Our leader


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He's not even a Nazi/10


No. He's a faggot.

fuck off mainstream media false flag

meme haircut

I have the same, but it's easy to do with clippers



no, he should be thrown from a helicopter for being a shill

Sure is jewy in here

Remember to hate Spencer. If you don't then you're a tool of racism and anti-Semitism.

Nice reverse kykechology

Good goy.


you don't get more /ourguy/ than spencer

>Spencer, who recently drew national attention after leading an audience in “Heil Trump” cheers last month, told Mother Jones his relationship with Miller dates back to their days as student activists at the Duke Conservative Union. “I am kind of glad no one’s talked about this, because I don’t want to harm Trump,” Spencer said.


He is an obvious shill. We never heard of this guy until after the election. How come he has COMPLETELY IGNORED Pizzagate?

Definitely a Jewish plant.

> ITT: newfags

National Policy Institute has been outthere saying what you don't dare to say publicly since 2010

Shhh. You'll scare the shills. That's cooler than I can properly say.

new fag detected


>We never heard of this guy until after the election
who's "we"?
I've been reading about this guy for 5-6 years now.

whether they know it or not, most of Sup Forums is informed by him more than anyone else.

Yeah? Then where's their report on Pizzagate, you fuckface? Why is Spencer out praising Jews? How can he claim to be a white nationalist while completely ignoring the story of the century, Clinton and the globalists pedophile ring through David Brock's BF's pizza hellhole?

> muh pasta conspiracy

holy fuck, go back to The Donald

Didn't see a word about Pizzagate. Not many posts were actually there, either. Looks like a few gullible whispered about him and now he's our supposed leader.

Right, massive pedophile rings don't matter. Probably cuz ur a Sup Forumstard.

Honest request: don't bother voting for Trump in 2020, we don't want you stupid gullible autists who support Jew plants and ignore pedophilia.

Because pizzagate lacks hard evidence and just makes you look insane.

That's only reality. The shill narrative is that he didn't exist before November.

Go watch Reality Calls if you care about Pizzagate still.

Pretty much this. There's a lot of smoke, but no one found fire. If it's real Sessions will uncover it. If it isn't we'll move on.

>Then where's their report on Pizzagate, you fuckface?
lol nice b8
NPI doesn't report on conspiracy theories or pedo rings
it's more interested in demographics, geopolitics and things like national policies

Jeff "I

I love Richard Racemixer

>Implying it's an actual think tank
>Is based at Spencer's mom's house

Wonder how much Brock paid Spencer. Probably didn't even cost half a mil.

> le russians are not white xDDDD

the eternal Anglo does divide and conquer by instinct

>Why is Spencer out praising Jews?

>jooz jooz jooz
the fact is, israeli zionists are trying to create an ethnostate, which is what spencer wants with the US. it would be hypocritical to be against this.

furthermore, there's a split between american secual media/bankster jews and israeli zionist jews. it's growing quickly and trump/obama are putting a wedge in between the groups

orthodox jews and jews who stay in israel and want their own ethnostate aren't a problem. it's the bankster/media-americans that are the problem.

This is hard to believe, but some of us are actually White nationalists. There are people here who like Richard Spencer. I like him a lot more than I did 6 months ago. He has stepped up his game and put the Lugenpresse to shame. Most losers are so unfamiliar with winning they think it's proof of capitulation to Jews. Sad.


the bitch is some tatar georgian untermensch

cant argue with the digits


you just keep changing topics
what do you have against spencer?
are you mad about being jewish?

Pretty much this. Nationalism doesn't mean hating others, it means loving your own.

why is white nationalism so gay-friendly don't gays assist in white genocide


Hi Commonfilth.

he's a shill

i think the idea that blacks and other non-whites should be expelled/eliminated is retarded. black americans are just as american as white americans.

what i do sympathize with is the notion that everything is now being done at the expense of whites, who are quite frankly are needed in order to advance humanity

> le every latino is a mestizo meme xDDD

I may as well call you Pajeeth al-Mariban

can your divide and conquer be any more clear, anglo?


He looks like he just jizzed his pants.

there's a difference between hating a sinner and hating someone who promotes sin

also why label yourself as something a jew created?

I don't like gays. I don't expect everyone to agree with me. The Alt Right is the least friendly place to gays besides Saudi Arabia. If I let the perfect be the enemy of the good I don't get anything. Commonfilth tier D&C is reddit tier.

There is no wedge you dumbfuck. One of AIPAC's biggest funders is Sheldon Adelson.

Pro Israel=pro Jew=Richard Spencer=fake right

> Spencer wanna genocide non-whites

since when? He has always talked about a negotiated settlement

even based George Lincoln Rockwell wanted to give blacks their own country

I think they should be outbred. They aren't really American. The racial gap is too strong. We have long been two nations in one. It's our curse.

I don't care.

is it true a Palestinian guy fucks his asian girlfriend?

>commonfilth tier id D&C
so you admit of being gay friendly

You know who else wanted to give Jews their own state? Hitler





That's a lot of claims without any proof.

read the article
it has facts and stuff
it's 6 years old and even more true today
that's why the democrats are now proposing the two-state solution. they don't care for israel despite the fact that the party is full of jews

Breivik, too

Wow I hadn't even seen this one. LOL the evidence just keeps trickling in, but don't expect any of these aut(istic) right fags to pay attention.

No. CF's fallacy is that anyone who doesn't want to murder gays is a faggot. I don't like them, but my top priority is to stop pic related. I am more worried about 40% of the population being non-White than I am 2% being gay.

should have been "but call him a "cuck"". fat loser is a pleb tier insult.

i was speaking about white nationalism in general, not necessarily him. people assume he just wants the trains to run on time.

i don't think the idea of a "black country" in the US is tenable anymore. they've been trained to rely on welfare/gibs, and to have white people around to make nice things for them

Fuck off, we MAGA and there is no room for small minded 20th century thinking faggots in our Imperium

ITT: people that have never read about Sun Tzu

If you don't give your enemy a way out of your trap (in this case Israel), they are gonna to fight to the end and bring you down with them

A photoshopped image of Laura Bush isn't evidence.

So we should model everything we do after Hitler?

How's Hitler doing these days? NatSocs still running shit in Germany? Whatever happened to Dresden btw?

It worked.


If you don't think Adelson funds AIPAC you are shit-tier non-redpill.

>wanting a leader

I don't think Adelson funds Spencer.

GTFO /leftypol/

My point is that not even the leader of the american nazi party wanted to send blacks back to Africa

the "white nationalists" that wanna restore an USA that NEVER was 100 % white are larpers and probably CIA

a negotiated arrangement is the only way to go

Less gays means more white people
You alt-right shills are incredibly weak

>> le every latino is a mestizo meme xDDD

Hmmm, pretty much, yeah.

I don't like gays. Whites are the least gay race. Problem?

What alternative there is?

Jews are the most powerful race in the world, they are just gonna say "oh ok" when you wanna throw them to the sea

>I think they should be outbred.
a eugenics program makes sense. pay black males $1,000 to get sterilized and they'll be wiped out in 2 generations.
>They aren't really American.
They are 100% american. They only know the English language, they can't trace their roots back. They were slaves with everything taken from them including their heritage, were basically farm equipment, then emancipated. There is African blood in them, but Africa isn't a nation nor an ethnicity.
The US is a biracial nation. Black Americans are just as American as White Americans.
>We have long been two nations in one. It's our curse.


the CF plan is to take away cummies from society also 1/2 of danish youth don't see themselves as fully heterosexual

hhhmm really makes me think

source for the pic?

Point still stands.
Sup Forums doesn't need a leader. Spencer is alright, but nobody here needs to follow anyone.

>Invites leftist media to event

>Says : "Hail Trump, Hail victory!" While doing nazi salutes

Yeah great way to let the media shit on you intentionally. You won't get people to follow your movement by being a 1939 nazi roleplaying faggot. Nobody will be taken seriously by the mainstream media if they associate themselves with Nazi Germany. So he's either really dumb and doesn't represent me, or he's a shill.

Eugenics would be good, but I think immigration and welfare are the best avenues. Rework immigration to be pro-White and cut off welfare.

This country was never more than 20% Black. Its only Black president was half Black. They often refuse to stand for the pledge of allegiance. They aren't as patriotic as Whites.

I understand the urge to call them American and they have certainly been here for nearly 400 years. They were just Helots though.

Good thing nobody said he did you fucktard. This is why you are called the aut-right.

The "evidence" is some logos. It's like saying every single logo with triangles mean affiliation to the Illuminati.

> While doing nazi salutes

that was literally edgy jews

Spencer didn't do any salute of any sort

>Sup Forums doesn't need a leader
>Spencer is alright
No, Spencer is (((alt-right)))


Good luck with Denmark then.

We don't need a leader for an anonymous image board. I agree with you there. The issue I see is that 90% of threads about him are hatethreads based on bullshit. It gets old.

No but he said "Hail trump, hail victory" and some of the dredges in the audience couldn't resist

SeeThe logic in that post was Sargontier.

and Trump said "grab the pussy"

but yeah, let's let the outrage culture win!

everyone that represents anything resembling Sup Forums outside of the internet is CIA!!!

4 people saluted at the end of Spencer's speech. The night before a Jew, a Mischling, and a Hapa performed salutes. They scared all the fencesitters out of the movement and got a Politico editor to get fired. Net gain.

Precisely. Anyone who agrees with you is a fed. Don't trust anyone goy.




Pol always will, and has been a board of peace. What spencer is doing is just polarizing. He was a plant. Trump never needed him. The media needed him pinned with another movement other than the kkk since accusations were ridiculous. Better to give neo nazi larping faggots a new term. Every thing he did was to further his brand. Fuck him.

Fun thread. I'm going to go watch a show. Have fun.

>our leftwing plant
Fix'd for you, The Right Stuff shill.

Is that a tranny?