Are Romans the master race?
Are Romans the master race?
All Europeans are.
It's been updated. Redoing the Slav at the moment.
Why do Slavs shave their heads like that?
Pretty nice art desu
Here in Serbia men cut their hair short to prove that their are a man,so when we see a person with a western haircut we immediately asume that he is a faggot
>dat feel when you literary look like the Nordic in the pic
Celts aren't a race.
You probably mean Britons and Gaels, both a which have blue eyes.
Anglos have brown eyes.
Can you do Persians and Finns please?
Dacian please?
Anglo have brown eyes, atm he just looks like a brown haired nordic
>both a which have blue eyes.
Demonstrably false:
>Namque rutilae Caledoniam habitantium comae, magni artus Germanicam originem adseverant; Silurum colorati vultus, torti plerumque crines et posita contra Hispania Hiberos veteres traiecisse easque sedes occupasse fidem faciunt [...]
>Trans.: The swarthy faces of the Silures, the curly quality, in general, of their hair, and the position of Hispania opposite their shores, attest to the passage of Iberians in old days and the occupation by them of these districts
- Tacitus, Agricola XI, ~98 AD
>Silurum colorati vultus; torto plerique crine et nigro nascuntur; Caledoniam vero incolentibus rutilæ comæ, corpora magna, sed fluvida: Gallis sive Hispanis, ut quibusque obtenduntur, assimiles.
>Trans.: The Silures have swarthy features and are usually born with curly black hair, but the inhabitants of Caledonia have reddish hair and large but flaccid bodies. [The Silures] are like the Gauls or the Iberians, according as they are opposite either nation.
- Jordanes, Getica I.xiii, ~551 AD
And it was these that I based the drawing on.
By the way, pic related seems to substantiate Jordanes' description of the Gauls. Siculus said red hair was common but chiefly because they dyed their hair with lyewater.
Anyway, if you have some other preference then feel free to draw your own or edit mine.
Probably, going to take a while though. The list is already pretty long and I need a break from doing these.
Also added to my list.
What is your list like now?
Hijacking this thread to make the point that the "Europe is not diverse enough"-meme is pure propaganda
sretna nova godina brate
I was gonna say this, anglos have brown eyes
t. beady anglo
gtfo mudshit, they were white, almost every single Roman Empror had blond hair and blue eyes, not to mention that you are seeing things from a point of vierw where "swarthy" means partially arab to you, even men can be swarthy and white as fuck, there is a differenec between that and arab, also you are a leaf and Tacitus gets plenty of shit wrong, especially since he was a greedy Libartor kike who hated Augustus and Julius Caesar. Gtfo
Currently, fixing the Slav.
Next is Spaniard.
After that Balt.
Then I can do a Finn.
Then Dacian.
>None of these mention eye colour
Gauls are from france and spain, and are all dead.
The only Celts left are Gaels who are ginger with blue eyes, and Britons whom have brown hair and blue eyes.
Literally didn't read a word of your nonsense.
>"I'm rewriting history to make everybody except from me a nigger."
fucking leafs.
>"white" americans think that anglos stereotypically brown eyes because of their own shitskin heritage
loving every laugh
Can you add Spain with a conquistador hat?
No a lot of it is because of getting ass raped by arabs in europe doo
>Gauls are from france and spain
No, they weren't. There were no Gauls in Spain. I don't know if you're thinking of the Gallaeci or what, but the Gauls inhabited Gallia and were probably the most well known of the Celts from the classical perspective.
>Britons whom have brown hair and blue eyes.
Who do you think the Silures were, exactly?
Anyways, like I said, if you have some problem then edit to your liking or make your own. I can't please everyone.
Fuck off, we have 50-60% Germanic Genes and light eyes are common as fuck here in Britain
anglo-saxons don't have brown eyes you idiots, they ethnic danes, hence the name. The brown eyed brits are the native celts who inhabited the island before they got BLEACHED
If you do an American make sure to show them like their west african forefathers.
That's next. In the mean time, pic related.
>running into arabs in europe
this is the standard of american edumacation I guess
It's the standard divide-and-conquer subversion you see on Sup Forums
>blonde hohol
top lel
divide and conquer is gay af dude we all have our own cool deals
Funny that an American gets butthurt when all the Spaniards who have seen that think it's funny. It's not D&C, it's a joke.
>One tribe of the hundreds on the island.
Picts, Caledonians, Brigantes, iceni and many more where all either ginger or brown haired, and all had blue eyes.
Use this
Its more realistic
Are you planning on bitching at me for the rest of the thread or are you going to edit the picture to your liking? I'm sure as fuck not changing it.
this. I swear I see more blue eyes than brown, brown eyes are actually usually a suprise here.
Top Kek
Germans as per this chart are a mix of Nordic and Celtic, correct? Some parts Slavic too.
It's a butthurt leaf what do you expect? standard divide and conquer
I'm in Hertfordshire and at least 70% of the English people I know have light eyes
Probably african going by what this guy thinks.
I just haven't got round to doing Germans is all. Might do a German one eventually.
Exactly. I live in London and even seeing brown eyes on a white person is more uncommon than having blue/green eyes
not butthurt you shitty retard just tired of seeing those stupid memes.
can You add mexicans? lol
dunno native americans are atlanteans as hitler said
Just because you have some sort of stigma against brown eyes doesn't mean he meant any offense. Why is pol so autistic when it comes to hair color / eye color? I am looking at statistics right now and there is about a 50% occurrence of light eyes in England. It could literally go either way and be accurate.
Guess that's why you're in a thread about this shitty meme whining about this shitty meme.
I only do Europeans, sorry.
What not give the celt red hair?
roman is not a race
please off yourself
australian is mostly brits and scots, it's honestly surprising to see someone who doesn't have blue or green eyes
insular celts don't exist to this guy. He thinks everybody is spanish.
Funny thing is that it was requested and brown eyes and hair were specified. I just used Tacitus/Jordanes as a reference. The only one that wasn't a request was the Portuguese; in almost every instance the requester asked for a specific hair/eye/cloak colour.
Like I said, can't please everyone.
Seems logical that they would be a mix of exactly that as about half of Germany (all south) is historically Celtic lands, and the Germanic peoples were described as having a very uniform appearance by an antique author, so it would explain the current variety.
>"I'm going to ignore 6000 years of history because a guy on the internet said so."
not butthurt you shitty retard just tired of seeing those stupid memes.
>I'm going to bitch until I get my own way like a toddler
Keep waiting for me to make those changes btw.
would you ever consider doing other races I dunno maybe a world map or a races of the world? I guess that would be too much like professional work?
you randomly hating on Spain everytime they are mentioned has been getting kinda annoying
>I need some half breed on the internet to use ms paint.
Typical leaf, completely ignore all facts and claim you won the argument.
Do you usually get offended by memes posted on Sup Forums?
Doubt it. I'm getting sick of doing this and since people are complaining about the ones I've done I don't see any point.
Every time.
What are the crusades
what are the moorish 7 year invasions
I'm not the guy but same to you mate
first time since brexit I agree with a britfag.
Happy new year.
Irish and Scots are more blue eyed than Anglos.
they look fine to me senpai
The Celts should really be lighter, though. They should have much smaller noses, too.
this was never categorized by race to begin with you fucking autists
You don't know anything about actual Finns.
>not blue eyes red hair
It's almost like if you fixed the issues people would stop complaining.
Never claimed I did, so...
not really, when they are in Portuguese and Spaniard threads it's ok but seeing it every time the word "spaniard" is mentioned gets boring after a while
celts is a huge group of people with more diversity than any other cultural group in europe.
much better
Like I said, not going to bother doing that. People can make whatever edits they want, they don't need me.
You finished the Anglo now. How many
are you gonna make?
>south east scotlands
Literally Anglos
looks like a hohol
>someone asks for a Spanish one
>just so happens I made one as a joke already and decide to post it
>agree to do a proper Spanish one anyway
>Portuguese takes offense on the behalf of someone else
No more now.
stop with the damage control, you know post that shit every chance you get
>"I'm getting sick of doing this and since people are complaining about the ones I've done I don't see any point."
>"Like I said, not going to bother doing that."
>Waaaaaah stop complaining
>waaaaaaaah why are they complaining
>No I won't fix anything
>waaaaah why are they complaining
the state of leafs.
*you know you
Just do your thing, man. I appreciate the cool artwork and the autistic faggots who have rendered their ancestral identity down to eye and hair color instead of culture and achievements can go fuck themselves.
sp*nishit detected
Christ you faggots are cringeworthy sometimes
Do something practical with your time instead of LARPing