big crash. fucking with other countries just to mantainn a fake hegemony is a deadend and waste of money. better let russia have their sphere of influence (they wont do much anyways, theyre a dead end themselves) and cooperate in containing china... which could actually btfo usa

this is what i would do from turmps pov

They're brainwashed by jews because we were supposed to go to war with them when shartlary won

well, i believe the whole monetary system is bullshit and needs to be replaced. i took USAs as example because most people should be able to relate to it somehow while i also is almost the same everywhere else

Pops! The USSR fell apart decades ago, Stalin is long dead, and no Russian threat exists anymore.

Alzheimer dad: "The Ruh-Ruh Russians! Are coming! Launch the nukes, Mr. President Eisenhower!"

Cuckservative son: "OK dad, I'll send a message to CENTCOM nuclear hq to launch the nukes"

>Proceeds to post this shitty meme.

>March 5, 2014, Obama begins a new cold war with Russia, making a press statement against Russia
>March 17 2014, Obama initiates sanctions against Russia
>March 26 2014, Obama makes a speech in Brussels lashing out at Russia
>March 28, 2014 Putin reaches out to Obama to quell the new tensions
>April 11, 2014, Obama officially warns Russia
>Jun 21, 2014, Putin warns the world at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum, that Obama is pushing for war with Russia and asks for their help

Friendly reminder, OP, Obama and the democratic party have been trying to get us into a war with Russia for two years or more.

I do not care who blew the whistle on the democratic party corruption, lies and crimes. If it was you OP, good going. Thank you. You saved the country from a thoroughly corrupt government. You saved the world from war.

The US and Russia do not have common interests. We currently have them boxed in. We are partners with China, have crippled them with sanctions, control world trade. If they want to grow economically they have to destabilize the US, destroy our partnership with China, remove sanctions, and break up NATO so they have room to expand their sphere. Getting oil traded in something besides the dollar would be helpful as it is a major export of Russia.

US/China/Russia, those are the big three and one can't expand without a contraction of the other. Ideally Russia wants to expand its relationship with China and weaken US/China relations. Its basically the same play we used when Nixon took advantage of the sino-soviet split.


habby jew year

>pick the scoped svt or mg42 and dunk shitters all day.
Wouldn't be too bad desu.

>I am asking this with little to no knowledge of what Putin has done to earn the ire of many people.

The joke is he only makes gay-loving liberals mad.

This! A good history of these developments is coming out next year by professor Stephen F. Cohen, who is a based Jew, not a neocon warmonger.


His weekly podcast with John Bachelor is the best info on Russo-American relations and the new Cold War in general.

If Russia and America united why would goys ever listen again?

either ways, usa's hegemony is going to be btfo in the coming years, there's no going around

you wont be able to start a war with any of those and a few others like iran, and they'll keep growing in influence and getting their way

>The US and Russia do not have common interests

Who says?

War has just changed. Instead of bullets and bombs its trade and the economy. That is why things like the TPP were so important. It helps to maintain US economic hegemony over the pacific.

Well, you are totally fine with sucking russian cock.

>Shouldn't we be trying to put forth an effort to play well with the rest of the world?
>trying to rationalize libtards

thats where youre wrong kiddo. these people are retarded

Insane neocons who want to intervene all ovir the globe, and want to turn the sovereign nations of Russia and China into puppet states. They throw a temper tantrum everytime the bad goys in Russia and China don't obey their every word. God forbid a country remain sovereign, god forbid a country wants to preserve its culture.

t. Butthurt Ukrop neo naze who wants to eradicate Russians in his failed state

>acting surprised when an empire acts like an empire

Post ww2 the us became an Empire. Unlike those of the past instead of conquering a land by force we have, for the most part, used trade and the economic to expand our sphere of influence. Those countries that don't act in our interests get sanctions and possibly armed conflict when permitted under MAD.

The Netherlands benefit under this system, so shut the fuck up unless you rather live under the Russian sphere

>God forbid a country remain sovereign, god forbid a country wants to preserve its culture.
Colonising Mars has a price.

>neo naze
Hello /leftypol/, happy new year!

>Our interests

Lol dont make me laugh. You wasted trillions of dollars in a war that cost thousands of lives so that some disgusting neoco(he)ns could feel good about "bringing democracy" and defending Israel. You are either a cuckservative of the worst sort, or a neoco(he)n traitor.

Shabbos goys like you are the worst

>The US and Russia do not have common interests

How about space colonization?

>1 Illegal immigrant from Russia votes for Trump.
Big deal, compared to the illegals and dead that voted for Hilldog.

>It helps to maintain US economic hegemony over the pacific.
you wont be able to contain countries wwith economy only, beause these countries benefit from this

usa's worst mistake was thinking ending imperialism was going to result in an hegemony sustainable for more than 100 years

Mutual corporation can exist, but only up to a certain point. Its possible now because all parties involved have not yet weaponized space, officially.

Once that happens all bets are off, it is the nature of things. Not saying that some huge realignment is not possible far in the future, given technology and the resources present. Its just a long way off.

proxy wars are never about giving people democracy, they are about securing US interests.

Or cleansing the world of degenerates and islam?

How about fucking anything. We're not ideologically incompatible anymore. We're not battling over resources. There's literally no reason to be antagonistic.

That is a fair assessment. It may be impossible to maintain any type of global power by economic means alone. Unfortunately MAD prevents most traditional warfare with other countries, we don't have much of an option

Because people are quick to forget that Russia is the world's largest nuclear power.

like them or not, the russian top dogs are against the one jew world order.
They strive for a multi-polar world, composed of many cells but 2 or 3 largest and most powerful ones.
The cabal responsible for communism in russia has been brainwashing you, your mom, dad and everyone in USA/western world since the 30s.
And they run the west. That cabal is the future jew world order, if they manage to implement it.
The most obvious 'enemies' that the media wants you to consider enemies, are the gang that opposes the jew world order the strongest.
Then you make your choice. Whos team are you on and why.
You are bribed,kept fat and happy to not resist the orders you are given.
If you have to swallow 2 turds, always go for the lesser one.

Do you murricans know what blowback is?

>the US and Russia do not have common interests

Oh, I dont know...PEACE, perhaps?

Sorry that your country is about to be ww2'd but the opinions of small countries mattering is part of the problem. You exist to provide sustenance and luxury to large countries.

>Even with trump saying that he'd like to get along well with Russia, why are there still people saying that's a bad thing and tweeting passive aggressive stuff such as pic related?
Two reasons. With Republicans, it's because they'll never get over the Cold War. With lefties, it's because Trump won and it can't be because of their terrible candidate or platform that alienated the largest segment of voters therefore Trump only won due to outside interference.

There's another, third, reason too in that Russia's been something of a boogeyman for the west since the 1700s because it's always been large and relevant enough to be perceived hold influence in the west yet far enough away to be perceived as an exotic and alien Other.

>libtier shouts globo ism
>gets butthurt when truth hacked to msm
are libtierfags lizards?

Because Putin wants to actually take down ISIS and the rebels. The politicians are paid off by this, so they ate against it. They are also for endless war and conflict in the mid east because they make mine from from the military industrial complex, so restoring order means ending their cash flow.
They just use things like Russia has always been our enemy and them invading Crimea as an excuse to give their supporters.

Then you've also got the progressives who would normally agree with this. Bernie would normally agree with this and tyt would be shilling it nonstop. But because it's trump, it's a very bad thing because he can do no right just wrong.

Thanks for that. I haven't studied it at all, but if you have even HALF an eye open on US foreign policy for the last few years, you can see this pushing at Russia is not new and started way before Clinton's strategic fussing about Russia during the debates.
