Who the FUCK is going to fight in this "race war" anyway? You? Western "men"? LMFAO...

Who the FUCK is going to fight in this "race war" anyway? You? Western "men"? LMFAO. You have never broken a law in your LIFE. Say what you want about Arabs and blacks, but fighting is INGRAINED in their culture (Jihad+rap music) they reproduce at FIVE TIMES the rate of europeans, and the men tend to be low-inhibition and unafraid. And you spend your evenings...posting on a forum...convincing yourself you're a warrior because you occasionally pick weights up. Lmfao. Riiight, okay stormfag. I'm sure a few thousand pasty white teenagers will really be able to defeat MILLIONS of Mujahideen who are so dedicated that they're LITERALLY WILLING TO BLOW THEMSELVES UP FOR THEIR RELIGION.

But yeah. J-just a few more years t-til "da day of da rope" r-right? Lmfao at you. What world are you living in. You're a pathetic, pasty coward. How the FUCK is an 18 year old white autist who has to take ANXIETY MEDICINE (FUCKING LMAO) going to do SHIT against ISLAMIC CONQUERORS who probably bullied and slapped him around in school?

Just stop embarrassing yourself. Your way of "taking action" is crying on forums and buying a "crusader" flag for your wall which you probably hide from your parents. Meanwhile Muhammad parades through your streets, spreads Sharia, and has ten children amd four wives who ADORE him. Lmfao.

It can be done.

I'm willing to die for National Socialism and for Europe, if needs be.

We must fight back.

Shut up Mohammed.

3 million of these guys.

The race war is already won.

They are working minimum wage in our place and we are inheriting over priced residential property.

no you're not.
you're a fucking retard on the internet.

W-well I can stop my anxiety meds anytime s-sven. F-f-fuck you dude I just benched 185 the other day and I own my dads old break-barrel 30-06, its at my moms house while I am at university. I am not unafraid of some stupid niggers! My dick is a solid 7 inches the bitches love my BWC! DAY OF THE ROPE WHEN?

Fuckers in school telling me, always in the barber shop
Chief Keef ain't bout this, Chief Keef ain't bout that
My boy a BD on fucking Lamron and them
He, he they say that nigga don't be putting in no work
Y'all niggas ain't know shit
All ya motherfuckers talk about
Chief Keef ain't no hitta Chief Keef ain't this Chief Keef a fake SHUT THE FUCK UP Ya'll don't live with that nigga
Y'all know that nigga got caught with a ratchet
Shootin' at the police and shit
Nigga been on probation since fuckin, I don't know when! Motherfuckers stop fuckin' playin' him like that
Them niggas savages out there
If I catch another motherfucker talking sweet about Chief Keef I'm fucking beating they ass! I'm not fucking playing no more You know those niggas roll with Lil' Reese and them

Your pasta is stale, you fucking loser.

1 out of 100,000 willing to blow themselves up doesn't constitute an army. Look how many of you cowards are fleeing Syria instead of fighting. White people have dominated the world several times over. We aren't cowards like you shitskins worshipping a child molester.

How do you raise a white army against a status quo where blacks and browns are poor and whites are rich?

thats fine.
I may have never broken a law in my life but I have killed overseas for Israel. I'm not worried about the race war. I know I will make it out alive.
Hawaiian master race

3million. not to mention people who formed their own small fire teams and squads. I know for a fact I cant be the only one that has 12 friends trained up and ready to go.

Why is the US army majority white? Why do white kids play video games where they kill people. Why do white kids buy airsoft and paintball guns and play mock war games. Why is there more guns in the US than people? WE LIKE TO KILL PEOPLE YOU DUMB FUCK.

>peppermint actually took the time to write this



so much effort put into it, just to look like an idiot on an anonymous imageboard - mind-boggling

Go away /leftypol/ we see your raid threads all over, please, why do you guys waste all your fucking time trying to influence this board? Is it because you're fucking losers and your board has no traffic and is for other fucking losers? Please go.

Militiamen in the US are probably 10 million strong. These shitskins don't know what they're fucking with.

We have a 4 man trained squad for when SHTF and a evacuation plan to a place , along with a few guys who we trust that are trained.

No, you aren't the only one with a group of LARPers.


>Who the FUCK is going to fight in this "race war" anyway?
We're going to use our combined CoD skills to pilot drones from the safety of comfy command center and drop guided missiles onto them while eating hot pockets and cheetos.

this is effect of playing too many vidya and watching anime. Nu male

Sup Forumslacks are probably perfect drone pilots. Lazy, no empathy, would enjoy the sport of hunting people, love video games. The US is having a hard time recruiting drone pilots cause "muh PTSD". I think we're onto something here.

Why are all these threads coming from Austria?

You think we don't notice this shit?

They are coming from one buttmad subhuman

Your greed far exceeds any desire for that dumb shit. You will never fight against the status quo.

All it takes is one fight like that and they learn