The master race aren't the Germanics, or the Slavics, or the Celtics or any other European people

The master race aren't the Germanics, or the Slavics, or the Celtics or any other European people.

For the master race is the white race, it is the European people itself that are the European people.

Sure we should be proud of our national character, but at the end of the day, the blood that flows through me, is the blood that flows though you.

We are brothers.

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remove kebab.

I don't give a flying fuck about europe. All that matters is the British Isles

>what are genes
>what is ancestry
>what is the mainland fucking hates us bongs for no reason
>what is the mainland ruined the new world and every part of it we touched became first world
>what is mainland europa is a shithole that infected us
Shut the fuck up dickhead


>the blood that flows through me, is the blood that flows though you.

Not for much longer according to the demographic shift our governments are forcing.

Are Jews included?.

This is exactly the Anglo attitude that has ruined Europe every time. And it inevitably ruined us to as we're a part of Europe.

I personally would.

Ashkenazim clearly are very capable people. Sure, they're always confounding us at every turn but that's just proof of their strength.

Pretty much this. Does OP actually think europe would have sympathy for us if we were accepting millions of refugees? Yeah nah, they wouldn't let europe die because it has been trying to kill itself for ages
Oh yes, WE ruined europe. Every single time it was the evil anglo who just wanted to mind his own business. Every single time he started wars. It was the evil anglo behind ww1 and ww2. Neck yourself you pathetic cunt

kek we're as much a part of Europe as Japan is to asia. We're 100% different from every part of Europe and share no similarities to them at all other than the colour of our skin and that's a stretch at best considering greeks and italians aren't white.

You think the Japanese give a fuck about the chinks, indians, taiwanese, hong kong, etc?

>Oh yes, WE ruined europe. Every single time it was the evil anglo who just wanted to mind his own business. Every single time he started wars. It was the evil anglo behind ww1 and ww2. Neck yourself you pathetic cunt
That's not what I said.

I advise you stop letting memes colour your worldview so much.
>We're 100% different from every part of Europe and share no similarities to them at all other than the colour of our skin
>le skin-colour meme
We're all apart of the Aryan race and that's much deeper than skin colour.

go suck off mainlanders somewhere else

>We're all apart of the Aryan race and that's much deeper than skin colour.
>being aryan
>worth anything
we are miles ahead of "aryans" and any other group of people for that matter.

What if I told youGreeks Italians, and Turks are white ?

Are we? As it appears to me England is lagging behind much of mainland Europe. If we were so superior to them, then why aren't we doing better than them?

you'd be wrong
have you ever read a book? have you ever though about how every single mainland country is at least twice our size? we're doing pretty well aside from our FUCKED immigration policies

In exactly what areas? Cuckoldry?

Fucking Jews are the ones pushing for all this inter-European hatred right now. It makes me sick to see Europeans squabbling amongst each other talking about who is the most white. You can do that all you want and because of your disunity, your nations will fall one by one to the Saracen hordes that are invading, raping your women and destroying your culture. You might have arguments and disputes with your brother. That is normal. But when someone attacks your family, you stand shoulder to shoulder with him. No. More. Brother. Wars.

>have you ever read a book
Yes, and we were totally irrelevant up until the early modern era before you try and pull any wewuzery.

> we're doing pretty well aside from our FUCKED immigration policies
We are indeed. But this is true for all of Europe and many of them are doing better than us.

Plan worked for america.
After a little struggle they even let us Irish people be white. It all worked out fine.

Now all we needa do is get rid of those sand niggers.

fuck off you yank cunt. Go prep tyrone you utter fucking disgrace

>it all worked out fine
America has a lot of work to do.

we WUZ the greatest empire to exist outside of the romans though you spastic cunt and even in modern times we still continue to do incredibly well in finance and innovation despite being one of the smallest countries in Europe (literally, not talking about population)

If we had a country the size of Germany we would be the undisputed rulers Europe for eternity yet our little island has managed to fight off those bigger than us time and time again

I get this whole we need to stay strong together and stop infighting but for the love of christ don't act like we're all the same when the mainlanders despise us


These threads will always end up like a shitshow. Germany lost WW2, the preservance of the Aryan (Germanic) race (or any other ethnic group, slavs, italians, spaniards, anglos, celtics) isn't what you should focus on.

You should be focusing on preserving Europes native population and treat your other Europeans like brothers. Because every European ethnic, cultural and religious demographic is at stake now that the media, science and political elite is dominated by globalists, capitalists and traitors.

>we WUZ the greatest empire to exist outside of the romans
Exactly what I'm talking about. And we accomplished all that in the early modern era whilst in the middle-ages France was running the show and before that the Romans were the undisputed kings of Europe.

Britain has a lot to be proud of. But it's silly to act like we were always in charge.

>I get this whole we need to stay strong together and stop infighting but for the love of christ don't act like we're all the same when the mainlanders despise us
And they're divisive faggots too. Europe needs to stand together if any of us are to survive and this continentals need to be reminded of this just as much as we do.

fuck off, baltids and alpinids are no brothers of mine

only progressive europids are allowed to call themselves brothers

now gtfo you fucking borreby

And that is why your country be a Caliphate in 60 years.

race has nothing to do with nationality

yeah nah

anglo saxon are the master race

Nationality is a feeling. Race is a fact.

We're going to fix that.

Yeah they are smart but they lack empathy
I dont consider psychopaths my brothers

Why, because I'm anti yank, anti jew, anti marxism and anti nigger? That is america all rolled up into one.

>be from Africa
>Europeans conquered us by agitating our stupid petty feuds from the dawn of time
>get revenge by shitposting on the one website which could save them and dividing them up

You fuckers are too gullible. You'll never stand as one.

>One stick


>Many sticks


No, because you can't see mainland Europeans as your brothers.

by not knowing shit about racial taxonomy or physical anthropology?

stfu you dumb stormfront anglo and go suck some jewish cock

The Aryan race needs less (((empathy))) if it's to survive.

Mixing with Jews might help rectify this.

Why is the Alpinids relation to the Alps?

At last, he reveals himself. Neck yourself shlomo

I'm brythonic but sure whatever you say lad.

No then there's no point, you are not even human without empathy
You need intelligence and a truth seeking personality, so that your empathy doesn't make you do stupid things

thats not a race

jesus you are dumb

like this is nigger tier

All white people look the same

Stop acting like being from a different european state makes you a different race

I haven't even been hiding the fact that I'm friendly to Jews this entire thread.

As I matter of fact the very second post I made was anti-anti-semitism.


Whites have the greatest divergence in facial features though

Nope I refuse to have anything to do with German people now.

I have had first had contact with plenty of them and they are mentally ill.

They must always take everything to the fucking extreme, they are complete fucking retards and I hope for the speedy suicide of their nation into Germanistan so that their sacrifice will be a lesson to the rest of Europe: dont show any mercy or quarter for the Islamic hordes.

No, you're better than human.

It's no coincidence that Europe are ready to kill themselves whilst Israel are slaughtering Arabs by the score for the preservation of their people.

Read a book abdul.

You're swiss, you're most likely of Germanic descent. Britons people are of Celtic, Anglo-Saxon and Nordic ethnicity. Irishmen are for the most part their own ethnicity. . Nordic and Slavic Nations have their completely own Ethnicity.

You're wrong.

>better than human.
fuck off retard
i guess that makes soulless chinks the master race

you just need to be smart enough to see other races for the turds that they are and not give them free shit
if your a psychopath, or you become the shit skin

no they are not , white doesnt mean shit , there are people with white skin that are closer to apes than others and

saying shit like "we are all one" is sjw tier bullshit

the most beautiful human beings on this earth are progressive robust-aurignacoids

they are the races that were bred to dominate OTHERS in their respective environment while all the others were bred out of necessity , aka finnish lappids and 90% of the eastern euro subraces reducing their body features to accomodate the cold climate
stop confusing (meta)ethnicities with races

pic related

If you are talking about race, why are you using language groups?

All humans are soulless on the count that there is no god.

There's a reason chinks have managed to maintain basically the same civilization for thousands of years. But their undoing is the fact that they're not individualist enough, if you've met one chink you may as well have met them all. As old and storied as their culture is, it's not very exciting. And their culture would probably be better off had we let the Japanese consume them.

Read one of the great Anglos to ever live and learn more about the Chinks and their vile ways.

pic related pure nordid woman, thats the standard and nothing less

The Slavs, Mediterraneans are not Aryan or the Master Race they are mongrels, of Negroid, Arab, Asian and Aryan who happen to live in Europe. To have an attitude that because you have lived in Europe for a few hundred or thousand years makes you Aryan is what will genocide us. We original setup there civilizations and were bred out due to colored slaves which in due, caused the collapse of there civilizations, and will do the same to us if we follow our ancestors attitude.

Europe has never been about race. There are no racial monoliths of white, brown, black, yellow, or even more specific Slav/Anglo/Celt. We do not get along, not Britain and the mainland, not the south and north, east or west. We have spent much time at war with each other, never united. Pan-Europeanism is a contrivance and fantasy concocted by simpletons like Richard Spencer. Our past cooperation as a continent has alwayd been about Faith, our unity in Christ. If you want Europe to endure, do not focus on race or nations, focus on the restoration on Christendom. Christendom and a strong Europe are one and the same.

>Germanic is just a language group not a race
>Nordic is just a language group not a race
>Slavic is just a language group not a race
>Anglo Saxon is just a language group not a race
>Celtic is just a language group not a race

Are you dumb?

Well some are cultures, but there are quite a few subraces.

Celts have both redheaded and brown haired groups.

no hes right you are dumb and clueless , ethnicities mean nothing without a proper racial basis , which not every ethnicity has

pic related atlantid , metrically equal to nordid (differing soft parts and pigmentation)

>white race
no such thing

Just because we dont all look like niggers doesnt mean we are the same.. middle easterns can look like us and they are garbage scum.. too many mut races want to claim white ur not ur a mutt race.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I suggest you study dogs and see which ones are superior, the pure blood or the mixed.

There is no reason to think humans are different, specially if you consider the amount of actual inbred retards that managed to rule white countries (Number of genetic retards running former colonies? ZERO).

There's a direct correlation between looking white and being based in the middle-east.

Looks ugly, lol. Whatever floats your boat, anyway.

It depends on the dog really. Lots of pure-bloods are really great dogs and lot of mongrels are physically worse off.

Granted, there are some absolutely retarded dog-breeds and it was a mistake to invent them in the first place.

Thank you. It's genetics you stupid fucks. Turks are genetically as white as anglos, They don't look like anglos, but those are only minor differences compared to the similarities. Now fucking asians blacks and red dots can stay the fuck were they are. Indian people stink and look like once removed tree people, niggers are primitive as fuck! They even take a perfectly good language, and purposely dumb it down like it's fuckng cool to be retarded, you wouldn't give a monkey a gun so don't give a nigger a gun if they want to play stupid. We know that they can be smart sometimes

pic related atlanto med individual , rather ugly though

metrically almost equal to nordid (differing mainly in pigmentation , sexual dimorphism)

progressive/further removed from apes doesnt necessarily mean more attractive

but in the general case it does because it makes the people look more dominant

people from these races literally dominate others by looking more dominant/leader typish

Well no shit, Germanics/Slavics/etc aren't races.

Fuck off Kiltcuck i'm not paying for your heroin addiction.

Sieg Heil, senpai!

True. Just out of curiosity, where do Gracile Mediterranids fit? Are they among the less archaic races?

t. 1/16th Irish 1/16th Cherokee 1/8th German 1/8th Nigerian 1/8th Italian
muh heritage

>Anybody I disagree with must not be english

Good one lad.

pic related iranid , very robust and highly progressive

metrically equal to nordid (differing in soft parts and pigmentation, as well as sexual dimorphism)

Dinaroids are the true master race and the original inhabitants of Europe. There was civilization here while the rest of you northerners were still covered in ice.

>t. London

We share many simularities, stop projecting your "Atlantic British" shit onto the rest of us.

That's where you're wrong, all of those I listed does have a racial basis, especially Nordic and Slavic nations. The rest I listed are used to be homogenous ethnicities but due to them being ancient and the demographic of former tribes and countries has changed it's been diluted and less prevelant in which you're right to some extent when it comes to modern central European countries such as Switzerland which has been subject to subracial mixing and immigration during time.

You have no idea of what you're talking about, educate yourself.

Of couse it depends on the dog. There's plenty of geniuses and morons on every race.

But if you breed a smart but weak european with an srong but stupid native american, in the long run you'll get a continent ruled by smart strong men where dumb weak people work in the fields.

I have like 1/8th german blood, and I'm vastly smarter than the average and a bit taller. But unlike germans, I'm also very charismatic and can endure hours under the sun with no problem. On the flipside, I'm not as strong or stubborn as the mapuche, my native ancestors.

I'm superior both physically and mentally to most whites (and latinos) I know. Racism is laughable.

gracile mediterranids are very progressive, just less robust and also more neoteny (they look younger)

you can say that reduced cromagnids turn into infantile races (f.e. lappids, alpinids, baltids)

whereas reduced robust aurignacoids turn into their gracile version

pic related nord-indid

equal to nordid metrically but differing in soft parts and pigmentation as well as sexual dimorphism

I don't exactly mean it depends on the individual dog, I mean it depends on the breed. Some breeds are good, some breeds are genetic abominations. All of them are equally pure bred. Likewise Europeans are great, Africans are shit, yet they're both racially pure.

>I'm superior both physically and mentally to most whites (and latinos) I know. Racism is laughable.
If this was true Latin America wouldn't be a shithole.

Ah, It's you again, my definitely-not-an-arab Swiss friend! Are you aware that phrenology and craniometry aren't exactly valid branches in science these days?

you are just a dumb kid who has no idea about physical anthropology and just got beaten up by some niggers on his way home or your father got cucked by one

real racism works on the basis of scientific facts, and the hominisation of humans is one of these scientific facts and can not be refuted

the biggest parts of poles and russians, as well as most of the baltid countries will never ever be as progressive as f.e. north germany, simply because they are fileld with reduced (infantile) subraces

this is not phrenology, and physical anthropology is based on the hominisation of humans

literally the fact that humans have different skulls based on

1. which stock they come from
2. where they settled
3. how they bred
4. and how they adapted to their environment

I see one of your ship docked at my port here in Sicily, and guess what had brought? Ongo Bongo and his friends, damn anglo not only you leaved europe, but your desire for destruction it's unstoppable.

Exactly, all of which was hot stuff somewhere around the 19th century, or maybe 1930s the latest. A lot of that stuff has been discarded as false and/or naive since then.

nothing of this was "discarded" , while the names of the subraces etc. are just a game which would cost you your scientific career nowadays

the differences are a biological fact, you dont just go and measure arbitrary stuff

the people who created these typologies werent racists (in some cases they were nordicists), and continued doing so until the late 2000s

Coon was a harvard professor of anthropology until his death 1981

Schwidetzky who was the student of Egon von Eickstedt was a professor in Germany until her death 1997

and her books which are based on Eickstedts are still widely used at german universities

its just not common knowledge anymore

anglo saxon is cancer of earth

God bless you man and god bless all my fellow europeans
moores will lose they are dumb as fuck always were